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  1. The 15-year Adventure's Journey Fifteen years ago, in Arinar, we've gather Heroes all over the world seek strength and power Up until now the war is far from over Can we last fighting for the spear together? As days passes by the friendships are formed Guild unites as the members are thorned Through thick and thin, We are bound by loyalty This is how we've created a strong family Amidst the chaos, there is a hope Through the burning passion that is envelope Keep on going no matter how many times we are torn Because this is where the legends are Reborn Happy 15th Anniversary, Warspear Online!!!
  2. Tavern song : Spirit of Celebration I am in cores of [Magic Staves] That shed destruction or keep peace And in the hearts of heroes brave But even more my spirits reach For I inspire year by year A type of flame in every <faction> To fight for goals inside Warspear Online, to each their own attraction To sorrows or prayers I have no relation I'm the Spirit of Arinar - and the Celebration So, dear friends, from Melvendil to Mermen posts All rise an [Ale] or [Heady Rum] for me and make a toast!
  3. inbound8479237908600969352.mp4 "Without all of us the very existence of ourselves deters unto why we are here" -Me or [Kenway] I appreciate you guys and gals here currently reading what I commented Also i believe you watched my video (are the text too fast? Sorry just rewind it🙏I'm not a good editor this just my gimmick) and also thank you I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it. (Not that great? Probably)
  4. Esse vídeo é minha entrada no concurso do Warspear desse ano. Fiz com muito carinho e espero que bata alguma sensação de nostalgia para a galera. Parabéns Warspear pelos 15 anos. Nick: Thomcalvo Server: Br-tourmaline Classe: Mago --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's personal... it's been 15 years... This video is my entry for this year's Warspear contest. I did it with great affection and I hope it hits some sense of nostalgia for the guys. Congratulations Warspear on 15 years. Nick: Thomcalvo Server: Br-tourmaline Class: Mage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Es personal... han pasado 15 años... Este vídeo é minha entrada para o concurso Warspear deste ano. Lo hice con mucho cariño y espero que toque algo de nostalgia por los chicos. Felicidades Warspear por sus 15 años. Nick: Thomcalvo Servidor: Br-tourmaline Clase: Mago Já faz um tempo que não participo dos concursos e fico feliz em poder participar de mais um novamente.
  5. In the blessed land of Arinar, there are dungeons, battles, monsters and war Equipped with elixirs and magical scrolls, Sentinels and Legions clash and roar! While one seizes victory and the other falls, Neither gives up for the glory that calls! Warriors explore this magical land for blessings and treasure, gain experience and joy beyond measure Oh, young adventurer! Become a part of this magical endless journey, Do not fear, do not waver, you shall be fine! Brace yourself and step into the world of Warspear Online! Happy 15 years of Warspear Online!
  6. I've been participating in the forum for some time now, and I have an idea in mind that might be fun for everyone. A contest on creating looks for gear! The contest can be based on creating a set of skins for various weapons, with some history or just the details of the weapons, and at the end of the tournament, the winner will get the skins of the weapons he created and they will be added to the game as a reward for increase the diversity of customizing your character, like the custume creation contest. What do you all think of the idea? @Dr Strange
  7. Devil Twins, also called as the Deadly Duo of Almahad, are vicious, human-size, one-eyed ants that have been terrorizing the desert and its inhabitants for years. This devilish creature was born as a result of endless greed of a wicked wizard notorious for his cruel experiments on animals, who had once hid himself in Almahad in order to pursue his evil dream of creating an immortal beast to take over the world. Though he was discovered and captured before his dream could be accomplished, his last creation, Devil Twins remain in the desert, hunting and devouring innocent lives of the inhabitants and many promising adventurers. Their long, scarlet tongue of fifteen inches paralyzes its victim while their venomous stings inject deadly poison into their bodies, slowly draining their life away. The fact that it moves and runs on two legs horrifies people. Nevertheless, holding onto hope, people of Almahad continue to await the arrival of a heroic warrior who will put an end to this monstrous creature, for which they shall be immensely rewarded.
  8. Venho pedir a ajuda de todos os membros do forúm, por gentileza votem no meu guia, a votação encerra-se no dia 29-03-2023. o link está disponivel a seguir! Obrigado!
