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Everything posted by Trizzz

  1. I know! That's why I was inactive in few days. I'm depressed! :lol:
  2. Ya, it's going to happen. People think that if they have ~10-20 even 30 players from they country at serv Aigrind should make own server for them.
  3. Yes, they have changed amount of heal. Now I heal ~30 more too.
  4. 15% it's a lot even in 2v2 (if used in time), 5v5 and wars are the best situations for this skill, but it's good in PvE too. 3k dmg dealt to the one player = 450 dmg dealt to the rest. But in 10 sec duration you can make a lot more dmg.
  5. That's why I don't understand why they gave us mostly offence skills, instead of defence. Tank's could get a skill that increase their hp by 500 for ~20 sec or something etc. Defence skills are better, because they make PvP battles longer. @edit: don't judge the class only by their results in 1v1.
  6. Yes bd defnitelly need more hp, it's weak class now. - irony included
  7. It's impossible for now to make it 4/4, but I have 3/4. I can tell you what 3/4 skill have so u can compare to your 2/4. Duration of skill = 10 sec. Damage dealt to the other enemy = 15% For me it's worth to max it (to 3/4), but it's your choice.
  8. Ok I understand your conception, but if you will change necros and priests, you want actually change anything (beside nerfing those 2 clases ofc) you don't see it? The problem is with all 4 classes, not with just 2. Yes, I'm necro and I feel I should be support but this game is not typical healer/tank/dps role game. Current mechanic of the game doesn't allow to play like that.
  9. said guy who made two topics. 1st: "how I can get demonologist's suit" 2nd: "how to get demonologist's minion" really? If you have this kind of problem, I suggest to stop using "drop" button in bag. That should help. @Topic; The Idea is good.
  10. Could you explain why druids and shamans shouldn't be changed? If this problem really hurt players let's talk about all necessery changes not only about 50%. Btw; as I see people have more problems with "catching runners" etc. when they are druid and shamans. If you are a necro/priest it's harder because you need to stop for a sec to heal/shield yourself. Btw if you would change only necro and priest; it's like nerfing this two classes and let shamans and druids be the best classes in every kind of game aspects. (pve/pvp/arena etc)
  11. Yes bd defnitelly need more hp, it's weak class now. :lol:
  12. Buy from miracle shop or from other players. Maybe you can get it from swamps as well. "Summon Plague Witch Doctor"
  13. You make double posts, instead of editing existing one. So you basically want to lower dmg healing classes (so you can beat them), and make more def of your "tank class" (so you can beat dps classes). I think they already started making new update to help you become better player. ;D
  14. Shaman is easier, that's for sure, but if you are planning to be a good player - you will learn how to use heal and shield on necro before they stun you.
  15. More posts = higher rank.
  16. He took ss of scamming his own account and hacked you. Then he said that you scammed yourself and he will report you. Sounds resonable.
  17. Druid was strong before update, now he is strong too. But if you will compare him to the others, finally it's more balanced.
  18. Ceny to swoją drogą, raczej o gramatykę i generalnie sposób w jaki to zostało napisany, pomijając fakt tworzenia tematu dla 2 przedmiotów o nijakiej wartości. :lol:
  19. You probably didn't play necro. Btw; with new skill necro is very good for wars.
  20. Z szacunkiem jest tak, że trzeba sobie na niego zasłużyć. Zresztą szacunek nie ma tu nic do rzeczy, ja go nie obraziłem - nie musisz go bronić. Wyrażasz swoją opinię - w porządku; ja wyrażam swoją. Nzpisałeś, że nie wiesz po co swamp/lab/dungeon, że wolałbyś ten 30 lvl. W takim razie wytłumacz mi co byś robił na powiedzmy 2 kolejnych wyspach (20-25 i 25-30), nie byłoby żadnych dungeonów, lab'ów, żadnych "odmiennych" questów (myślę tutaj o swamp), instancji itp. Tylko i wyłącznie zwykłe questy ciągnące historie oraz zwykłe daily questy zabij/zbierz. Prawda jest taka, że przeszedłbyś to w kilka dni nawet nie czytając zawartości questów i co dalej? Kolejny lvl cap? Trochę nudna taka gra.
  21. God... Didn't you think for a sec that you can combine 2x deathly eye + poison spittle + expert skill? Specific monsters? Sure; very often like 3 at the same place - learn to use aoe to land it only on those mobs which you need. If you attack only one mob - ofc you won't use that skill. But there are many situations when you need to kill 2+ mobs I still can't believe that you don't want to buy it because you think it's only for 5v5 and wars, It's 1 skill more on your skill bar, ppl with that skill will be always better (if they know how to use that)
  22. Jeżeli nie grałeś w WoW'a - nie odnoś się do niego, ponieważ jest to kompletnie pozbwione sensu. TibiaME - o wadach tej gry można pisać całą noc; jeżeli podoba ci się ta gra to się ciesze, ale fakty są takie, że z tibiame do warspear przenosi się wiele osób, w drugą stronę to nie działa. Abstrachując od faktu, że taniej ci wyjdzie gra w warspear, tibiame to jest praktycznie samo lvlowanie (w sumie to co lubisz), półroczne konkretne updaty nie są dużo lepsze od tych tutaj. Każdy gra w co chce, ale grę tak naprawde możesz ocenić wtedy, gdy coś w niej osiągniesz. Po twoich postach zrozumiałem, że zatrzymałeś się na max 14 lvlu i po zobaczniu swamp stwierdziłeś, że to bezsensu.
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