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Guardian of Spear
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  1. Like
    Sigma reacted to StayCrazy in Segurança para nossos itens.   
    Gostaria de sugerir uma ferramenta para nos deixar mais tranquilos.
    Todos os dias utilizamos os npcs para vender alguns itens específicos (pergaminhos, barras, poções), porém todos os dias também nos sentimos sufocados com o "medo" de vender algum item importante, em alguns casos itens raros que temos em nossa bag, e que seria muito difícil conseguir novamente.

    Se vocês trouxessem uma ferramenta que nos permitam bloquear itens que usamos e que não queremos vender, nos sentiriamos melhor.
  2. Like
    Sigma reacted to Nmac in Ведьма Рока   
    #Общая характеристика#
    #Версия с волосами#

    #Версия без волос#
    *Засунул в спойлер, что бы не выжигать вам глаза*
    #Пример в игре#
    *Автор не умеет в фотошоп*


    Модельки персонажа использованные при создании:
    Процесс разработки:
    Делитесь своим мнением!
    Сервер: Ru-Amber
    Ник: Nmac
    Так же хочу сказать отдельное огромное спасибо @Уксус, за техническую помощь с оформлением.
  3. Like
    Sigma reacted to Astrerra in Название: Шёпот ночной пустыни // Сделано: Astrerra Ru-Amber   
    Когда наступает ночь, когда звёзды блестят на небосводе, когда уставший путник ложится отдохнуть после долгого пути, над песками проносится тихий, леденящий душу шепот. Этот шепот рассказывает о всех, кто погиб в этой пустыне, умер ли он от жажды или от голода, был ли он убит своими соратниками или врагами, шепот помнит всё. Путник, уснувший в этой пустыне, обязательно проснется от собственного крика, он будет кричать: "Ааааа! Фух... Хорошо, что это был сон...". Но он не знает, что подстерегает его в дальнейшем пути...

  4. Like
    Sigma got a reaction from Stroke in Máscara Do Eclipse/ Servidor-Br/ Megatron   
    A Máscara que esconde a verdadeira face


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    Sigma got a reaction from Daff in Костюм барыги   
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    Sigma got a reaction from Меджи in Máscara Do Eclipse/ Servidor-Br/ Megatron   
    A Máscara que esconde a verdadeira face


  9. Like
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    Sigma got a reaction from LeeLoo in Máscara Do Eclipse/ Servidor-Br/ Megatron   
    A Máscara que esconde a verdadeira face


  11. Like
    Sigma reacted to Katsuny in Beginner - Manth Br-Tourmaline   
    Com o retorno da primavera, vem o retorno do passado, Engenheiro em sua ganância incomparável resolverá criar um robô que tentaria seguir o ritmo do louco. Após sua derrota, nada mais sobrou do Engenheiro, e suas antigas criações foram abandonadas sem rumo no vasto mundo da escuridão. 
    Mas que a luz se acenda e que as flores desabrochem, pois o brilho e o poder da escola da magia acenderam as lampadas de Beginner novamente, e agora ele poderá vagar novamente por um novo destino. 

    Seria ele uma máquina de chacinas, ou o novo protetor da floresta e da magia?
    (Os braços ficaram um pouco difíceis de perceber na imagem de lado, então fiz um adicional mostrando ele.)

  12. Like
    Sigma got a reaction from YaraM in Máscara Do Eclipse/ Servidor-Br/ Megatron   
    A Máscara que esconde a verdadeira face


  13. Like
    Sigma got a reaction from Ploxish in Máscara Do Eclipse/ Servidor-Br/ Megatron   
    A Máscara que esconde a verdadeira face


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  15. Like
    Sigma reacted to Fselvagem in Boss raid premiação   
    Para uma melhor equilíbrio no game recomendo a alteração na entrega do prêmio do boss raid:
    Ao invés do grupo que deu mais danos, onde limita os drops e faz com quer se concentre em um pequeno grupo de player, e faça com que classes como a minha ( paladino) simplesmente seja impossível dropar.
    Sugiro que modifiquem para : 
    OBS: A facção que derretou somente ps player desta facção receberiam o baú;
    Player na área que contribuiu com dmg no boss ou semelhantes recebe um baú, caso seja complicado essa programação poderiam alterar para " jogadores na área vermelha do boss raid, recebem um baú".
    O baú teria a chance de vim o drop do boss, livro ou armadura, porém receberia um nerf de drop pois a quantidade de player que podem recebe o baú e infinitamente maior que só 5 pessoas, uma chance similar ou menor às de um baú de evento com book séria ideal.
    Reduzir o monopólio de drops sobre certos grupos de player;
    Incluí tanks e jogares mais comuns ( sem esta no auge ), a participarem;
    Reduzir as ameaça por parte de player tóxico de causarem ban indevidos a players que tomam o boss em dmg ( aconteceu algumas vezes no Servidor - brasileiro;
    Aumentar a competição entre facção; uma vê que obritatiamente terão que se unir num GvG natural do game por quem leva o boss raid e domina a área;
    Aumenta a comunicação e obrigada as guild da mesma facção a se ajudarem indiretamente.
    Att. Fselvagem / Blackselva 
  16. Wow
    Sigma reacted to Nolan in [2023.02.01] Concurso "Melhor Traje - 2023"   
    Temos pressa em anunciar que o concurso “Melhor Traje 2023” está aberto! Os vencedores da competição poderão ver seus trajes no jogo em uma das próximas atualizações! Deixe seu rastro na história de Arinar e receba recompensas maravilhosas!
    Como participar:
    Crie um tópico separado nesta seção do fórum. No título do tópico, você deve especificar o nome do traje, servidor e nick do seu personagem; Anexe ao tópico especificado uma imagem do traje que você desenhou. Apenas 1 traje será aceito por participante!
    Condições para criar o desenho:
    necessariamente em estilo pixelado; a altura do traje deve ser em torno de 34-45 pixels (quadrados), e a largura não deve exceder 28; em qualquer formato: em papel, em caderno, bloco de notas ou editor gráfico, por exemplo: Paint, Photoshop, etc.; deve haver uma vista frontal, outros ângulos ficam a seu critério; o trabalho não deve violar as regras do jogo e as regras da comunidade. Para facilitar para você se encaixar na estrutura necessária, você pode usar o layout do personagem do jogo:

