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BR server problems


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Currently the server is very unbalanced, the number of active players on the Sentinels side is very large compared to the Legion


Every day that passes I see players migrating to the Sentinels side because of low demand for items on the legion side, in events like Halloween we cannot find groups to enter dungeons at levels below lvl32, I didn't want to have to come to this but we need urgent changes to the game's quality of life 



I'm going to suggest a crucial change to help balance things out, in the past the market made sense, but nowadays with the possibility of falling against guilds of the same faction does not make sense


I would like to suggest the unification of markets, With this change the game will always be balanced as the more active side will always provide interest to the less active side.


I will take advantage of the opportunity and suggest some more changes


It would be great if at escort events where the objective is to escort a member of the guild, the character's life bar would be visible on the side of the screen similar to the bar for group members


This way, all players in the area could use support skills when playing under escort with greater ease. and it would also be easier to see the character's hp status


next suggestion, maximum level characters should gain talent points instead of xp in daily missions.


next suggestion, on map 2 players who killed other players outside of war event times would receive a wanted symbol, Players marked as wanted would receive hit kills from NPCs from the enemy faction, preventing higher level players from being in spam areas


Warspear Online


some malicious players use mandatory respawns in certain areas to prevent lower level players from playing 



Edited by 100xp
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Bro  They will not unite markets or merge servers. They are strictly opposed to merging or trading between factions. I asked this million times, they dont do it. 

 Its not because of technical issues, its just not profitable for them. 

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It happens in eu server aswell. 


Seems to have x10 elves each x1 mc. 

I wonder why everyone prefers elf side... :troll_face1: (Sarcasm) 


Its really hard and something funny fighting against an elf outbreak. 


A server merge should, not gives a solution, but Minimise the impact in terms of low items in secondhand dealer. 


Obviously a server merge is not going to happen, so.... 


We can only lament :bye-crazy-rabbit-emoticon:

Edited by Ryohei
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True, it is sad. Even though legion side is getting better and better with their skills and talents each update which is more superior than sentinels, it doesn't seems to help luring sentinels to play legion side. Building your characters takes time. Maxing them level and amp your equipments, farming gold. Triple the time if you are f2p players. 


Only suggestion I want to make is make the expert skills cheaper or free and also make teleportation totally free, but sure only after you completed certain quest or achieved certain level or through talents I don't care.  With this it helps newbie a lot and high level players can easily help them out without walking miles. Especially reaching lab entrance. Warspear map is huge, really huge, no ones wants to walk them miles without using teleport scrolls. 


Playing in legion side is just sad till today. Legion population always been so low, only few active in doing dungeon and all that things which it does impact the market. You can see this from in games rating. Top guild points making, top dungeon, sentinels dominates that resulting more items sales in market. From that alone you know which side you need to play for your own comfortablity in finding items and also helps. 


New players been given daily gift, exp potion does helps them level up to level 20 in one day, but that also means you running doing quest and go to Ayvondil with crap level 8/10 gears from map 1 quest reward and with only 5 base skills. So you starting doing only lab daily for weeks to get that 40k gold to buy your first expert skill. Only if you lucky to get party doing lab. Nowadays people don't do lab to help newbies which makes it even harder, which now you only rely gold from normal daily quest. Expert skills should be free nowadays or reduce their price to only 10k. Some class only get comfortable to play with their expert skills on. Grinding gold for your expert is one story, grinding gold for your equipments, runes, crystal is another nightmare.  Sure it takes time. Lots of time. But you can achieve that nonetheless. 


Thats my story when I try to play legion side as f2p players because I know I can achieve everything eventually, however considering the same way legion state overall for ages now, I just stay on sentinels side. In the end, most of their skills are similar kind of way anyway, only different it is put on different class but it works the same. Class that are lacking in legion side already here, like chieftain, and for sentinels, templar. So in a situation where sentinels vs sentinels guild like in US Sapphire server, it is totally fine. I don't know if I should be happy about that though.

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