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Has everyone given up?


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I wonder why alot of people not questioning or demanding any news about 3.0 update. For all the new players this doesnt concern you, but for the rest of us, everyone just continueing to farm, rage war, or just sit in town chatting or selling like pachucute. Am I complaining?....HELL YES! I dont want to spend alot of time on a new mc or fb character, when 3.0 comes out I'm trying out one of those. Now if I going to spend my hard earn money for the ripoff mcoins, I want and demand to see some type of progress. Some ppl going to agree with me, others going to disagree, thats your free speech to do that, I just want to know the timely event of the update, atleast give us a quest we can do to get rare items that the systems stop giving out, or a pvp event, something so we dontr go looking for another mmorpg to play.

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i stop asking, stop complaining, stop suggesting AND STOP PLAYING :dirol:

all my char is play by my girl now.

the reason is... no need to tell, u all know.

so i better wasted my time and money for other satisfy me, like my ps3 or psp.

i dont care expensive, at least that make me enjoy it.

maybe i play when update, check it, and stop play again ;D  as long as this still a game not a shop.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:





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i stop asking, stop complaining, stop suggesting AND STOP PLAYING

all my char is play by my girl now.

the reason is... no need to tell, u all know.

so i better wasted my time and money for other satisfy me, like my ps3 or psp.

i dont care expensive, at least that make me enjoy it.

maybe i play when update, check it, and stop play again  as long as this still a game not a shop..




Stop faming,stop daily,stop chating, keep hanging in towns  best suggestions hahahaha..

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Hi Galv.  I been playing the beta for The Secret World, a new mmo coming out in July.

I do log on WS still, mainly to gank elves with my shaman.

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