    Se alguma condição não for totalmente compreendida, você sempre pode olhar os trabalhos do ano passado.
    É proibido:
    usar trajes existentes do jogo e modificá-los parcialmente (adicionar elementos, mudar de cor, etc.); usar o trabalho de outras pessoas da Internet ou o trabalho de outros participantes; copiar completamente os trajes existentes de personagens de filmes, jogos e outras mídias; Por violação de qualquer um dos pontos acima, o trabalho não será permitido à competição.  
    Nossos juízes avaliarão os seguintes critérios:
    Detalhes do traje. Embora você esteja limitado no número de pixels e no tamanho de sua fantasia, as ferramentas de desenho modernas permitem que você obtenha altos detalhes de partes individuais da fantasia. Uma vantagem adicional será a renderização do traje de todos os ângulos, e não apenas da vista frontal; Descrição do traje. Embora a competição seja artística, você pode complementar seu trabalho com uma pequena descrição do figurino: em que consiste, quais propriedades possui, conte um pouco sobre o que há por trás da ideia; Possibilidade de implementação no jogo. Embora os habitantes de Arinar possam se gabar de sua diversidade, ainda vale lembrar que nem todas as imagens podem caber no universo do jogo; Originalidade do trabalho. Além da qualidade, seu trabalho deve ter alguma singularidade, chamar a atenção e provocar uma “sensação de beleza”. Tente não usar imagens banais. Prêmios para os vencedores:
    1º lugar: 25,000 Moedas Milagrosas + adicionar o traje ao jogo na próxima atualização e entregá-lo ao vencedor + um emblema de ouro único no Fórum;
    2º lugar: 20,000 Moedas Milagrosas + adicionar o traje ao jogo + um emblema de prata único no Fórum;
    3º lugar: 15,000 Moedas Milagrosas + adicionar o traje ao jogo +um emblema de bronze único no Fórum.
    Prêmios de incentivo também serão possíveis a critério do júri.
    Os trabalhos são aceitos até 15 de fevereiro. Depois disso, dentro de uma semana, até 23 de fevereiro, o júri determinará os vencedores e publicaremos os resultados.
    Desejamos a você toda inspiração!
  17. Like
  18. Wow
  19. Haha
  20. Thanks
    Sigma reacted to Dr Strange in [2022.12.29] 2022 results in infographics   
    These are the top 2 classes of each faction for each server. Top 2 Favorites: 
    Tourmaline Mage and Priest; Emerald Mage and Paladin; Sapphire Mage and Priest; Pearl Mage and Priest. The Paladin was only in the top-2 on Emerald, so he has dashes in the Tourmaline, Sapphire and Pearl lines, as does the Mage in the Emerald line.
  21. Like
    Sigma reacted to Dr Strange in [2022.12.29] 2022 results in infographics   
    We're gladly presenting the long-awaited infographic for 2022. To summarize, we have highlighted the most interesting and memorable moments.















    Share your impressions and gather your strength, because next year will be full of surprises!
  22. Wow
    Sigma got a reaction from Nolan in [2022.12.28] Arinar deve conhecer seus heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2022   
    Obrigado  boas festas e um próspero ano novo a todos 🤝.
  23. Like
  24. Wow
    Sigma reacted to Nolan in [2022.12.28] Arinar deve conhecer seus heróis: recompensando os membros da comunidade 2022   
    Caros amigos!

