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Вары имба как минимум по той причине, что могут скупать книги на обоих фракциях, получаяется
Некр фул вела и дофигища книг. У него ещё вроде лук +9 и в пати даже нет некра. Набить 8 меток - дело 8 секунд, это далеко не так много, учитывая дальность авты, что по сути позволяет бить почти безопасно. Ля, я остановил стрим на моменте "ща **** маран пойдет на форум плакать за сильный урон хантов"))))
I've recently shared my ideas about fixing rogues basic and expert skills since this class core issue really is its skills. But Today I'll also share suggestions to improve the 3 key main talents for rogue which I'm positive any long term rogue user will agree with me on these. Thirst for muder: Suggestion: The character skills and auto attacks deal 30% more dmg on enemies with health less than 50%. Commentary: the crit dmg from this talent is pointless since rogue already achieves max crit already. not to mention it doesn't work on pvp players. And having requirement that the enemy has to have 20% hp to trigger a crit is just pointless since often u aren't even in that situation to begin with. Health less than 50% is more understandable and can be triggered easier that way. And the idea to give 30% more phy dmg than crit is much more ideal to make this talent help rogue not only in pve but pvp scenario aswell. Tirelessness: Suggestion 1: Absolute reflexes cooldown is now reduced by 1.5 secs. And the buff now lingers for 1.2 sec instead of 0.7 sec. Suggestion 2: when character is under Absolute reflexes buff, everytime he gets a guaranteed dodge, he will heal 4% of maximum health with a chance equal to dodge % but no more than 12%. This effect can only occur once every 15 secs. Commentary: I speak for probably all players not just rogue users when i say -5% accuracy from attacks from this main key talent is arguably worst talent in the game lol. Instead make it buff Absolute reflexes passive to become a more solid defensive skill for rogue. Either one of my suggestions would help rogue's defensive ability to be greater than it is now. I will skip tornado of blades talent since that talent is ok, the only suggestion for that is to make poisonous blades skill work with that talent, so that each time an enemy hit its also affected by poison.
Интересно конечно глянуть на 3к с авты по пвп игроку) Это конечно при условии 8 стаков метки, которые ещё надо набить, кстати тоже исключительно автоатакой. Соперники конечно же стоят и ждут😅
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