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Shapeless Occultist

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       The misshapen occultist has his horrible misshapen form as a goat skeleton because he had an accident changing his form.  After his death, there was a resurrection attempt that did not work out, a novice necromancer was careless in manipulating his spirit by accidentally transferring it to a goat's body, thus resurrecting in a horrible form.



           O ocultista disforme tem sua forma horrível disforme de um esqueleto de bode pois sofreu um acidente mudando sua forma.   Após a sua morte, houve uma tentativa de ressurreição que não deu muito certo, um necromante novato foi descuidado ao manipular seu espírito acidentalmente transferindo para um corpo de um bode, assim ressussitando numa forma horrível.



Server: Br-tourmaline

Nickname: Brutaminos

Faccion: clain mountain





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