    Nestes dias gelados do ano que termina, não apenas lutas decisivas na Fronteira da Neve, mas também memórias de grandes batalhas passadas ajudam a aquecer. A memória dos combates mais quentes, a experiência dos veteranos e as impressões sobre novos heróis e eventos - tudo isso é preservado com segurança graças ao fórum do Warspear Online, uma verdadeira crônica dos tempos.
    Nosso fórum é uma biblioteca composta por dezenas de seções e milhares de tópicos, reunindo muitas páginas de guias, trabalhos criativos, sugestões e discussões sobre o equilíbrio em nosso frágil mundo.
    A equipe de administradores representada por LeeLoo, Dr. Estranho e eu agradecemos aqueles que, durante o ano, tiveram a parte mais ativa no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento do fórum.
    O título de Mentor Lendário é concedido a veteranos sábios que se esforçam muito para preencher o fórum com guias úteis, dicas e sugestões:
    O título de Senhor do Conhecimento é concedido a verdadeiros especialistas que estão prontos para encontrar respostas para as perguntas mais complicadas de curiosos novatos a qualquer momento, e também para colocar todos os seus esforços para encontrar bugs nos primeiros dias de atualizações:
    O título de Guardião da Lança é concedido aos usuários mais ativos, graças aos quais o fórum mantém uma atmosfera de amizade e respeito mútuo:
    O título de Mestre das artes é concedido aos guardiões da arte em nosso fórum - uma seção criativa.
    Gostaríamos de expressar nossa grande gratidão aos Moderadores, que mais de uma vez salvaram o bem-estar de nosso fórum das ameaças de violadores das regras da comunidade. Obrigado por seu serviço!
    Com o poder que nos foi dado, atribuímos títulos especiais a esses valiosos usuários do fórum e também recompensamos todos os detentores de títulos com prêmios valiosos.
    Na tradicional ordem anual para recompensar os usuários que fizeram uma contribuição particularmente importante para o desenvolvimento da comunidade, datada de 28 de dezembro de 2022, ordenamos:
    — atribuir títulos a todos os usuários dignos do fórum;
    — premiar os titulares com prêmios valiosos:
    Emblema exclusivo do fórum
    Imagens animadas nas fotos de perfil
    Baús Lendários
    Mentor Lendário

    Senhor do Conhecimento

    Guardião da Lança


    Mestre das artes
    Emblemas exclusivos para usuários com o seguinte número de reações:

    Administração do fórum:

    Informamos também que o suporte técnico do Warspear Online está de férias, e será impossível deixar uma solicitação em nosso site até o dia 09/01/2023 (todos os pedidos enviados antes de 29/12/2022 serão considerados da maneira usual ). Até lá, outros jogadores poderão te ajudar em nosso fórum, nas redes sociais ou no chat do jogo.
    Obrigado a todos pelo desenvolvimento da comunidade!
    equipe AIGRIND
  25. Like
    Sigma reacted to LeeLoo in [2022.12.22] Update Warspear Online 11.2: Winter Saga. Release   
    Dear friends!
    Winter update Warspear Online 11.2 is about to break into Arinar and arrive on your Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux devices. Earlier in the announcement, we already told you about uninvited guests who threaten to disrupt the World Creation holiday, and now it's time to find out about the rewards and gifts that await you at the Snow Boundary!
     Please note that new versions for different platforms may be released with a delay!
    Weekly Alliance Tournament “Yule Gifts”
    The Yule Cat loves warm sweaters but is only willing to wear those that are presented by the best warriors of the Snow Boundary! To earn the favor of Gryla’s fluffy pet, actively earn tournament points! In gratitude for your exploits, following the results of the tournament week, the Yule Cat is ready to give you generous personal rewards. All rewards will be valid for a week until the new results of the tournament!

    Depending on the number of personal tournament points scored, all players of the winning Alliance will receive the following rewards:
    250 points and up:
    "Great Snow Experience" buff increases the amount of experience received by the character by 30% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 150 pts. 500 points and up:
    "Great Snowy Mastery" buff increases the amount of crafting experience received by the character by 20% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 300 pts. 1000 points and up:
    "Great Snowy Unity" buff increases the amount increases the amount of guild points received by the character by 30% (1 buff maximum). “Icy Haste” buff increases the character’s movement speed in dedicated dungeons at the Snow Bound by 10% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 450 pts. 2000 points and up:
    "Useful acquaintance" skill "Great Snow Fortune" buff increases Good Luck Tokens, obtained by the character for completing rides, by 20% (1 buff maximum). “Acrobatic Haste” buff increases the character’s movement speed at the Rides by 10% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 600 pts. 3000 points and up:
    “Dangerous breeze” skill "Big Christmas Blank" buff adds 5000 units of craft experience in the "Cloth Armor", "Light Armor" and "Heavy Armor" professions. "Great Snow Knowledge" buff increases the amount of Knowledge received by the character by 20% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 750 pts. Players of the losing Alliance who actively participated in the tournament will receive consolation rewards, also depending on the number of personal points scored:
    250 points and up:
    "Snowy Experience" buff increases experience points, obtained by the character, by 15% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 100 pts. 500 points and up:
    "Snowy Mastery" buff increases craft experience points, obtained by the character, by 10% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 200 pts. 1000 points and up:
    "Snowy Unity" buff increases the amount of guild points received by the character by 15% (1 buff maximum). “Icy Haste” buff increases the character’s movement speed in dedicated dungeons at the Snow Bound by 10% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 300 pts. 2000 points and up:
    "Useful acquaintance" skill "Snow Fortune" buff increases Good Luck Tokens, obtained by the character for completing rides, by 10% (1 buff maximum). “Acrobatic Haste” buff increases the character’s movement speed at the Rides by 10% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 400 pts. 3000 points and up:
    “Dangerous breeze” skill "Christmas Blank" buff adds 2500 units of craft experience in the "Cloth Armor", "Light Armor" and "Heavy Armor" professions. "Snowy Knowledge" buff increases the amount of Knowledge, received by the character, by 10% (1 buff maximum). currency "World Creation Magic" - 500 pts.  “Dangerous breeze” skill
    Unleashing your inner energy and transforming into a restless blizzard has never been easier! One appearance already promises the enemies of trouble, and you - self-confidence! The skill is issued for 7 days as a reward for the weekly alliance tournament and is valid only on the Yolasweinar’s warehouse and dedicated dungeons at the Snow Boundary.
     "Useful acquaintance" skill
    Allows for the services of the Magnus the Guide to be used. The skill is available for 7 days and only works in the Snow Boundary. 
    Pay attention to the changes in the work of the Route Store: now the store will be available for warriors of both Alliances, provided that they receive 2000 points at the end of the tournament week! Guide Magnus, who is located on the territory of your Alliance, for Crimson Corundum will instantly transport you straight to the entrance to one of the dungeons or to one of the bosses of the territories, and all routes will be available immediately!
    List of available routes:
    Visiting Yolasweinars' Puzzle Cave Visiting Yolasweinars' Competition Cave Visiting Yolasweinars' Obstacle Cave Visiting Yolasweinars' Trial Cave Visiting Yolasweinars' Test Cave Visiting Yolasweinar the Glutton Visiting Yolasweinar the Sweet Tooth Visiting Yolasweinar the Honey Eater Visiting Yolasweinar the Sniffer Visiting Leppaludi Time and duration of the tournament: weekly (between Sunday 23:00 CET to Sunday 23:00 CET). First Tournament will start at December 25th.
    Holiday Quests
    You have to not only walk around the festive island full of dangers, but also try to find allies in the fight against Gryla. Smilies “Suspicious Yolasweinar Smiley”, “Happy Yolasweinar Smiley” and Tickets for attractions will be your reward!

