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Posts posted by Reymomo

  1. 18 hours ago, lore said:

    not translated (its just an A but still)


    same here 


    the pathfinder and hunter chests are only from the 4th section daily quests

    i suggest u to change the term to mob and also indicate the 2 wich wont attract the boss too when attacked.

    in the guide u an also add farming at an low level such between 6-12 alone, and up if u are a class able to sterminate groups of enemies at once (such as mage and chieftan as example) to farm thier chests, and open them to sell the items such as amber pumpkin pieces and north runes to the second hand dealer, since there will always be request for them (gold will also add up when you're at high level, wich will also be worth in a party, wich will only make it faster) during events.


    also u can decrease the space some images cover by removing unnecessary addition wich expand em too much. or remove part of it, this would make it nicer to go trought by phone.


    yes it is a guide, but it is mostly common and ways that are vastly spred among players.





    thanks for the correction of the chest and update the image


    and I agree the rewards of the chest can be made a lot of gold by selling the runes and diamonds


    MMOs and MMORPGs are often great games. And for newcomers to the genre it can be intimidating to start a lot more if you are someone who is 13 years old and you do not have the real money to buy everything you need.


    Here are a few tips to help you have gold.


    We are going to start by showing some places where we can get great loot depending on our level, regardless of the class of heroes we have.


    I will clarify that we will not take into account the dungeons since the chances of winning something good depends on the times you complete the dungeons after 5 free tickets you need to buy more. And for that we are going to make gold in other ways.

    I will also show the different rewards that you can obtain on each map and the different maps and the decision will be yours on how to negotiate them to obtain a lot of gold.


    The guide to earn easy gold to start from irslnort since in that map we will already have an acceptable level to be able to go through the different treasures.
    I once again clarify that all the places where we will see that we can earn gold are accessible to everyone (you don't need to be a +10 to have fun and win gold)



    MAPA 2 “IRSELNORT” (nivel 13 – 20)


    Here all the bosses where one can make a large amount of gold, through the prizes that they give us every time we kill the bosses. We have from Weapons of level 13 and 15 to armor of the different classes.


    From our first Sea tag to the great AA Hydra tag everyone will give us something worthwhile.




    BIG BOSS HYDRA I do this section because it is a story that will give us a lot of satisfaction. Although we will delay killing him and we need a band of friends to make it more fun.



    NORLANT SWAMPS” MAP (level 15 - 32)
    I will describe it this way to this map.
    "Good luck is the twin sister of hard work."


    Astral Labyrinth: LAB is not synonymous with ease and it will cost a lot to make gold there, so I will not talk about this place. (If we have many who want information to make gold, I will do something to solve it)


    MAP “AYVONDIL” (level 18 - 32)
    I will show each of the places where one can make gold easily and difficult because we have bosses with a life that exceeds (1M hp)




    MOBS :This type of Objects are very good to be able to sell them, there is always a rush to finish their missions. It only takes us a little time but the end is very rewarding

    sell set 200g



    SATRAPAS a boss who will give you once every how much SOMETHING GOOD


    GREAT BOSS SPAWN Here we can have many joys once each of the bodyguards has been killed. I will leave each of the different rewards.





    MOBS: This type of Objects are very good to be able to sell them, there is always a rush to finish their missions. It only takes us a little time but the end is very rewarding

    sell set 500g




    PONTIFICES a boss who will give you once every how much SOMETHING GOOD







    In this territory we will already have very good rewards doing all the daily missions, and we have bosses who will give us weapons, armor, very important treasures to be more powerful every day, they will also give us rewards for the completed missions which will be your decision how to negotiate them.




    We will have weapons and armor of good levels to use or sell them so that everyone can improve and be more powerful



    You can sell the rewards for completing the missions and killing the bosses and make a lot of gold.





    Like territory 3 in this we can enjoy the same advantages, with the difference that we can make much more gold. And above all, we will be able to be more powerful by obtaining rewards of higher levels, since every day we will grow more and more.