  9. ESTE É UM GUIA PARA QUE OS NOVOS JOGADORES E OS ATUAIS JOGADORES CONHEÇAM O CAÇADOR PRODUZIDO E AUTENTICADO PELO JOGADOR KUSANAGI DO SERVIDOR BR-TOURMALINE Provenientes dos clãs das montanhas, os caçadores passam a maior parte da vida em florestas densas nas montanhas aperfeiçoando suas artes marciais, os caçadores são ágeis, explosivos e preferem manter distancia de um combate corpo a corpo, eles utilizam armaduras leves e utilizam arcos ou balestras! Caçadores tem uma enorme facilidade em ferir gravemente seus adversários, além de conseguir atordoar seus adversários com maestria. Suas Características básicas Possuem um alto índice ofensivo com danos rápidos e explosivos, além de danos periódicos Possuem um baixo índice defensivo devido ao uso de armaduras leves e a ineficiência no combate corpo a corpo Possui um médio-baixo índice de suporte/controle, que equilibram os pontos negativos da classe ORIENTAÇÃO AOS NOVOS JOGADORES Como na montagem de qualquer outra classe, recomendo que, se você não possui um considerável número de recursos disponíveis ($), não invista precocemente na classe, invista o necessário para sobrevivência do personagem dos níveis 1 até o nível 28. Nesse percurso do desenvolvimento de preferencia ao uso de consumíveis, tais como elixir do conhecimento, lacaios de suporte, equipamentos voltados para sobrevivência, aproveite dos atributos defensivos (HP, REGENERAÇÃO DE MANA, DEFESA FISICA), invista também na aquisição de skills de especialista voltadas ao aprimoramento e dano do personagem, sendo elas: Flecha guia, marca do caçador, tiro enfraquecedor, sabre toxico, instintos das montanhas. Veja abaixo uma lista de consumíveis, equipamentos e skills de especialista disponíveis! VANTAGENS DA CLASSE Atualmente é um dos principais causadores de dano da facção dos legionários, possuindo a vantagem de combate a distância combinado a mecânicas de dano, controle e atordoamento o que torna a classe muito forte e útil! No PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) a classe possui uma mecânica de dano combinada, sendo essa mecânica citada como: Dano por segundo rápido, Dano periódico alto, Dano explosivo rápido. No PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) a classes é uma das mais fortes devido suas mecânicas de danos rápidos, controle e atordoamento, além da vantagem de combate a longo alcance! Nota-se que é uma das classes com maior potencial e facilidade em adaptabilidade em situações de combate devido as habilidades disponíveis no seu arsenal. Sendo no PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) uma das classes mais requisitadas na facção, além de ser requisitada em massa por guildas competitivas! DESVANTAGENS DA CLASSE Desvantagens no PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) Devido a obrigatoriedade de diversos parâmetros ofensivos tais como acerto critico, dano critico, precisão, penetração, velocidade de ataque, recarga de habilidades, força de ataque, fúria, e a necessidade do parâmetro defensivo vampirismo para um bom desempenho da classe, o caçador apresenta deficiência em alguns atributos básicos que são a saúde máxima (HP), o alto consumo de energia (MANA), e o parâmetro defensivo robustez. Observa-se que no PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) a saúde máxima dos caçadores é baixa, e na maioria das vezes eles correm o risco de levar danos altos ou ate HITKILL (MORTE) em masmorras dedicadas ou em Bosses Raid devido a deficiência dos atributos defensivos citados acima. Devido a necessidade do uso de acessórios e equipamentos com parâmetros ofensivos o caçador se torna uma classe de alto custo de investimento ($), dita na opinião de quem faz uso da classe a 4 anos como uma das mais caras do jogo! Desvantagens no PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) Por ser uma classe de equipamentos leves, sua defesa torna-se razoavelmente baixa, levando em consideração as demais classes, ao entrar em combates corpo a corpo a classe se torna muito vulnerável devido o baixo valor de defesa do personagem e deficiência de saúde máxima que a classe apresenta! (OBS) NOTA-SE QUE POR SER UMA CLASSE DE LONGO ALCANCE A CHANCE DE BUGS VISUAIS É LIGEIRAMENTE ALTA, ATENTEM-SE A ESTA DICA! COMO PREPARAR SEU PERSONAGEM AO CONTEUDO PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) DO JOGO! Como um personagem focado em dano físico bruto, é necessário investir em atributos ofensivos. Os atributos necessários são: * ACERTO CRITICO * PRECISÃO * PENETRAÇÃO * VELOCIDADE DE ATAQUE * FORÇA DE ATAQUE * FURIA Veja exemplos dos melhores equipamentos PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO), relíquias e uma boa build após as últimas atualizações na minha opinião! EQUIPAMENTOS SKILL SET 32 MERMEM OBS: ALGUNS JOGADORES OPTAM PELO USO DE EQUIPAMENTOS COM CONJUNTO DE BONUS FÚRIA, MAS NAO SE ENGANE, SE VOCE NAO POSSUI O LIVRO DE ESPECIALISTA (SEM CLASSE) ''FÚRIA VELOZ'' ESSE É O MELHOR SET! RELIQUIAS PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) MINHA BUILD PVE COMO PREPARAR SEU PERSONAGEM AO CONTEUDO PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) DO JOGO O conteúdo PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) requer uma boa noção e conhecimento da classe, como dito anteriormente evite combates corpo a corpo, opte por danos rápidos, controle e atordoamento e sempre busque a sobrevivência! No conteúdo PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) também é necessário o investimento em atributos ofensivos, porém é necessário o investimento em atributos defensivos. Os atributos necessários são: OFENSIVOS * PRECISÃO * PENETRAÇÃO * VELOCIDADE DE ATAQUE * RECARGA DE HABILIDADES * FEROCIDADE NOTA-SE QUE ALGUNS ATRIBUTOS OFENSIVOS TAMBEM AUMENTAM O REPERTORIO E DANO DO PERSONAGEM, SENDO ELES: * FORÇA DE ATAQUE * FÚRIA DEFENSIVOS * RESILIENCIA * ESQUIVA * HP * RESISTENCIA * VAMPIRISMO Veja exemplos dos melhores equipamentos, relíquias e uma boa build após as últimas atualizações na minha opinião! Atente-se aos 2 equipamentos de raridade diferentes introduzidos: · Equipamentos PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) adquiridos com pontos de arena · Equipamentos grandeza adquiridos com imperiais da grandeza · Além de acessórios únicos e exclusivos EQUIPAMENTOS PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) PARAMETROS OFENSIVOS E DEFENSIVOS RELIQUIAS PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) MINHA BUILD PVP CONSUMIVEIS PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) CONSUMIVEIS PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) LACAIOS PVE (JOGADOR x MONSTRO) LACAIOS PVP (JOGADOR x JOGADOR) FINALIZANDO O CONTEUDO GOSTARIA DE DEIXAR ALGUNS LIVROS DE ESPECIALISTA (SEM CLASSE) QUE POSSUO E AGREGA MUITO NA MONTAGEM E RESULTADO FINAL DA CLASSE! Não irei citar a mecânica de cada um dos livros de especialista “sem classe” presentes no meu personagem devido a brevidade necessária do guia! Em outra aba do fórum já existe um guia disponível sobre livros raros “sem classe”! Conteúdo produzido a partir da minha experiencia em game e conivência com jogadores experientes. Ressalvo que não é necessário a montagem da classe de acordo com este guia, recomenda-se jogar de acordo com sua criatividade, interesse e divertimento para com a classe e o game. Aqui descrevi como é a minha experiencia e como tenho orientado os novos e atuais jogadores desde então! Guia produzido pelo jogador KUSANAGI do servidor BR-TOURMALINE! Aos leitores que chegaram até aqui o meu sincero agradecimento!
