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  1. Hi Guys! Sorry my english, i am brazilian, dont know write a good english... I want to know the best way to distribute skill points to pve in level 26 rogue using attack speed equipment and swords. Thank you for the help! really sorry my english is bad.
  2. День добрый! Сразу так сказать к теме: Предлагаю фикс навыка - Живительный поток друиду. Так как скил, мягко говоря, бесполезный. Самое интересное: когда ХП падает не только у агра, включаешь поток, а тика от хила нет. Даже на фарме вдвоём с танком поток не всегда хилит. Как вы знаете, у жреца есть очень полезный экспертный навык: искупление, но с гораздо большим временем отката. Хилит искупление всех в определенном радиусе + снимает любой негативный эффект у каждого. Поток косит под искупление, но время перезарядки навыка менее длительное - 12 секунд, у искупления - 30 сек. Искупление изначально хилит больше потока на 1 лвл! ......... Предлагаю изменить механику скила: живительный поток! Можно сделать несколько вариантов: 1) Живительный поток - восстанавливает некоторое количество здоровья в радиусе 3 ярдов от друида всем + конечно же увеличить хил от потока. 2) Заменить живительный поток на ауру, которая повышает регенерацию энергии и здоровья в некотором радиусе + массовый хил - чтобы в течении 20 секунд каждую секунду восстанавливалось небольшое количество здоровья - по 20 ХП каждую секунду на 1 лвл, по 30хп на 4 лвл.
  3. I will just start with a video now : Killing pontificies boss Solo without minion and hp pots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRdRQIvTME4 This is my first video so there is a little problem at start of video but generally its good. New tactics will be posted in this post ...
  4. Dear elfs, I Karleusa I want to help them how to be stronger and how to u soon perijodu winning wars spears !!!! Here are some tips that will give you: 1. Select only one character with whom you play and you have to fight. (It is easier and faster progress if you take just one character and you spend your time on it than to have two) 2. doing out regular blue quests (dnevvne kuesc) because so quickly level up and get more money. 3. Do not allow your mobs killed. When you think that you will lose a life, go to the side and fill your life (HELCOM) 4. MOST IMPORTANT! You must help the elves elves who are lower level than yours. Help them to cross the DG. Help them if you have more cash on hand, buy them something, stimulate male elves to advance faster and to go level up. 5. All the elves have to go to war, because if we win we will have extra bonuses that will help everyone to be strong.
  5. . . . All those recent topics. BDs overpowering. The weakining of allready weak classes. . . . Could it be? Is there a deeper meaning? . . . Do devs want to destroy the game on purpose? Do they try to ruin this community? And why would they? . . . ... Maybe they are getting so much money that they want to sit on it . . . rather than improving the game maybe they are sick of us. . . . look at the evidences! . . . BDs overpowerness. the weakening of allready weak classes. Amplification concept. Crystal&Runes concept. The whole mcoins concept. the persistance of position bug- shoven away by the blaming of the bad conneciton of yours (even tho you are using fiber.) the persistance of hacking possibilities. the inability of the support. the naughty and cheekyness of the devs replying to problems. the inactivity of them ingame. like gods they are treated by the players but nevertheless despised. hated upon for the thefts they have made onto their wallets with their wicked miracle coins hated upon indirectly by the new people because of the harsh treatment they recieve. cursing on the highest niveau, despite the sloppy chat block not working on bad words but on normal bad english vocabulary (her) they cant just keep making errors without purpose they want us to leave- they want the game to be destroyed. FACE THE TRUTH
  6. title says it all. ill start: i just noticed when i was afking, the window bar of warspear was flashing. you know, that orange "blink" i went on warspear, turns out i got attacked, so i suppose thats how it got triggered. i would have died if this small feature didnt exist anyone else?
