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By Newworldorder · Posted
Hi. It would be nice to have an option to mute everyone for a certain time period from getting in guild chat flooding it when others are directing important commands. Example during gvg only Leader, Right hands. and Heirs can chat during a specific time period. This would be an optional option to turn on you can also leave it how it is. I say this because a lot of people uncontrollably want to chat about stuff not important and others can miss important information. -
Тссс, тише будь, говорят, что где-то рядом ходит Лававоин, которая качает талы за 2-3 месяца...
By Eliminator · Posted
I suggest that the talent "Virtuoso" for blade dancers works for both melee and ranged attacks. Right now it only works against ranged attacks which prevent players from using the branch in the first place. -
Автоатакеры в замесах мусор, речь то о масс замесах, и предложение неплохое ..
Ох... прошу меня извинить. Меня так запотокило, что уже мерещатся вихри)
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