    Also, don't forget to complete the daily quests: deal with Moose Frodi and aggressive territory bosses, destroy monsters in your own and enemy territory, and collect the runes of the North, because you can get a special random reward for this!
    Gryla's offspring are quite inventive: they filled each of the dungeons of the Snow Boundary with the most ingenious traps, and besides, they persuaded Moose Frodi to go over to their side and take up arms against the heroes of Arinar! It's time to show the treacherous giantess kids that real heroes can't do all these tricks and take the treasures hidden in the dungeons!

    Yolasweinars' Riddle Cave (recommended level - 6):
    - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of level 6 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
     - unique weapons of level 6 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of level 6 with “Rage” bonus;
     - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of level 6 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of level 6 with battle bonuses;
    Yolasweinars' Task Cave (recommended level - 12):
     - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of levels 10 and 12 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 10 and 12 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 10 and 12 with “Rage” bonus;
    - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 10 and 12 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of levels 10 and 12 with battle bonuses;
    Yolasweinars' Puzzle Cave (recommended level - 16):
     - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of levels 14 and 16 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 14 and 16 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 14 and 16 with “Rage” bonus;
    - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 14 and 16 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of levels 14 and 16 with battle bonuses;
    - Ice Chest Key.
    Yolasweinars' Competition Cave (recommended level - 20):
     - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of levels 18 and 20 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 18 and 20 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 18 and 20 with “Rage” bonus;
    - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 18 and 20 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of levels 18 and 20 with battle bonuses;
    - Ice Chest Key.
    Yolasweinars' Obstacle Cave (recommended level - 24):
     - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of levels 22 and 24 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 22 and 24 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 22 and 24 with “Rage” bonus;
    - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 22 and 24 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of levels 22 and 24 with battle bonuses;
    - Ice Chest Key.
    Yolasweinars' Trial Cave (recommended level - 28):
     - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of levels 26 and 28 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 26 and 28 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 26 and 28 with “Rage” bonus;
    - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 26 and 28 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of levels 26 and 28 with battle bonuses;
    - Ice Chest Key.
    Yolasweinars' Test Cave (recommended level - 32):
     - unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of levels 30 and 32 with physical / magical damage and “Rage” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 30 and 32 with “Piercing Attack” bonus;
    - unique weapons of levels 30 and 32 with “Rage” bonus;
    - unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 30 and 32 with “Resistance” bonus;
    - unique belts of levels 30 and 32 with battle bonuses;
    - Ice Chest Key.
    Additionally, all dungeons may contain:
    unique empowering relics catalysts, essences and substances spheres of defense and damage special potions precious ingots Also, in dungeons you can receive up to 3 rewards, because as a pleasant winter surprise, the additional slot may contain:
    Ice Chest Key (only in dungeons of levels 16 and up) Ethereal Substance  
    Rewards drop in dungeons: recommended level +2 (or under).
    World event “Chasing the Hare”
    There are many creepy monsters lurking in the mountains of Snow Boundary, and Milk Hare is one of them! Gather as many brothers in arms as you can to take on Milk Hare and other minions of Gryla! For this, each player, starting from level 2, who was in the territory of the stage for at least 30 seconds at the time of its successful completion, will receive the following rewards:
    1st stage: "Yule Coffer I" and "Northern patronage" buff, which increases the duration and strength of the monster summoned by “Help of the Snow Treebeard” skill by 12% (3 buffs maximum - 36%).
    2nd stage: "Yule Coffer II" and "Exceptional Solidity" buff, which increases the character’s “Solidity” parameter by 2,5% (3 buffs maximum - 7,5%).
    3rd stage: "Yule Coffer III" and "Frenzied Resistance" buff, which increases the “Resistance” parameter of the character by 2,5% (3 buffs maximum - 7,5%).

