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Everything posted by Bloodylipa

  1. For you that has seen previous stat updates, mainly ABC-members. I still play a mix chain and leather build - PvE shadow tank-build. Theres currently 3 item changes with my mace set compared to my old gladius set. - weapon - cloak - amulet My current magic dmg stat is 91 and for now i feel it to be a good balance, adding an item with 10-15magic to my pool wont make more then fraction increase on my spells dmg and currently im very happy with what dmg my 2 dark spells bring to the table. They are not at all maxed, but i do have some points in dark spells. So i dont really see myself using magic rings currently. Mace vs Gladius -tank My defence-stat section suffers a 2% parry lose to the gladius defence stats, but still holds that 4-6% parry ratio that i want. One trade down for the mace-set is the lose of 240HP with a gain of 20MP, this of course is not a necissity but i do feel like switching other jewelry will have a greater price on multiple stats. The offence-stats is the strong side of the mace. Mace has slightly higher crit chance, but a pinch lower acc then gladius. However DPS is where the mace makes a comeback, my +8 enchanted SD mace is only 10 DPS short of the +9 greater charm gladius and thats only the physical dmg output. Its not even calculating the fact that my dark spells does 2.5-3 times more dmg then gladius. So to sum it all up for my mace set - the price is 240HP and 2% parry, but the reward is a DPS boost and alot more versitile and rounded use of your DKs full potential.
  2. tomorrow ill upload my new mace stats - no super luck with amps, SD still only +6, but ya i guess dmg is the least important stat of them all cause it has nothing to do with build only amp. SD pushed up dark magic good though, im at 91 magic with 3 magic stat items in my build. exhale does 150 at lv1 and death call finally useful with 56 DOT at lv3 The real question to me at the moment is how to priorities and balance jewelry stats.
  3. Im ingame if anyone wanna invite me or can get egoist on for our trade. PM me first, im writing a 15page softmodding guide so im just checking the game every 5-10mins ;)
  4. 1h mace should out-do the gladius twice over having 2 great benefits. 1 - 1h mace have slower atk speed but more dmg. Why is SLOWER atk speed a perk you ask? In arena when your stunned or kited, it is actually a big benefit hitting harder the few times you can land a hit. Using fast hitting gear wont allow you to use its benefit when you can get kiters. 2 - The obvious perk of actually getting some use out of your dark skills even with a 1h. Upping your dps, however i havent sat down and crunched any numbers yet. hoping to get me a SD, today.
  5. Buying SD 1h mace on legion side, emerald-server. Trade with a pyramidhead costume if thats more desirable then gold. PM me here on forum since im not very active ingame right now.
  6. Hope you guys still keeping it real. Played alittle today, really like it that i can wield an epic +1 marvelous mace now. now finally my shit dark spells make some ok dmg. Exhale is 50 --> 130 CD 22 ---> 42 DOT Not maxed magic though, think i use 72 currently. still keeping my dodge 23% and block 8.5%. Sacrificed 2% parry for the dmg change. Pinch me if you know of any lv15+ 1h mace for a decent price.
  7. My +9 tank cloak is now only secondary after magic stat cloak +7, wont amp it more then +7, to much resources for 100def increase. And dropped my +9 sword for marvelous mace +1 for right now, however with 2 dark skills now doing 3-4times as much dmg as they did with sword, i dont even mind having a +1 mace, its just nice to have use of all skills instead of only half. Allowing mace was another short-cut win, win for devs, making maces useful for legion-faction and giving DK a magic 1h. DK
  8. I rather just have german electro music. Erm wait and I don't need the people either, people just cause complication. Luleee what I want is Munich dark electro festival but with no people - that would be my dream festival.
  9. I will continue playing shielder of course and having aoe and dot is always useful, but from something supposedly an expert skill I expected more then 23 dot, not alot but around 40 dot at lv1. Compared to most other classes doting around 100 dmg, dk need 4 targets to reach that. But also to consider a magic spear dk dots around 100 dmg with only 2 targets and 130-140 with lv3 and 2 targets. The main problem for me lies with the grave incompatibility between magic gear and 1h/2h sword, but also magic gear and stats. DK literally cant balance skills and gear if he wants to invest in dark magic. DK is a great class, but what I would want was alot more different items. Not just arena spear or sd spear for example. Cause all PvE drop has the same attributes just different scales, same with arena gear. How about having 6 different lv18 spears forexample, all with different stat attributes, so people have choices when they try to build gear fitting a playstyle.
