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By Daniel Pinheiro · Posted
Lado legião sempre com favoritismo, desenvolvedores fizeram isso de propósito, hoje fui arena 2x2/ cai contra um chamã e um charme a arena ficou 8x2 pois incrível que pareça e tenho print o charme invocou 4 dogs e 2 pássaros, fora que o stun do charme tá muito quebrado, eles tiraram o stun da aura do mago e ao mesmo tempo colocou no dk isso tudo com certeza foi intencional para prejudicar os sentinelas. -
What a way to simplify things. The problem is not that Barb is immortal because they have a skill that makes them immortal for 8 seconds. It's the whole package. Because even in between Last Wish, Barb continues to be too unreasonably tanky, and when they eventually get dropped to low HP, the cool down is over and they trigger last wish again, where they receive 0 damage 8 seconds and get the chance to fully recover HP, rinse and repeat. Oh, and from my side, ALL TANKS atm need a nerf. It's pointless to argue who can tank more or less, they all tank too much. Period.
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