    4th stage: "Yule Coffer IV" and "Blind Fury" buff,  which increases the "Rage" parameter of the character by 3% (3 buffs maximum - 9%).
    5th stage: "Yule Coffer V" and "Pushy Temper" buff that increases the “Piercing Attack” parameter of the character by 2% (3 buffs maximum - 6%).

    6th stage: (in the 5th stage is successfully completed): "Yule Coffer VI", “Animal Guise” skill, which increases the character's movement speed in the Snow Boundary by 80% (the duration of the skill is 7 hours, cannot be used during the "Ice Hunt" event), and "Deadly Strike" buff that increases the “Critical Hit” and “Accuracy” parameters of the character by 2,5% (3 buffs maximum - 7,5%).
    In “Yule Coffers” you can find collectible smileys with black rabbits, funny tigers, cool bulls, merry piglets, cunning rats and cute dogs, christmas haircuts as well as: 
    common empowering relics; tickets to an attractions; seeker's stamina elixirs; holiday minions; small elixirs of a gladiator, unity and experience;  potions and scrolls; precious ingots. In the chest for the last stage, the lucky ones will be rewarded with the “Milk Hare” costume!
    Event restart time: on schedule: 02:05, 10:05, 18:05 CET.
    Guild event on the GvG-territory “Ice Hunt”
    A herd of wild boars can become a serious threat, but not for the heroes of Arinar! Deal with the gift thieves and put the stolen goods in bottomless boxes, but don't forget that other guilds will also fight for victory! Join the forces of your alliance and score 1000 points faster than other guilds to win the battle! The reward will be received by each member of the guild, starting from level 10 of the character, who was on the territory of the event for at least 30 seconds at the time of its successful completion.

    Main prize: 
    "Golden Herd Treasury" "Frosty Adventure" buff currency "World Creation Magic" - 750 pts. Consolation prize:
    “Golden Herd’s Jewelry Box” currency "World Creation Magic" - 150 pts. “Frosty Adventure” buff allows the character to access the selected dungeons on the Snow Boundary for free (1 buff maximum).
    The “Golden Herd Treasury” may contain the following rewards:
    "Enhanced Fury" book "Gullinbursti" costume "Icy Relic of Intractability"  unique empowering relics seeker's stamina elixirs unity signs tickets to an attractions holiday minions great elixirs of a gladiator, unity and experience potions and manuscripts precious ingots The “Enhanced Fury” book increases the character's “Rage” parameter by 6%.
    And incentive “Golden Herd’s Jewelry Box” may contain the following rewards:
    "Gullinbursti" costume "Icy Relic of Intractability"  unique empowering relics seeker's stamina elixirs unity signs tickets to an attractions holiday minions small elixirs of a gladiator, unity and experience potions and manuscripts precious ingots Restart time: 3 times a week on schedule. You can always check the “Events” menu for the time of the closest battle.
    Alliance event on dedicated territory “Stealing Gifts”
    What could be better than a huge cart with gifts? Only two of these carts! Gather as many warriors as possible to infiltrate the territory of the enemy Alliance and return the gifts stolen from you, and also try to prevent the opponents from stealing their own wagon! And do not forget about bypass to the enemy city - along a snow forest path that starts at a location near the camp or with the help of an underground passage, which can be found not far from the road in the center of the map.

    Each player of the winning Alliance, starting from the 6th level of the character, who was on the territory of the event 5 minutes before its successful end, will receive the following battle trophies:
    “Mighty Power” buff "White Beard’s Treasury" currency "World Creation Magic" - 300 pts. “Mighty Power” buff increases your character's physical and magical strength by 10% for 24 hours (1 buff maximum).
    In "White Beard’s Treasury" you can find:
    "Enhanced Damage Reflection" book "Icy Relic of Intractability"  unique empowering relics seeker's stamina elixirs tickets to an attractions holiday minions great elixirs of a gladiator, unity and experience event potions precious ingots The "Enhanced Damage Reflection" book increases the character's “Damage Reflection” by 6% for 1800 sec.
    Players of the losing Alliance will receive a consolation prize:
    “Elementary Power” buff "White Beard's Jewelry Box"  currency "World Creation Magic" - 150 pts. “Elementary Power” buff increases the character's physical and magical power by 5% for 24 hours (1 buff maximum).
    “White Beard's Jewelry Box” may contain:
    "Icy Relic of Intractability"  unique empowering relics seeker's stamina elixirs tickets to an attractions holiday minions small elixirs of a gladiator, unity and experience event potions precious ingots Restart time: 2 times a week on schedule.
    Guild event in the open world “Giant Family”
    The large family of Gryla strives to disrupt the holiday feast in honour of celebration of the World Creation! Head to the Yolasweinars warehouse, deal with the greedy brothers and their gluttonous father in the designated time and grab valuable battle trophies!
    All guild members starting at character level 10, that partake in killing the boss and were present on the territory of the event at the moment of its death will receive rewards:
    "Giant Family’s Treasury" "Undeniable Superiority" buff  currency "World Creation Magic" - 200 pts. "Undeniable Superiority" buff increases attack speed and character skill cooldown speed by 3,5% for 24 hours (2 buffs maximum - 7%).
    In "Giant Family’s Treasury" you can find:
    "Rapid Fury" book "Leppaludi" costume "Icy Relic of Intractability"  unique empowering relics seeker's stamina elixirs unity signs tickets to an attractions holiday minions great elixirs of a gladiator, unity and experience potions and manuscripts precious ingots The "Rapid Fury" book increases the character's "Attack Speed" parameter by 10% while under the effect of "Rage".
    Activation condition: gain 5000 guild points
    Restart time: 12 hours after finishing the event

