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@Holmes @Shimarinhello ! I would like to report something that I think is a bug in the Warlock skill (Dark Pond). Well let's go! It turns out that when two Warlocks use the pond on the same rival, the Lock that uses the skill first has its damage lost, the second skill removes the damage from the first. This leaves only the penalty for the second attack. In other words, the first one becomes useless. It's happening similar to what happened in the past when when two shamans healed the same target, one's healing removed the other's healing. Below I will leave a video for you to analyze, the level 1 wizard in the video completely "cuts" the damage from the other level 21 wizard. WHENEVER THE LV21 WIZARD USED THE Puddle I ALSO USED IT WITH MY LV1 AND THE LV21 WITCHMAN'S DAMAGE WAS INTERRUPTED BY MY ATTACK. When this happens in an arena or Boss it generates frustration, as players who deal more damage often have their attacks INTERRUPTED by other weaker players. Or in the arena we always have to choose for only the strongest wizard to use the pond VID_20241116_004608.mp4
Я балуюсь плюшками, как Карлсон!
Писали Не могу придумать, как кто-то, кто вообще не может зайти в игру, будет получать внутриигровую компенсацию. Но не исключено, если всё будет хорошо и наш фикс поможет максимальному количеству игроков, что мы порадуемся этому долгожданному событию все вместе и с размахом
By Badshooter · Posted
Ты когда читаешь что то нужное тебе, тоже жалуешься на то, что читать много надо? -
Запретной магией балуемся, да?
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