  10. Character name in game : Pupymaster Server : Eu-Emerald Costume name : Thirsty puppy 😁 Well Just wanted to give it a try Gudluck to Me and all others❤😈
  11. >> Legendary troll mask << Once upon a time while traveling and exploring the fantastical world of War Spear I reached to a new and lovely but complex area called Norlant Swamp. There people were talking about a legendary mask and I was eager to look for it. To begin with, I had to travel through portals of light that sent me to different places with different adventures. After many attempts, I finally reached the area I needed and that place was called Kotarava There I asked a person named kepala about the mask and he told me that to start I need to find ten magic mushrooms and deliver them to a legendary creature called Meniru in Small Ravva. After getting the magic mushrooms, I made my way to Small Ravva and met that legendary creature. When I saw him, I immediately asked him about the mask. He laughed and said, "What do you have for me in exchange for the mask?" I showed him the mushrooms, and his eyes lit up, he went crazy and said that I love these mushrooms, and because I thought hes to be a calm and lovable creature, I gave him the magic mushrooms after eating them, he put on the mask that I was looking for. It appeared on his face. He suddenly attacked me. I tried to calm him down by talking, but he was brutally attacking me, and I had to fight him and kill him. After removing the mask from his face, I saw that he was alive. And he was breathing hard, he smiled at me and said that the power of this mask is to make people and others laugh. After days of traveling, I arrived home and to my tribe, and it was there that I realized that the power of this mask is to make the people of my tribe happy. What I never managed to do before as a violent fighter, and now I was making people laugh by wearing that mask. After finding this mask, I was no longer a lonely fighter and I found many friends. this was my story hope you guys like it. (in love with swamps kotarava for ever)
  12. Underwater as always hiding a lot of mystery living of a Sea Creatures along with The Pirates above the water have keeping their secret to tell for the future generation who brave enough to explore the massive of a Sea Turtle Caves,Creatures,Pirates Treasures,Sunken Ship,Mermen,Sea Witch and also The Giant Octopus. Long ago before The Warriors of Arinar found the Sea Turtle mystery, a Pirates doing an exploration to find a treasures hiding under the water fight againts sea creatures also with the pirates of Albatross and Thunderbird the battle itself making an chaos between the pirates separate them to west and east leaving the agony and never sail comeback to claim the treasures drowned inside of the sunken ship at a Ship Graveyard. But there is one brave pirate who make a history and brave enough to explore the underwater once again after the chaos. his journey has revealed the mystery that no one could ever found like some of the creepy creatures Drowned Admiral, Levandis, and the hidden monster Inker who now known as Old Inker. the journey is not stop there, revealing the hidden dungeon on a Lonely Island and The Underwater Palace Of a Mermen His journey stop after he found the hidden cave living of a Sea Witch which controlled all of the sea creatures, the battle between him and Sea Witch ended up by The Pirates win but Sea Witch leaving an awareness that there is strongest creatures called Giant Octopus who is being awhile never found and ready to bring the torment to all of The Pirates Of a Sea Turtle. But it wont stop him to continue the journey. He been awarded as a King Of a Pirates but the spirit of true Pirate King never end he started the longest journey to the deepest of underwater to find the Giant Octopus and reveal what the torment is and ended up on a secret island called The Madness Island. there The King Of Pirate and they fellow Pirates building the fortress to protect them from anonymous attack of a dangerous underwater sea creatures. But the deepest underwater could also bring a fear to the Pirates who is been together since the first sail. One of them was Sheo. He tried to warn him that the underwater is a dangerous and Giant Octopus could be anywhere. "Captain, this is too dangerous, the underwater hidden a mystery that we did not explore yet, you have to worry about it and try not to take a risk captain" Said Sheo but it wont stop him with the brave and fearless of a King spirit of a Pirates "I will keep explore and no one gonna stop me even the most strongest creatures here won't stop if the other pirates don't wanna go with me, ill do this alone" said The King Of Pirates. Sheo and other Pirates have tried to stop him but it seem no one can so they decided to watch him from The Madness Island. The day has come. the brave King Of A Pirates dive under the water just not far around the Madness Island he found 4 Totems standing and a Stone Plate he can feel the incoming attack from any sides of him. Totem turned on and giving a signal to all of the sea creatures including awaking the Giant Octopus. Instead of retread he chose to sacrifice him self to fight with a Giant Octopus. The fight never ends till the Pirates decide to find where is him icluding Sheo but they stopped after one of them seeing a huge