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Grimoire skill cooldown bug?


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Hi there :smile:.

While I was playing I noticed that the grimoire skill lasts less than it should. Would it be a bug?  I wanted to know why it doesn't last the correct 20s of the skill.

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16 hours ago, ZxLeGeNdZ said:

Hi there /cdn-cgi/mirage/35b59619a7f33d5eddad31f602e41c69beb8d40c32aed61a7ec6396ed606a9de/1280/https://forum.warspear-online.com/uploads/emoticons/ab.gif.

While I was playing I noticed that the grimoire skill lasts less than it should. Would it be a bug?  I wanted to know why it doesn't last the correct 20s of the skill.

Hey! :)


It's not a bug.


That's because skills have different effects on some mini-bosses, bosses and raid-bosses.

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12 horas atrás, Nolan disse:

Hey! :)


It's not a bug.


That's because skills have different effects on some mini-bosses, bosses and raid-bosses.

got it. so I think it should be specified in the description, it is useful information and can make someone spend skill points or not.

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