  10. DK is getting worse by the update here. At this rate theirs no point to have any other weapon class but spear. Anyway been thinking about playing other melee classes, but they don't seem right for me. PvE blend set
  11. DK in my opinion is the most complex class. While other classes need 1 type of dmg all offense and no def consideration - dk cant. 2h sword - I used 2h sword as a secondary set on my dk, but I'm sorry to say that making death call dependent of magic atk, surely will kill off the few 2h sword DKs that was good. Except for doubling good with tank-gear I don't see any benefits really. 1h shield - when it comes to melee tanking no class do it better then a DK. The tanks issue is 2, like 2h sword you got little to no magic atk. The other issue is that you can't find a balance of skill build that fits both tanking and spear. Spear - always was the mainstream path and more then ever to me looks like the easy choice. DK still have a skill disadvantage compared to other classes but they can deal devastating dmg if given the chance. I understand that devs develops magic skills for DK cause that's what sets the class aside from others, but it limits the use of DK to when offense and defense can't be balanced.
  12. DS is one of a kind skill in warspear. It stacks with a def parameter, alot like offensive skills and physical dmg stat. No other def skills can be influenced by stats and its succes rate is 25% at lv5 thats a GOOD rate. I stand by my statement DS is DKs most useful and character building skill. If DK needs fixing itslies in threads and im sorry death call was kinds so and so...
  13. Hmm, not so bad my lv3 does 33dmg with 0 magic stats, 39dmg with rings - so quiet bad. I dont see it combining very effective with tank-gear, the only good upside for a tank is that death call holds aggro on multiple mobs. Without a spear its only mob control nothing else. Sorry to say but i think the worst combination is the 2h sword DK, for them death call have very limited use in my eyes. But ya its still new so im no expert.
  14. Im not sure what all other classes got as expert but I have mixed feelings of death call. Ups - keeps aggro on you even for monsters you don't atk, aoe dmg, staggers close area ppl. Downs - LOW dmg (need 3+ targets for good dmg), worthless fighting single targets, low dmg stack. Hey vanity how much dmg does death call make with full magic gear? Put on magic rings and it only added 6dmg.
  15. It's a good advice, but in arena thats quite time consuming performing 3 skills and I doubt the more experienced range players fall for this.
  16. Whoops congratulations to the mod-title :drinks:
  17. EU - Frostblade and runners up are lucifer and vanityx.
  18. I never researched 2h leather set or arena leather, but I know of high amp barbs using 2h leather in arena. Well atleast before this last major update. What I can tell you is that I use 2pcs of leather for my 1h tank set. Don't worry about losing def on leather, I still have 5k def with mix leather. That's only 100-300 less then a same level and same amped full chain mail set.
  19. I don't get a amplify option on my jewels? I knew playing for PvE and friends was the right choice for me. No enjoyment in PvP anymore, only hackers spamming mc and op casters. Theirs no fudging way to beat a 290HoT caster kiting you, I'll lose to a full hp caster then 9 times out of 10 - god devs I can see they try but it just keep turning out so fudging wrong.
  20. Are they adding amps to jewels now too?
  21. What!? How did casters get buffed up this time? Why does this keep happening, hope it evens out in the long run. I only play minority classes, so until shamans get unpopular again it stays waiting :P Shadow tank DK yummy.
  22. Having a break from WS, but I'm not gone. Still alive, hope everyone is well :)
  23. DK solo GG just fine at +8 ;) Im happy with DS, only buff you can help raise effect so a great long term investment. I happy with the rates DS deflects, its 25% and thats quite high adding dodge/parry/block. I would rather see a balancing of threads cd. Still on a game break but I thought I check if I had pms and show ABC im still alive if ABC is. Cheers.
  24. EU emerald - mc side trading my wedgehead for ice warriors armor or buy one for around 300-400k, pm me here on forum. Im not very active right now ingame. cheers bloody
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