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This shouldn't be a problem because gold isn't the biggest constraints in the end game. It's miracle coin or miracle coin item. Even if you have millions of gold, how are you going to spend if no one selling miracle coin item? Sure gold is needed for knowledge and expert skills but amplifying, stam, life scroll, repairs, all of that uses up miracle coin. I urge you to use repair npc to repair your broken equipment and see how expensive it is to repair item without scrolls. I've played sea which is server with the least miracle coin spender. Repair scrolls is very expensive or not sold at al in sea server.
By Delete myprofile · Posted
Ты опираешься на показатели квестов (пве дрочь), чтобы потом на форуме судить о балансе сил на массовых пвп замесах. Какой смысл это имеет? Почему просто не взять составы 5 топ ги с каждой сторон и не посчитать? Я думаю, обе стороны согласятся посмотреть и сравнить.
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