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Posts posted by Urscrewed

  1. Just now, StrongShot said:


    No you're right i would never miss if i could choose where to place it but sometimes the game bugs out (I call it bug position) where the enemy isn't where you think they are. Things like bds rush seems to bug it - like in the video the bd was stunned 2-3 yards away from the circle after he rushed :biggrin:


    Fix ur game devs :laughingpumpkin:

  2. Just now, StrongShot said:

    Yeah I'm definitely careful around +10 rangers they can burst you down pretty fast if you miss circle


    Surely theres no way you can miss a 3x3 stun circle which has a ranged cast

    Just now, Aglaophotis said:

    Yeah sure, he just sat there, there was no point from moving because warlock is braindead, so they couldn't kill him anyway :)))

    Hopefully you play ranger, the second most skilled class after druid because you can't chain stun and have to run :)


    Druid can chain stun

  3. Just now, StrongShot said:

    The definition of kiting is literally "Kiting refers to keeping an enemy chasing you while also keeping it at a range where it cannot attack youwhich i do believe is what is happening here - any range class can kite its the hitting at a distance that counts the stunning is just a bonus. You sound salty, as if a warlock has maybe mistreated you in the past? 


    As if your class even loses to anything lmao.

  4. 13 hours ago, Livina said:

    Hey, i accept craft orders :p those arent real :(

     Oh :staringpumpkin:

    8 hours ago, Pecleb said:

    the very beginning is hard when u don't pay. After that it's ok


    Once it gets rolling, its super easy to maintain.

  5. On 10/11/2017 at 3:51 AM, Pecleb said:

    well i agree rides are boring, but still profitable, for my experience i get (not even selling token costumes) like 150% of the money i spent in tickets. That's 50% bonus.

    I think this year dungeons are interesting. U need full pt to complete it, and real team work. Bosses don't take too long to kill, and there are tricky parts. And i think they are balanced: OP ppl can complete them one stam and without too much difficulty, and weaker ppl (well, to some point of course) can still complete them by being careful, even if from my experience if u don't have OP dmgers u often need 2 stams if u choose the safe way.


    Events suck... well i have to agree there. I did it once only and got bored. 1h waiting... just killing things.

    Moras... Well it is a good way to leave the stun weapons. But perhaps increase their drop rate, as well as the costume's drop rate, and maybe add some other stuff cuz yes, atm it seems to rarely pay off.


    Did you just say real teamwork to complete dungeons? Wait.. are you kidding? 

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