    In addition, you can always fight with a family of giants outside of the event!
    Yolasweinar the Glutton (16 level):
    - unique armor (head, body, hands and legs) of level 14 and 16 with “Damage Reflection" bonus
    Yolasweinar the Sweet Tooth (20 level):
    - unique armor (head, body, hands and legs) of level 18 and 20 with “Damage Reflection" bonus
    Yolasweinar the Honey Eater (24 level):
    - unique armor (head, body, hands and legs) of level 22 and 24 with “Damage Reflection" bonus
    Yolasweinar the Sniffer (28 level):
    - unique armor (head, body, hands and legs) of level 26 and 28 with “Damage Reflection" bonus
    Leppaludi  (32 level):
    - unique armor (head, body, hands and legs) of level 30 and 32 with “Damage Reflection" bonus
    As well as:
    common defensive and attack relics tickets to an attractions unity signs holiday minions catalysts, essences and  substances spheres of damage and defense precious bars Boss rewards drop: boss level (and below).
    Ice Chests on Yolasweinar’s Warehouse
    The warehouses of the Yolasweinar’s are filled not only with festive treats, but also with treasures locked in Ice Chests. You can find them literally a couple of steps from the giant family! Chests can be opened with a special key, which you will find in the Dungeon or in the  “Winter Kingdom Cache”. Remember that if the character is under the effect of invulnerability, you will not be able to open the Ice Chest!
    Gryla's northern magic has spread far beyond the Citadel, so the Ice Chests will return to their places again and again every 15 minutes, and everyone will be able to fill their bag with these incredible gifts:
    Ice Chest (16 level):
    "Piercing Rage" book "Revelation of Fury" book “Favoniy”, “Wulturn”, “Auster” and “Aquilon” rare costumes unique belts of levels 14 and 16 with deadly bonuses unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of level 15 with physical / magical damage and “Piercing Attack” bonus unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 14 and 16 with “Damage Reflection” bonus unique empowering relics Ice Chest (20 level):
    "Piercing Rage" book "Revelation of Fury" book “Favoniy”, “Wulturn”, “Auster” and “Aquilon” rare costumes unique belts of levels 18 and 20 with deadly bonuses unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of level 20 with physical / magical damage and “Piercing Attack” bonus unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 18 and 20 with “Damage Reflection” bonus unique empowering relics Ice Chest (24 level):
    "Piercing Rage" book "Revelation of Fury" book “Favoniy”, “Wulturn”, “Auster” and “Aquilon” rare costumes unique belts of levels 22 and 24 with deadly bonuses unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of level 20 with physical / magical damage and “Piercing Attack” bonus unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 22 and 24 with “Damage Reflection” bonus unique empowering relics Ice Chest (28 level):
    "Piercing Rage" book "Revelation of Fury" book “Favoniy”, “Wulturn”, “Auster” and “Aquilon” rare costumes unique belts of levels 26 and 28 with deadly bonuses unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of level 25 with physical / magical damage and “Piercing Attack” bonus unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 26 and 28 with “Damage Reflection” bonus unique empowering relics Ice Chest (32 level):
    "Piercing Rage" book "Revelation of Fury" book “Favoniy”, “Wulturn”, “Auster” and “Aquilon” rare costumes unique belts of levels 30 and 32 with deadly bonuses unique accessories (rings, amulets and cloaks) of level 30 with physical / magical damage and “Piercing Attack” bonus unique armor (helmet, armor, gloves, boots) of levels 30 and 32 with “Damage Reflection” bonus unique empowering relics In addition, every chest hides golden coins!
    "Piercing Rage" book increases the character's "Piercing Attack" parameter by 6% while under the effect of "Rage".
    “Revelation of Fury” book applies the "Rage" bonus buff to the character when the character deals critical damage or critical healing. The effect can only trigger once every 20 sec.
    Raid boss Gryla
    The news of your exploits has reached the giantess Gryla, but she will not give up the Citadel without a fight! Boldly break into the ice fortress and crush the gates to get into the villainess's chambers! Do not forget that in addition to significant rewards, for participating in the killing of a raid boss, you can earn 100 points of the valuable currency "World Creation Magic"!

