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Guild tournaments where guilds have to do the extra effort to win the wining positions BUT somehow due to some drawbacks (very well known to everyone) its has become like the wining positions are already fixed and everyone knows what the results will be, in short its no more fun.


Especially the case of Certain English Server where its like that the winning positions will be held by certain guild for eternity.Everyone works their asses off trying to win thats no doubt But here the case is different ("A pile of  sandbag cannot hold the water of flood")


SO i would like to suggest that a guild that once get the winning position cannot participate in the next tournament ( if a guild win 1 2 3 in recent tournament then they cannot participate in next tournament)


In a month 2 tournaments are held so in simple words 1 guild win once in a month.


P.S. Don't give your so much useful suggestion that other guilds should work more and spend some more money, I already stated that a pile of sandbag cannot hold the water of flood. ;)

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