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Так млинн, я как раз в принципе об этом, пусть передамаживает (но только в пве) чтобы дру как магов ХОТЕЛИ брать в инсты. Кому от этого хуже? Маги (как и вся патя) ток с дру быстрее проходить инст будут, всем это в плюс. Быстрее инсты бегают, быстрее донатить за выносами побегут, т. е. Разработчикам в плюс. И Дру будет актуален в инстах, всем Дру плюс. Всем только в Плюс!
А не жирно? Топ 1 хилл в игре, топ 1-3 контроллер, так ещё теперь и дд
Charmer in current meta is outdated and here are my suggestions how to fix some issues there is. Staff charmer is very outdated as a support class. It has good stun abilities and decent heals, but for a support class in current meta only having healing abilities is not enough. My suggestion is to rework certain buff and debuff skill that charmer has: Otherworldly Blessing: Increases maximum health of the character or group member by P%, the maximum amount of energy – by D%, and the "Blocking" parameter – by A% if equipped with a shield, and the "Critical hit power" parameter and critical healing power – by N% if equipped with a staff for T sec. When used on an ally, the character and the ally receive H% of the skill's effect. This skill is a decent buff for pve content, but for pvp it mainly acts as a weak healing ability. To fix this i would rework the skill to increase dmg and healing instead of crit dmg and crit healing so it would be somewhat useful in pvp content too. Eye of the Darkness: Applies the "Eye of darkness" buff to the character or an ally for T sec. The effect increases physical and magical defense by P%, and the "Accuracy" parameter by D%, as well as the chance of detecting masked enemies within a radius of 10 yards I have seen many people hoping that this skill could give temporary dmg reduction instead of defence. That would be reasonable adjustment to increase staff charmers survival ability, because at the moment if you get debuffed with relic of apathy you are basically dead. With this change it would maybe be possible to survive slightly longer. Some "hybrid classes" also have issue with some skills becoming useless on certain builds. I understand that on expert skills that is fine, but a basic skill becoming uselessis a huge disadvantage compared to other classes. In my opinion skill "call" should be reworked somehow so it could be used in support build too. My idea for this is to make call invulnerable for attacks. Like a ghost or something. Then it would wander around and apply some kind of debuff to enemy. My idea for the debuff is that it would slightly decrease enemys max hp and slow it down. And it would have max stacks of 3 or 5. Fiend of darkness branch Fiend of darkness Now the skill "Help of Chaos" summons the monster "Fiend of darkness". The monster has an attack range of 2 yards, has high damage and increased survivability. This branch is increasing charmers dmg output on staff build while decreasing its survivability a lot, which is fine in my opinion but the amount of dmg gained feels very low for sacrificing the main source of healing for it. My idea to fix this is removing the dark prism from "fiend of darkness" and greatly increasing the auto attack dmg of it. That would increase the burst dmg ability for this branch and it would suit this current meta much better. Other idea to fix this is switching the prism of the fiend to a different skill. Some buff for the player who its applied to. For example remove 1 debuff every 5 seconds or something like that. On physical mace build you can deal huge dmg, but it can easily be countered by enemy with high aoe dmg and lifesteal, which most characters have plenty nowadays. My suggestion is to reduce received lifesteal from summon skills.(This applies to every other class summon skills too) Because in most cases these summon skills are just have any benefit for the summoner itself. Physical build seems very strong against "weaker players" you can literally kill a whole party in seconds with 2 taps, meanwhile in top pvp content "call" often acts as a free heal for enemy. To fix this issue the dmg output of "call" should be decreased, but increase their survivability.
С такими щедрыми Изобами боюсь даже разбогатеть, без них дропало и то лучше
Йапонский городовой.. сколько уже жевано пережевано, а всë равно.. "ну это же просто хил.. какого.." ...Аигринд даже дал Дру Смерч чтобы он вам по "тупым" башкам настучал, чтобы хоть так поняли, что перед вами давно уже совсем неХилый дд и контролер (у которого даже в базе контроль-навык, хорошо станящий, правда ток при раскачке) А до этого дал буст пробива, и потом буст кд., буст крита а вы как бараны (уж извините) всë ломитесь в стену. Не злите вы разработчиков своей тупостью )) а то сделают они вам такого Дру, что даже я сам Дру буду обходить Дру стороной и просить дру пофиксить ))
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