    We will have weapons and armor  of good levels to use or sell them so that everyone can improve and be more powerful




    You can sell the rewards for completing the missions and killing the bosses and make a lot of gold. (the scrolls and pot will be of a higher level and you can sell them at a higher price)




    TERRITORY 5 in this territory and our experience will be put to the test, maybe we have a problem but with hard work and a lot of fun we can make great achievements to be able to sell them and use them in order to have much more gold

    we will also have a secret place to go gold super fast and be a tycoon lol.


    The bosses and missions, as in the 2 territories before this one, will give us rewards such as weapons with a higher level and with unique bonuses for this territory and much more, which we can convert into gold.







    You can sell the rewards for completing the missions and killing the bosses and make a lot of gold. (the scrolls and pot will be of a higher level and you can sell them at a higher price)


    And there will be a scroll that will help us who cannot do the events to obtain doubloons (the GM should review this for those of us who are not in a very active guild) do not sell it for anything in the world and if you sell it it will be very expensive .


    Among the rewards for killing the bosses with good luck we can obtain expert skills for ourselves or for others which can be sold at a price of 30k or more



    A place where we can all go (no need to be +10) with dedication and hard work you can earn a great reward in gold and other very good objects.




    event GvG

    I can't fail to mention the gvg chaos event where we get a chest that gives us many rewards, it all depends on your luck..


    We must also take into account the special bosses that when we kill them they will give us a chest where we can obtain many things, especially the costumes of each one of them.









    You can also make a lot of gold doing the raid bosses, but this implies being very powerful and having the support of a very active guild, otherwise we have no chance. But in the case of doing them we can definitely consider ourselves lucky, it has a great level of rewards that you can use or sell them for a lot of gold.
    I will announce the reward..







    In addition to my guide, I will talk about this chest that has accompanied us since our inception, many of us do not usually give it the importance it deserves. in some cases we do not even claim it, but we must know that the rewards are great once it is opened. The rewards can be marketed in the store or among us and as an example I put runes of physical defenses depending on the level it can be sold from 500g to 1k so with the other rewards, do not lose sight of this good chest and give it the value it deserves




    The guide that I do will depend on the time you dedicate to the game, but I assure you that you will be able to make your first million gold, there will be days that you do not get much but the next day it will change, never forget that it is a game and The idea is to have fun every day should be the maximum, we have a great game and that we do not have money to invest in the game is not an impediment to being one of the best in WARSPEAR.





  3. 12 minutes ago, Jcbreff said:

    if i remember correctly someone has previously asked whether or not he could just post previous year's submission and the answer was no 

    and technically can you even prove that that was your account

    I will run the risk of being thrown out of the contest, for a single reason that I am the one who created the king ACHACHI drawing, in my opinion it does not break the rules.  It is not a costume of a boss that is in the game, it is not a copy of the internet, I clarify this although it is a past job it is not related to costumes, it was a with courses of bosses.  I just wanted to do it in honor of that third place amount that I had.


  4. 3 hours ago, Higgings said:

    I'm not sure if this is allowed by rules. I mean, the suit is not technically original, but belongs to one of our members. It's almost like stealing someone else's idea. 

    I did it in 2015 I am the author off KING ACHACHI 

    1 hour ago, Jcbreff said:


    • completely copying existing costumes of superheroes, characters of movies or games;
    • recoloring costumes from Warspear Online (for example making a white costume of the chosen one green);
    • using works of others, downloaded from the internet.

    So this is forbidden



  5. King Achachi One of the chiefs who did not have an opportunity to demonstrate his power in our world, from the third land comes with a demented fury no one can escape his "hand of death" and it will be very difficult to face it due to his great golden armor throw by the best arts that does not confuse you that smile is a boss who was given an enchantment on the part of the sorcerer of the bone to kill is his second name.


    achachi adelante.png

    achachi atras ws.png

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