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regular balances


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something that you will very possibly hear when starting arena or in the same pve always is: "That class is very strong" "That class is very weak" "That class is useless"


this is a complex and very changing game and a problem that always what is visible are the few updates in the balance since we only receive one big balance and one small one a year we are talking about twelve months in which we will have to deal with certain classes that can be absurdly strong and/or have to be in a class that It is out of the meta so my proposal is simple. Create regular balances not a balance every year, not one every six months. I'm talking about a balance after finishing each season, whether it's arena, which would be ideal, or BP. Players ask for changes in some classes, either their own or their rival, since they seem absurdly strong or weak respectively. This is something that in the long run becomes frustrating, since many people love the mechanics that their own class has to offer but dislike how bad it is. which is relative to other classes. 


We don't need it to be a huge balance like we get in snow, small balances that update the stats or some functionality of certain skills would help enormously to keep the game fresh and not just in the cycle of "this class is too strong" this class It's useless" Obviously there will still be very strong classes, but with regular balances these classes will not be destroying the game ecosystem for a whole year


And of course, keeping the reworks on some skills that need it annually so as not to allow the game to get stuck or become repetitive, which is the main thing that annoys the community.


I consider that this is the best way to deal with a problem that has been bothering the community and it may take a lot of work to do monthly balances as I propose, but we require that they be more frequent since people get tired of always being in that cycle of frustration and disappointment, and not many reach the end of the year to be able to see those balances. I hope my suggestion can be considered and I hope you have a good day.

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