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How can you use charge?


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1.When i click charge, 6 yard from my enemies, i always miss click(since they change min range of charge). and charge fail to use. its like lag or what. but my connection is not bad.

2.If charge success to use and no missclick, but stun fail  :facepalm: . I got my rage since stun fail.

3.Cooldown 20 min, and i just can run to waiting cooldown charge. I can not attack enemies if my charge still waiting cooldown, or i dead  :facepalm: . After Cooldown time done, I tried click charge, but charge missclick again. its make me angry argghhhhh. if success, but stun fail. my rage increase. I just can waiting for dead  :facepalm:  if stun fail. Chop and taunt useless since many class have range skill.



Are u have same problem abt miss click, but ur distance to enemies is more 4 yard  :facepalm: ?

How can u use charge? i need learn more since dev change  min range of charge.





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The minimun range of charge is 3 yards now. So you kind of have to be a little exact on distance; less than 3 yards and charge will cancel click, more than 4-5 yards and it'll most likely be too far away.


The stun % has increased to 50% on max. Which is nice... until you try to use charge, and find it cancel clicking.  :facepalm:


Simply put, charge just works whenever it ducking wants. Some times it'll work like a charm, other times its unbelievable! Last night I was chasing Rangerweed above t4. I get caught in a trap, but charge was up. He was 3 yards away and increasing, but omg... charge cancel clicked 4 ducking times!! I was spamming the ducking button and it just refused to work! And Rangerweed managed to get away as a result.  :bomb:

Plus when you're not spamming the button and it cancel clicks, it ducks you all up because it makes you wonder if you forgot to press in the first place.


I noticed that charge may have a better shot at working if you're trying to charge ahead in a straight line. Otherwise all I can suggest is... just spam the button until it works.  :bad:

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I dont see where barbar ability like v1.9? This class dont have ability again. barbar need good connection to use charge now. Why are devs just want reduce barbar ability? why isnt another class? Barbarian population is down. Some ppl leaving barbar cuz it. Some of my friend leave barbar. and just newbie play barbar.





I want barbarian revolution. They must balance with all class. I think next update, they will delete our charge cuz they never like barbar.

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