  7. 26.250 Mc. = 2500 Ruble 108 Turk Lira Yandex Robokassa Russian Players Purchase This Price Other Players Using This Method Big Price 99.99Dolar = 298 Turk Lira Wow Economic Caos : / Turk Players Using This Method: 26.250 Mc. 221 Turk Lira We No Purchase Yandex Or Robokassa Method WHY? 1.) Credit Card Data ,No Problem 2.) Credit Balance Have , No Problem 3.) Card Status Internet Shopping Only , No Problem - Who Fix This UnJustice Problem? Big Problem
  8. Тема с паладинами пустует. Больно на это смотреть. Давайте делиться видеозаписями своих боёв или прочими достижениями. P.S. На видео не мой паладин, но общаюсь с данным человеком. С него и начнем "эстафету".
  9. Hey, guys its Graav here if you guys don't know I'm a active coder I often mess around with ideas well today I thought hmmm warspear has some contract with microsoft so their wouldnt be a problem with legal rights doing this also with some deep web searching I've found some answers & some deadends put some puzzle pieces in place I'm working on playing on Warspear with a Wired xbox 360 controller on PC so far it runns pretty smoothly as far as skill toggling comes but the mouse is a little glitchy Will keep updated on progress I have to code out the configured through Javascript which isnt too hard but it will take me a bit After I'm finished here I'll start my venture into making it possible to use a wired xbox 360 controller ported so you can play with controller on your phone through the USB port. For all you Xbox lovers out there you're welcome
  10. Naaharag, a powerful ally (Developers can change it to be Garahaan only brother) of Garahaan before he came to power! One day Naaharag asks Garahaan for more power so Garahaan proposed a deal that if he allowed his most powerful Warlocks and and necromancers to experiment on him so Naaharag gains more power Naaharag will serve garahaan for eternity so they did just that after the experiment Naaharag got just what he wanted, more power but he was disformed and a freak to society! But Naaharag found out he didnt get more power! Just experimented on by the ones he trusted the most! One day Naaharag confronted Garahaan about what he did and challenges him to a duel, Naaharag lost (Due to Garahaan trickery) and was sealed in a cave for eternity! As time goes by the magic that seals the deadly Deathknight gets weaker and weaker and Naaharag wants to exact his REVENGE! (Garahaan knew if Naaharag got more powerful he would defeat him and claim rulership of the legion) Boss will have 30-50k HP Forsaken Map (Possibly can be located in map 2 in a cave) By 20k and below Naaharag will activate Spirit Cry -Doubles DMG -Each 10 seconds 500hp-1000hp will deplete of the boss. Aggressive boss In a cave by himself of bones of great warriors who tried (DEAD) to slay him. (bones on the ground like in regular caves, swords.) A quest given to you by the great Garahaan himself, forsaken and Mountain Clan can complete it. -That move that you can do magical damage from DK Skill. Link to Picture
  11. This is Goron He was a shaman who remained zarodljen years in the catacombs that are found in Ajvondil island. One of the warriors lost in the catacombs Ajvondila very soon find a way out ran into the ancient stone gate. When he opened it dropped out chains that have captured a brave warrior and Goron was able to get out of the cave and begin to rage against all the inhabitants Ajvondila. He is very dangerous, has shamanic powers. Its main magic ,,paralysis,, cast a spell on nekogratnika, he starts to play around and then go to sleep for about 10 seconds, then the next six minutes while coming around him a lot of energy decreases.
  12. Уважаемые разработчики, честно говоря, я удивлен тому, что с данным предложением мне нужно идти на форум. Ведь в других играх моё предложение - изначальная деталь. Ладно, оставим предисловие и перейдём к делу. Было бы неплохо ввести систему посылок с одного персонажа на другого. Думаю, что данное нововведение не займет слишком много времени на его создание. Если Вам лень...у Вас нет времени, так как оно тратится на создание более масштабных обновлений, то я могу нарисовать все текстуры (фотографию прикрепил чисто-символическую, сделанную за полторы минуты и шесть секунд). Просто я устал заходить с ноутбука и телефона одновременно с разных персонажей, чтобы что-либо передать. А так же, я забочусь о комфортности игры других людей . Надеюсь, что остальные игроки меня поддержат. АМИНЬ!
