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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Khrone

  1. A diferença é que os pets do Charmer são bem mais simples Lobo: causa dano baseado no dano físico do personagem Pássaro: causa dano e cura baseado no dano mágico do personagem Além disso, apenas 2 skills do Charmer envolvem os pets Já o pet do Invocador: Causa dano físico baseado na soma do dano físico e mágico do personagem A cada X ataques causa dano em área O HP e as defesas físicas e mágicas dele são baseados nos respectivos atributos do personagem E a maioria das habilidades do Invocador têm algum efeito extra ou dependem completamente do pet dele
  2. This is by far one of the best class guides i've ever seen
  3. Os Druidas do Warspear são mais relacionados à plantas e fenômenos naturais (Tornado, Torrente) do que animais Se fosse pra alguma classe se tornar um animal, seria o Invocador, o Encantador ou no máximo, o Bárbaro (tipo virar um urso) ou o Cacique, que já tem habilidades de animais mesmo
  4. It loses the damage of Whirlwind of the Repentance, just like the Charmer loses the damage of Call
  5. Então é um mago de batalha? Só uma sugestão: se a AIGRIND quiser criar mais classes (o que eu duvido) numa facção neutra, ela poderia criar a facção da Liga Sem -Correntes, já que eles são meio que um povo neutro e um ponto importante da história nessa última atualização.
  6. Pra ser sincero, acho que ficaria melhor se fosse só "Invocador" em vez de "Invocador de Feras" É tipo chamar o Ceifador de "Ceifador de Almas" ou o Encantador de "Encantador das Sombras"
  7. To be honest, the physical build of the Beastmaster is pretty bad
  8. Probably because Chieftain is the class that has the most self-buff skills
  9. This ability has 3x3 size and Warlocks can be far away to deal damage, while Beastmaster has 1 radius ability and dying in aoe damage to realize this damage Hex is a single target skill
  10. Counterattack damage counts as basic attacks
  11. Essa é a intenção "Comentário dos desenvolvedores: As classes que possuem habilidades de invocação de monstros em seu arsenal há muito são parte integrante de ambas as Alianças. Ao mesmo tempo, a capacidade de invocar monstros do Druida ou do Templário é uma direção adicional do jogo, enquanto o sucesso na batalha do Encantador depende quase inteiramente do controle dos monstros invocados. Uma nova classe - o Invocador de Feras seguirá a tendência do Encantador, e não se trata apenas de causar dano, mas também de sobrevivência: se o monstro morrer em batalha, por um curto período de tempo o personagem ficará muito mais vulnerável. Dano híbrido e variações de combate corpo a corpo e à distância permitirão que você implemente a classe de maneiras diferentes e escolha o estilo de combate para todos. E além das habilidades de controlar, fortalecer e curar a fera, o personagem tem em seu arsenal tanto as habilidades de controlar quanto de enfraquecer os inimigos." [2022.08.30] Atualização do Warspear Online 11.0: Novas Lendas. Prévia
  12. Em inglês é "Beastmaster" e não "Beastsmaster", então sim Apesar de que a tradução literal seria "Mestre da Fera", e não "Invocador de Feras" O que tornaria mais complicado ainda pra balancear
  13. I believe they were talking about Fetters + Purifying extra damage
  14. Sede de Sangue: Um ataque que causa dano físico equivalente a 180% do poder físico do personagem. Se o adversário estiver sob a influência da penalidade "Sangramento", 25% da vida máxima do personagem também serão restaurados. Se você contar remoção de debuff como resistir: Retorno às Raízes: Ordena que o Monstro Lunar retorne ao personagem e aumenta em 55% a velocidade de movimento dele. O monstro é invencível quando está retornando. Ao retornar, o monstro remove 3 penalidades do personagem, incluindo efeitos de controle. Se não houver um Monstro Lunar, removerá 3 penalidades do personagem, incluindo efeitos de controle, e aplicará o auxílio “Vento de Cauda" por 6 segundos. O efeito aumenta em 35% a velocidade de movimento do personagem.
