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Buff magic palas damage

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1.light arua increase magic power instead of heal power.

2.persuasion can make magic damage

3.paryer become a permanent skill only word pala themselves.add magic damage by every auto attack.


Now the Reckoning branch is still too low damage.its hard to kill anyone in the same equip level.


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Posted (edited)

I agree with the title but these 3 ideas are terrible


1. No, Light Aura is perfectly fine as it is.

2. Weirdest place to put damage on. 

3. The skill needs to be reworked entirely. Making it rely on auto attacks is not it. 


Reckoning branch does also need a bit more damage or damage support rather, making it the ultimate support branch

The first Heavenly Light talent in that branch should be replaced to an additional 5%/10% damage on Prayer.


And Faith Reckoning DoT should apply to all party members attacks with a reduced chance for every additional party member, so like 25%-20%-15%-10%-5% (for 1-2-3-4-5 party members) chance to apply. 


I'd add from my side: Illumination additionally instantly applies x1-2 (depending level) Faith Reckoning DoT damage on enemies


Also maybe make that DoT from this branch stagger enemies.:blush: (The one that applies from Purifying/Fetters combo does!)

Edited by Gladiator
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That's OK.but i think persuasion is useless in pvp. And pala need a magic damage skill(not expert skill)or persuasion can give enemy some debuff

9 hours ago, Gladiator said:

I agree with the title but these 3 ideas are terrible


1. No, Light Aura is perfectly fine as it is.

2. Weirdest place to put damage on. 

3. The skill needs to be reworked entirely. Making it rely on auto attacks is not it. 


Reckoning branch does also need a bit more damage or damage support rather, making it the ultimate support branch

The first Heavenly Light talent in that branch should be replaced to an additional 5%/10% damage on Prayer.


And Faith Reckoning DoT should apply to all party members attacks with a reduced chance for every additional party member, so like 25%-20%-15%-10%-5% (for 1-2-3-4-5 party members) chance to apply. 


I'd add from my side: Illumination additionally instantly applies x1-2 (depending level) Faith Reckoning DoT damage on enemies


Also maybe make that DoT from this branch stagger enemies.:blush: (The one that applies from Purifying/Fetters combo does!)


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