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Everything posted by SaltyCoffe

  1. Already said this but Higgings bully =c
  2. SaltyCoffe EU-Emerald Ps: possible to get reward in elfs ? PS 2 : i think it's different actually am I wrong ?
  3. Oh you mean that grotto isn't disabled But the actual passive speed skill of guild , damn I didn't think about that. I thought it would only happen for the globe and guardian of the guild
  4. Update : It happened again today, when are we going to get a fix ?
  5. The feeling when you know you have seen it, but you can't remember where
  6. Can the contest happen in map 1 too ?
  7. I mean for crafters u need those resources, but 1 or 2 things that I agree on are the fact that they need to lower the % drop rate of these low rarity resources and make that the " dungeon chest " ( not the side ones ) can't drop resources so you have higher chance of good pots,bars, and weapons ecc...
  8. Not fair =c EU GvG ( dg spam ) starts at that exact time
  9. Hi all, I wanted to talk about this particular thing for a while now since it's kind of annoying when you are playing seeker. If we look at the "most discussed" seeker talent we can see that the character gains dmg by going to 30% of their health and having a 55% dmg reduction from attacks. After doing a recap on seeker skill I wanted to ask if it was possible as the talent say 55% dmg reduction , to make it even for "not attacks dmg " ; for example we have some of the spring quests where i'm forced to switch the talent otherwise i'll die ( "charged air" spring quest where you even have the mob that hits u for 400 + the health % dmg of structures that for me is lik 570 ) Or another example is orci purple bombs where if you can't see them in time ( for example if they spawn under all the people attacking orci ) you will just die because it's a big dmg and it's based on % of health. In the end it would just be a "life-hack" where I could do quests or other things in a more peaceful way as i'm always at 30% Let me know what you think PS : I know that you are not forced to use talent but the current meta is using it so why would I not use it. 2nd PS : I'm not sure about orci bombs but you get the point ; for example the fire dmg in Berengar Tower
  10. Any news ? Because it just happened again today on mermen trials 2nd stage
  11. This has happened now quite some times that when you win 1st stage of mermen and proceed to go attack pylon , I notice that sometimes I don't have max speed so it means that my grotto buff are not working. Of course I checked if I had my skill active ( seeker speed skill ) and the correct build and it was indeed all correct. Right after finishing 2nd stage, when I get tped out my grotto buffs start working again. Is there a way you guys can have a look and try to fix this bug ?
  12. I think it means character ( priest,or seeker, or charmer ecc...)
  13. I mean rampant did sell 11m this year and today 1 attack strenght book sold for 20m so ye prices are kinda oof
  14. I mean in a certain point of view having this " unbinded books " with 50% of their original buff could be cool and could help lower the "real" book prices a bit. For example looking right now in EU-elf the demand is crazy and people paying a lot for simple books Example ( as it could help lower these books prices ) : 2 years ago I dropped rampant attack during spring ( i was still with nub gear ) and i had to sell it for 900k ish because noone was buying it as rampant was a super high drop rate and not everyone had the money 1 year ago i heard it was 5m ish ( i wasn't playing ) This spring i heard the only rampant dropped for now got sold for 11m+ I mean yeah prices change , people get more money ok, but it's not really "new player friendly", or even for normal players who don't spend a lot on mcoins, having a book that goes 10x price in just 2 years
  15. I 99% agree with this ; my only point is that : with this way that the guy described it would be less "abusable" because it's 1 book per year, a lot of things change and it could help to change class and have more fun with another . If sea books is what makes you think that it's too OP , maybe we could get this idea to work but with just normal books Kinda complicated and strange but could be an idea. For example, a simple mana book or a health book , this shouldn't be that "game change abuse" What do you think ?
  16. Giving the 1 time per year and a 48h cd looks like a better idea than the " normal unbind " . Cool idea And maybe you can put a limit on how many books you can unbind so at least 1 good book can be moved to another char 1 time per year
  17. This is what happened when I killed 1 normal mob, game froze and i received both lvl2 and lvl 3 rewards :/ Anyway it's a bug so hope you can find a way to fix
  18. So what's the situation here?Rip scam from gm, what do I do ? ç_ç Edit: the 2nd level is supposed to be " kill 25 "
  19. Black stalker quest fix wasn't really needed but for rat traps ye
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