    What is the reward for expelling Gryla from the Citadel? A random player from the group will receive one of the items of equipment (head, body, arms and legs) of a unique rarity class of level 32 with the “Damage Reflection” bonus.
    All other members of the group can receive:
    “Gryla”, “North Pole Cat” and “South Pole Cat” great costumes “Enhanced Piercing Attack” book holiday minions unique empowering relics unity signs catalysts, essences and substances spheres of damage and defense precious bars The “Enhanced Piercing Attack” book increases the character's “Piercing Attack” parameter by 4%.
    The fierce giantess will appear in the chambers of the Ice Citadel every 8 hours, so everyone will have the opportunity to deal with her! Also, do not forget that you can now find out about the respawn time of Gryla and other raid bosses in the “Raid Bosses” section in the “My Guild” menu.
    The holiday island Rides park is open 24/7, and the snow elves are happy to award Good Luck Tokens to anyone who wants to test their luck and skill! Exchange earned Tokens at the Souvenir Merchant for bright costumes, festive skins and useful items!
    The 13th Season of activities “Northern Legends”
    A new season of activities will begin immediately after the release of the update! Earn Season Points by completing daily and weekly missions in Snow Boundary and unlock unique battle trophies!
    The 13th Season of activities will begin on December 25 at 23:00 CET and will last until February 05 at 23:00 CET. In the quick access menu you will find the Activity Center, where you can find out about new missions, selected according to the level of your character, as well as track the progress of all missions. You can also check out the list of rewards there, including an amazing costume, a festive way to move around the Snow Boundary, and many other nice gifts!
    Pay attention to the benefits of the Battle Pass, including an additional line of unique rewards! In addition, Battle Pass holders receive:
    additional slots with daily and weekly missions; an additional cell with a reward upon completion of all levels; personal warehouse and guild warehouse from the quick access menu; the possibility of a free hairstyle change at a personal hairdresser. And don't forget about the recently opened opportunity to give the Battle Pass to any player from 6 level of character as part of your Alliance and game server! 
    Costume Merchants
    Costume Merchants are always ready to trade Crimson Corundums for themed winter costumes or the Chest of the Ice Order, which contains a lot of valuables!
    In the Chest you can find:
    "Restrained Rage" book costumes: Yolasweinar the Sniffer, Glass King, Bitten Gingry, Cracked Cookie, Rabid Gingering, Furious Cookie Monster, Patrol of Everlasting Winter, Warrior of Everlasting Winter, Guard of Everlasting Winter unique decorative skins: Candy Crusher, Spinner Club, Disco Mace, Cap Sword, Stocking Waraxe, Candy Stick, Stick Mount, Christmas Scepter, Festoon Needleshot, Christmas Snowthrower, Gingerbread Shield unity signs courage scrolls holiday minion winter battle scrolls might potions "Restrained Rage" book applies the "Rage" bonus buff to the character and the group members that are at the location with the character when two or more members of the group are under any control effect.
    This year, 12 new individual achievements are available to you, for the completion of which you will receive collectible "Rudolph Smiley" and "Santa Approved Smiley" emoticons. In addition, 5 Legendary achievements are waiting for you at once - one individual and four guild ones!
    Only during the World Creation holiday it will be possible to create event set armor of the heroic rarity class of 10-32 levels! In addition, the number of available rare crafting tasks for the "Cloth Armor", "Light Armor" and "Heavy Armor" professions has been increased to four, so it's time for the craftsmen of Arinar to take on extra work! 
    Exclusive items in Miracle Shop
    Winter Kingdom Cache
    In addition to its rich content, the Winter Kingdom Cache can hide the Ice Chest Key!
    50 costumes:
    Ice Hieromant Volsung Valkyrie Icemancer Alien Divergent Wisteria Snow Pepper Eternal Ophir Magister Penguinny Stormwake Chione Batista Ice Storm Chief of the Valley of Snow Bluebeard Princess Fox Silverfox Foreteller Ice Flame Demon Ice Executioner Star Princess Party Queen Black Hawk Winter Palace Knight Faceless Healer Grand Magister Christmas Ball Queen Moon Princess Dragonborn Oracle Samurai of the Ice Empire Princess of the Ice Empire Polar Carl Rag Rodriguez King of the North Queen of the North Bone Lord Ice Arena Goalkeeper Horrible Jack Teddy Bear Cookie Penguin Snow Maiden Nutcracker Ice Warrior's Armor Snow Queen Grinch Snowman Reindeer Rudolf Snow Elf 46 Decorative skins:
    Magic Set:
    Kris of the Deadly Frost Sabre of the Deadly Frost Club of the Deadly Frost Flamberge of the Deadly Frost Poleaxe of the Deadly Frost Scepter of the Deadly Frost Stick of the Deadly Frost Baton of the Deadly Frost Bow of the Deadly Frost Snow-Shooter of the Deadly Frost Crossbow of the Deadly Frost Shield of the Deadly Frost Enchanted Shield of the Deadly Frost Magmatic Set:
    Blade of the Seared Bound Bill of the Seared Bound Club of the Seared Bound Claymore of the Seared Bound Broadaxe of the Seared Bound Recade of the Seared Bound Caduceus of the Seared Bound Scepter of the Seared Bound Flameshooter of the Seared Bound Flamethrower of the Seared Bound Bombard of the Seared Bound Tower Shield of the Seared Bound Magic Shield of the Seared Bound Shaman Set:
    Naktu Tribe's Mallet Naktu Tribe's Cutter Naktu Tribe's Tomahawk Naktu Tribe's Gaff Naktu Tribe's Ice Axe Naktu Tribe's Staff Naktu Tribe's Baton Naktu Tribe's Bow Naktu Tribe's Arrowshooter Naktu Tribe's Timbrel Ice Set:
    Ice Dagger Ice Battleaxe Ice Mace Ice Sword Ice Cleaver Ice Staff Ice Scepter Ice Bow Ice Crossbow Ice Shield Incredible Relics:
    Ice Relic of Piercing Icy Relic of Retribution Icy Relic of Frostbite Icy Relic of Ruthlessness Icy Relic of Rampage Icy Relic of Exhaustion Icy Relic of Rage Icy Relic of Reflected Damage Icy Relic of Cruelty Ice Relic of Captivity Rarest Runes and Crystals:
    Crystal of Agility Retribution Rune Crystal of Wildness Rune of Resistance Piercing Crystal Great Elixirs:
    Gladiator's Great Elixir Great Elixir of Unity Great Elixir of Experience Holiday Minions:
    Summon Grinch Summon Snowman Summon Ice Queen and also the most powerful potions and precious ingots!
    Legendary Chest of the White Wanderer
    Diviner Samsara Borea’s Ghost Aurora Polar Shadow Inspector Lepus Magic Mane Herald of the Millennial Winter Ginger Knight Very Important Person Soft Feet Christmas Kitty Furry Sylph of the Frost Polar Hunter Polar Huntress Priest of the Ice Kingdom Decorative Skins:
    Dagger of the Ice Spirits Broadsword of the Ice Spirits Mace of the Ice Spirits Flamberge of the Ice Spirits Labrys of the Ice Spirits Scepter of the Ice Spirits Staff of the Ice Spirits Baton of the Ice Spirits Bow of the Ice Spirits Enchanted Bow of the Ice Spirits Crossbow of the Ice Spirits Shield of the Ice Spirits Magic Shield of the Ice Spirits Sabre of the Arctic Dragon Gladius of the Arctic Dragon Ice Axe of the Arctic Dragon Halberd of the Arctic Dragon Estoc of the Arctic Dragon Scepter of the Arctic Dragon Thyrsus of the Arctic Dragon Baton of the Arctic Dragon Snowshooter of the Arctic Dragon Snowthrower of the Arctic Dragon Bombard of the Arctic Dragon Tower Shield of the Arctic Dragon Magic Shield of the Arctic Dragon  
    Holiday minions
    Summon Black Tiger  Summon White Bull  Summon White Rat  Summon Yellow Pig  Summon Black Tiger (Support)
    instantly heals the character for 5% of the maximum amount of health, each next healing during the battle will restore 5 more health points. Maximum health increase 10% (active skill); increases character's critical damage by 30% for 30 seconds (active skill); deals physical damage to the enemy for 6 seconds (active skill); Increases the character's “Energy Regeneratioт” parameter by 30% and maximum energy by 25% while the minion is alive (passive skill). Summon White Bull (Support)
    instantly restores the character's health in the amount of 20% of the maximum amount. Additionally restores health in the amount of 4% of the maximum amount every 1 second for 5 seconds (active skill); applies a protective effect on the character for 6 seconds. Upon receiving any negative effect, restores health to the character in the amount of 20% of the maximum amount and energy in the amount of 25% of the maximum amount (active skill); deals physical damage to the enemy over 6 seconds (active skill); increases the character's parameters "Attack Speed" by 8% and "Skill Cooldown" by 8% while the minion is alive (passive skill). Summon White Rat (Support)
    removes negative effects from the character in the amount of 3 pcs. (active skill); instantly heals the character for 300% of the minion's magical power. With a 40% chance, it can restore health to a random player from the character group located in this location (active skill); deals magic damage to the enemy in the amount of 120% of the minion's magic power (active skill); increases the character's movement speed by 25% while the minion is alive and the character is out of combat (passive skill). Summon Yellow Pig (Support)
    instantly restores the character's health in the amount of 360% of the minion's magical power (active skill); restores the character's health in the amount of 60% of the minion's magical power for 5 seconds every 1 second (active skill); reduces damage taken by character by 20% for 8 seconds (active skill); increases the character's maximum health by 20% while the minion is alive (passive skill). Smileys Collections
    "Sneaky Raccoons" Smileys "Unicorns" Smileys  "Festive Kolobki" Smileys  "Keeper of World Creation" Smileys  "Jolly Penguins" Smileys  "Winter" Smileys Barber Sets
    Christmas Barber's Set  Polar Barber's Set Snow Barber's Set  
    Holiday gift calendar
    With the release of update 11.2, an additional calendar of gifts in honor of the World Creation will appear in the game! Hurry up to pick up all the gifts before the end of the calendar! In addition, all characters, starting from level 10, will receive the “Book of Oblivion” as a gift!
    Additional changes
    during testing, errors were discovered due to which the mechanics of the skills "Spirit of Resistance" of the Blade Dancer and "Unwavering Will" of the Reaper were returned to their previous state. Changes to skills will be made after the bugs are fixed; fixed incorrect interaction of the active guild skill “Guild Blessing” with the Templar’s “Reverse Flow” skill: now the “Reverse Flow” skill does not affect the target if the Templar is under the effect of the guild skill “Guild Blessing”; the order of sorting effects in the “Effects” tab has been changed: effects from objects are displayed first; fixed a bug with incorrect activation of talents in the block of talents with a choice: now talents from the block are activated after the corresponding skill is learned. We draw your attention to the fact that for the time of the celebration, the schedule of the guild event on the Invasion of Chaos GvG territory on the Vth sector of Ayvondil will be adjusted. You can find the schedule on the game forum.  
    We wish you Happy World Creation!
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