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Everything posted by Marcin

  1. Because bows hit faster, you got range advantage and so on. +1 for keyboard choice though I'm very satisfied with Swype. Traps are meant to encounter stealth, not to give rangers advantage over all melee classes imo.You can still trap them after charge anyway. Blind hits "faster" because its range is longer. And yes, game needs blessing balance because we are tired of dying in 1sec by you :wacko: .
  2. It really makes sense since in ancient 0.4.4 version it was possible (for rogues only though). Hope we'll find out soon!
  3. Marcin

    lol marketers

    Chill out it's normal right after release. Prices will stabilize within few weeks :pleasantry:
  4. What's wrong with TAUNT? Is it unwanted change in game mechanics too?
  5. Jak najbardziej za. Złodziejstwo nawet w grze należy tępić.
  6. Let this topic stay for explanations only not another "balance war". Hope devs can enlighten us about their decisions.
  7. it works for my barb like a charm. tried only on granite though..
  8. unge why you post your photos with weird background and titles :unknw:
  9. There is update on Google Play just delete the market's app data it should help.
  10. Marcin


    Widziałem ale moim zdaniem będzie miał 15 moon i 15 astral. Niedługo się przekonamy.
  11. Marcin


    Co do kryształów to te ze sklepu mają teraz dawać tyle co dull chyba. He's been gone for like 2 months already.
  12. Last time russians posted screenshots hunting anax with one party devs increased the difficulty significantly....
  13. it is useless i feel no difference with 15% attack speed and this was discussed already. Mioco even gave formula which proved its USELES.
  14. Then what are we supposed to do with our bows and firstobrn with shields and 2handed axes? Can't you limit it somehow so we only get items which we and our allies can use?
  15. Funny how +10 guys team up together yet they still suck. With random partners they are weaklings :lol:
  16. I don't mind crit heal at all it'll be very useful for farming. However it shouldn't apply in arena at least so things on arena will be the same :good: It's blessing for now that has to be fixed.
  17. wtf - When using healing skills is now possible to make a critical effect. no class balance? Rangers and mage classes still gonna own poor melee? Blessing still gonna be killing us in few seconds? Why do you ignore those reports? Overall this update sounds great however the game still needs some polishing and fixes. I love the system keyboard feature! Finally!
  18. screen z ok 1.5 roku temu ;D
  19. patience. your case is on the same queue as others. i don't think there are privileges for those who pay more ;D
  20. what a bullshit rogue doesn't get any extra imaginary points :lol:
  21. They just deleted the cheaper runes and made all use the more expensive ones! ;D
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