  15. A gameplay dele é baseada em invocar apenas um tipo de minion, 90% das skills dele dependem do leopardo, então não, o Invocador não precisa de outra invocação Você não concorda que seria mais difícil balancear 2 invocações diferentes do que só uma?
  16. And it is like the only server where the Legion dominates Well, Overload deals 240% magical damage over 8 seconds, people just don't use it For comparison, Warlock's Shadow Sphere deals 200% magical damage
  17. The Templar isn't a bad class, it is just confusing and kind of bad designed (sorry developers). Note: Keep in my mind i'm not really an expert on the class, so feel free to disagree. Due to being a hybrid class, the Templar has a lot of different builds, and i'll try to talk about of them. Tank I don't have many complaints about it, i believe it is the most popular version of the Templar, however, it does have some problems. The Deity Statue summoned by the player can be attacked directly, which kinda defeats the purpose of it taking part of the damage dealt to allies. Suggestion: Just make it untargetable like Shaman's totems. The skill Branded by the Sun is not practical. The debuff it applies is hard to activate and it can be resisted. Suggestion: Instead of adding a debuff to enemies, add a buff to allies that periodically heal them. While it still can be removed by skills, only 2 classes in the game can do that (Mage and Chieftain). Also, the key talent Light Burn would increase the allies Critical Damage while it is in effect. Magical Damage Dealer A pretty solid build, i just think it's dumb that one of the best skills for dealing magical damage which is Particle of Life is 50% physical and 50% magical. As someone said in the Russian forum, if you build either full Physical or full Magical, you lose half of the power of the skill. Physical Damage Dealer Unlike the Magical version, Physical builds have far more skills for dealing damage, like Onslaught and Forbidden Trick. It even has a talent that turns Particle of Life into a full-physical skill, so one of the most complete versions in my opinion. Support That's were things get complicated. While the Support Templar is not a bad option, since it has some good defensive skills like Deity Statue and Combat Support, it has a big problem: It doesn't have a reliable healing skill. Teachings of Harad: Too situational, only works if the enemy is stunned. While the key talent Wisdom of Overcoming solves the problem of the skill not working when the enemy resists the stun, it is still not 100% reliable. Suggestion: A complete rework on the skill. Here is my idea: Every X seconds, the Baptism by Fire buff is applied to the character, which heals them and their ally with the lowest amount of health and deals additional damage on the next auto-attack. Stunning an enemy reduces the cooldown by a few seconds. The key talent Wisdom of Overcoming would reduce the time necessary for getting the buff (let's say by 50%). Mantra of Healing: While it is a great skill for saving allies who are near death, it shouldn't be used as the main healing skill, since it removes allies from battle for a few seconds. Branded by the Sun: The heal is just a side effect for tanks, so i don't think it can be considered a healing skill. Also, if you try to use it on 4/4 as a support, it has the risk of stealing the aggro from the tank and turning monsters to attack you. Also, the Templar is the only support/hybrid class that doesn't have a healing basic skill. Suggestion: The Grace skill would be able to be used on allies. While the buff is in effect, periodically heals the target. To not make the skill overpowered, its power would have to be nerfed, to like 15% or 18% damage increase.
  18. One of the Rogue's concepts was "being an elusive assassin" but it didn't get a single branch focused on Dodge, while the Ranger got one
  19. Seems kinda contradictory to want to decrease the magic damage taken while adding two new slots for Rings 2.0 that may have Magical Power as one of the available stats If this really was their intention, they could just increase Magical Defense on the rings and amulet
  20. FINALLY I wonder what's going to be its stats, maybe they will be similar to Rings? Not gonna lie, i was expecting new skills, but that's cool
  21. What's the point of having a Trojan Horse to hide if every other player would know there are enemies inside lol I mean, it only worked the 1st time because the trojans weren't expecting the greek soldiers to be inside the horse
  22. So since players from different alliances (Sentinels and Legion) can join the same Non-Playble Guild, does that mean they will have a common chat? And will they be able to sell items between them? So that means market between elves and MCs will be possible after this update?
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