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а вот у вождя круто выходит пробивать всех и хилить себе фул хп 1 кнопкой, странно, да ? вот это здраво, но в целом хз че у ребят с пробивом, у меня на жц в пве кап пробива
By Joy Boy Abunda · Posted
The point here is, why they didn't give that fking talent on rogues? It's fit for it, and they just given it to rangers. And also why rogue talent when dodge, dmg back, why not heal? They don't even know how to play their game. This is the fact, im sorry im so harsh talking like this but they deserved not be respected. They just keep away all players effort in this class, and if you're not rogue player you won't understand it. how pussy these developers when it comes on balancing. -
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