  13. Добрый день, дорогие друзья. После предпоследнего обновления появилась проблема с Warspear на компьютере. Проблема такая: допустим, я захожу на одного персонажа, после выхода с него и попытки зайти на другого выскакивает данная ошибка Так же, данная "ерунда" вылезет если два раза нажать на "мой профиль". Быть может, кто-нибудь сталкивался...
  14. When you download the .exe file for windows, the downloaded file won't work sometimes, as i get this message: So after i read that "Common clauses include incomplete download and damaged media" I thought it would be a solution to download it again. However, the file started working at the 15th download. It worked so you cant say it's completely broken. But, 15 attempts to get a unbroken download? Thats a bit... much. The new problem started at the next update- same thing. I noticed that my browser often just cancels the download- but deals with it like its a complete successfull download. I also noticed that that depends on the connection- slightest bit of lag turns the file to be "complete" As the WiFi in my room isn't that strong... yeeh.... But, as even if the download isn't (completely) broken (yet), it is still an issue that needs some supervision The problem might be considered fixed- but only for those who know how to handle these problems. However having the download ready at the 8th attempt, isnt that funny, and it is a bit frustrating. So, i am asking you admins to look after this problems but with a bit laggy connection, as you would usually expect a download to properly complete and be succesful- or fail at all. However it seems that the server says the download is complete as soon as the connection has ended, ignoring the fact how it has ended. I also have seen some other posts mentioning the same- that the download is repeatadly broke, and it usually ended with roland saying that "everything is working correctly" and locking the topic before the persons with the issue can further explain how. I hope this has helped you, if you have experienced similar problems, or if you are an admin, a further perspective where the problem might be.
  15. Hazelnut

    In-game Names

    Hello, as the title, this topic is the place to discuss about things related to your in-game names. What are your in-game names? Why did you choose those names? What are the meaning of those names? Mine are : Feast (ranger) > Taken from a brand of my favorite ice cream, Feast. Also feast means party. Gastly (rogue) > Taken from a pokemon named Ghastly. Nestly (druid) > Taken from a milk or drinks brand, Nestle. Yukata (bd) > Idk about this name, it suddenly appeared in my mind. But it's something like Japanese traditional clothes i thought. Nissea (druid) > Actually this is my auntie's name Those are the names of my main chars when i still play Warspear, How about yours?
  17. Собираю команду для фана, абуза рейта и мини-турнирчиков в популярнейшей moba-игре dota2. Жуткие раки не нужны, сам играю хорошо, умею стоять на любой линии или роумить. В гильдии на постоянной основе присутствует мой друг, бывший варспировец. Состав может меняться, так как максимально возможное число игроков в одной гильдии - 8. С вас нужны : всестороннее знание игры dota2, возможность играть 2-3 часа в день по вечерам (все мы занятые люди, за непостоянные пропуски вам ничего не будет), возможность отыгрывать любым героем (не всеми 109-ю, но 40-50 персов в пуле "играю неплохо" и 10 "играю хорошо" быть должны)., адекватность (не прошу возраст over 18, знаю, что иногда и в 14 люди умеют играть). Великих побед не гарантирую, в будущее киберспортсмена не стремлюсь. Наличие скайпа очень сильно желательно, как минимум для того, чтобы постоянно не нажимать войс чат (вы можете играть без микро). Делайте выводы. По вопросам вступления писать сюда. Мой ник в стиме постоянно меняется, но эту неделю я бегаю с "Wher's mine rmm?". Наша гильдия так и называется "Warspear.On-line". P.S. Haters gonna hate не уместно. Тему создал в разделе, который предполагает создание и существование подобных тем.
  18. Bugün Çok Önemli Bir Gündü An İtibari ile OTTOMANEMPİRE Birliği Serverin Tek 4 Leveli Olma Şerefine Nail Olmuştur. Çabası Emeği Olan Herkese Teşşekür Eder. Emeği Olup da Şuan Aramızda Olamayan Arkadaşlarımıza da Teşekkürü Borç Bİliriz. Tebrikler !
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