human creatures with a hook like a pirate and a latern on his hand but his head was covered by a Red Eyes Octopus "Captain what was that" said the pirates "That is..... Oh my lord! Its Giant Octopus!!!!" Said Sheo while screaming and running "DONT CALL ME GIANT OCTOPUS!!" "YOU CAN CALL ME CAPTAIN GIANT OCTOPUS HAHAHAHA" "AND DONT YOU EVER RUN FROM ME" the monsters coming from all sides Sharks Sea Monster scatter all the Pirates only Sheo survive from the attack and he return to Madness Island and seeing the ship is ruined by the torment of a Captain Giant Octopus. The Warriors of Arinar who explore the massive of Sea Turtle found him hopeless alone in the terrify island he was there staying forever not hoping for a rescue and giving the information to all new explorer "Captain Giant Octopus is terrifying, I'm telling you. The drowned server him, and over the centuries there have been so many, he doesn't care if it's one more or less. Only a multitude of souls can wake him from his slumber. But if he start swinging his latern, you'd better run, friend. That's a bad omen." The End. Ievi Eu-Emerald
  13. Here's my tought: I see you guys (devs) made Templar and Chieftain to balance (and create) some problems between factions, but with this, you leave another problem: Elves and Undeads now only have 4 classes, while Humans and Mountain Clan have 5. I don't know if you're already planning the new classes. If Yes, then just ignore this post, if No, my idea is: Make a Contest. How it will work? People will make posts on Suggestions with the tag "New Classes Contest", for it to be approved, it needs: • Name • Race (Elves, Firstborns, Undeads, Forsaken, etc) • Usable Weapons and Armors • Role (Full Tank, Tank/DMG, Healer, etc) • PvP, PvE or "Neutral"? • 5 Skills* • 5 Expert Skills* • Reference Image (for the Novice Costume) OBS: Make a class related to the Faction. What is the sense of a Firstborn Demon or a Forsaken Fairy? *For the Skills to be approved, it needs: • A theme (for the name, icon, visual effects and sounds) • Description (percentages, time of buffs, debuffs, cooldown, mana cost/consumption, etc)* *Doesn't need a exact description, just don't make it overpowered XD Some time after the Contest start, the top 3 (or 5, 10, idk) suggestions with more Reactions will be announced on a Poll, and the Class with more votes IF the developers like it, will be put on the game. Q: But no one uses the forum, do you really think it will work? A: My man, it's a New Class Contest, do you really think no one will try to make or vote in a new class? Q: What the winner will win? A: I don't know, maybe... a new class? Well, they can receive a XP Pot and a Novice of the class that they did, i think it's good...? Q: Why? A: The player themselves will know what is in need on the Faction (like a Physical Damager for Forsakens, Magical Damager for Firstborns, etc). The phrase "the developers don't play this game" will not be true anymore 😉
  14. The Warrior of the mountain clan, called Thinor, is known as the Forsaken, desolate and forgotten. of the berengar line, the warrior of GODGORRATH fought for the conquest of the people of the mountain clan, was praised for being one of the best warriors, but Berengar the old man. he did not like the Renegade trying to take his place, and then banished him by expelling him to the most distant corners of GODGORRATH, and soon without knowing the Renegade he went into fury and obsessive hatred for vigilance. But it was too late the Renegade had been cursed to live in life in GODGORRATH forever suffering in life. It is rumored that the people of GODGORRATH spotted the last time, leaving the depths of the Cave clutched in the island of the Mountain clan. My dream was that this costume would be recreated in the game.
  15. Описание Костюма Костюм изготовлен из пластин, отлитых мастерами величественного бога Харада. Божественной силы свет - никогда не угасает для того, кто носит данные доспехи. Внешний Вид Крупный план:
  16. Ladies and Gentleman, The circus is in town! Era início do inverno. A colheita das abóboras estava próxima do fim no pacato vilarejo de Altgard. Os animais estavam a caminho da hibernação e o vento estava a cada dia mais frio. Os camponeses começaram a notar uma névoa estranha no ar. Uma névoa densa e sombria, carregada de mistérios. ‘São os espíritos tentando retornar do outro mundo’ dizia a velha anciã, enquanto disfarçava um leve sorriso e fazia cuidadosamente uma torta de maçãs. A tranquilidade do vilarejo foi interrompida por uma grande agitação. ‘Pessoal, pessoal, olhem ali, eles estão chegando!’ agitava o pequeno John apontando para a entrada da cidade. Era uma grande caravana com carroças puxadas por cavalos brancos e grandes baús sendo trazidos para o pátio central da cidade. Uma pequena porta se abriu e um homem pequenino saiu de dentro de uma das carruagens. Vestido com sua capa preta e um chapéu estranho, o homenzinho se ajeitou no centro do pátio rodeado pelos moradores e anunciou: “Ladies and gentleman, The Circus is in town!!!” Os moradores aplaudiram de felicidade ao ver tantos visitantes novos na cidade, antes totalmente pacata e sem graça. Mas rapidamente o sentimento de alegria se tornou um sentimento de estranheza. Em poucas horas a tenda vermelha foi montada e um enorme circo havia surgido bem no pátio central do vilarejo. Os visitantes eram bem estranhos. Mulheres barbadas, um gigante que tinha uma super força e seres com mutações bizarras, como por exemplo um homem com características de peixe e um palhaço que ao invés de ser animado e feliz aparentava uma expressão melancólica e triste. Na chegada do grande dia de estreia do circo, a névoa misteriosa tomou conta de toda a cidade. Não se podia ver mais nada, os moradores estavam praticamente invisíveis no meio da bruma mágica que estava no ar. Era 31 de outubro, dia em que se comemoravam as festividades do Halloween. A velha senhora gargalhava um presságio tenebroso ‘Ghahahaha chegou o grande dia, o dia em que Eles virão até nós, o dia em que vão atravessar o portal do outro mundo! Ghahahaha!’. O grande circo apresentava atrações bizarras e nada divertidas. Pelo contrário, atrações assustadoras. Chegada a hora da atração principal, um homem surgiu no meio do palco. Era o Magician, um mágico com fortes poderes sobrenaturais e um olhar maligno. O mágico anunciou ‘Chegou a hora, nosso plano será concretizado! Iremos revelar o real motivo para este show!’ A plateia se espantou e uma aura de pânico se alastrou. ‘Esta apresentação do Gran Circo dos Horrores irá abrir um portal mágico, um portal para o outro mundo, onde os seres do mundo dos mortos poderão retornar a este mundo e o mundo dos humanos será dominado pelas trevas!’. ‘Iremos atrás do único capaz de fechar este portal, o único ser capaz de levar todo o mal de volta para o outro mundo. Aquele que se esconde atrás de sua máscara de abóbora, aquele que se camufla na multidão no dia 31 para passear entre os humanos. Sam, iremos te encontrar, e o portal mágico nunca mais poderá ser fechado novamente!’. Samhain, o ser mágico que na noite de Halloween passeia entre os humanos disfarçado com sua máscara de abóbora, é o único com poderes mágicos capazes de fechar este portal e enviar as criaturas das trevas de volta para o outro mundo. Sam é o responsável pelo grande Sabbat, o responsável pelo início e pelo encerramento do Halloween. Será que Samhain, o único que poderá encerrar as festividades do Halloween, o único com poderes mágicos suficientes para fechar o portal para o mundo dos mortos e mandar todos os seres sobrenaturais de volta para o outro lado irá conseguir livrar o mundo dos humanos de todo o mal? Será que Samhain conseguirá derrotar o grande Magician, cerrar o portal e assim dar fim ao Haloween? “...Sam, iremos até você...” Ghahahahah! Descrição Nome: The Magician Aparência: Homem vestido com uma capa roxa e um chapéu de mágico. Olhos de fogo e uma cicatriz em forma de pentágono na testa. Skills: Panic (Necromant): Spell, casting a fear effect, making. enemies run away. Hitting them will stop. Bloody Tribute (warlock) : curses an enemy, which will be getting damage periodically. If the enemy uses a skill he will loose additional energy. The skill ends after its duration time, or after target uses any skill. Blazing ground (mage): Ground in a specified area starts blazing. All enemies inside the area suffer from constant magic damage during the time of the skill effect Descriptions of minions, assistants and servants: Palhaço assustador Mulher de duas cabeças Gigantes Ladies and Gentleman, The circus is in town! It was early winter. Pumpkin harvest was nearing its end in the quiet village of Altgard. The animals were on their way to hibernation and the wind was getting colder every day. The peasants began to notice a strange mist in the air. A dense, dark mist, laden with mysteries. 'It's the spirits trying to come back from the otherworld,' said the old woman as she disguised a slight smile and carefully made an apple pie. The tranquility of the village was interrupted by a great excitement. ‘Guys, guys, look over there, they're coming!’ Was shaking little John pointing to the city entrance. It was a large caravan with white horse-drawn carts and large chests being brought into the central courtyard of the city. A small door opened and a small man emerged from one of the carriages. Dressed in his black cape and strange hat, the little man settled into the center of the courtyard surrounded by the locals and announced, “Ladies and gentleman, The Circus is in town !!!” Locals applauded with happiness as they saw so many new visitors to the city, once totally quiet and bland. But quickly the feeling of joy became a feeling of weirdness. Within a few hours the red tent was set up and a huge circus had sprung up right in the village's central courtyard. The visitors were very strange. Bearded women, a giant who had a super strength and beings with bizarre mutations, such as a man with fish characteristics and a clown who instead of being excited and happy looked sad and sad. On the arrival of the big day of the circus debut, the mysterious fog washed over the whole city. Nothing more could be seen, the residents were practically invisible in the midst of the magical mist that was in the air. It was October 31, the day when Halloween festivities were celebrated. The old lady laughed a dark omen ‘Ghahahaha came the big day, the day They will come to us, the day they will cross the portal of the other world! Ghahahaha! The big circus featured bizarre and not fun attractions. On the contrary, scary and bizarre attractions. When it was time for the main attraction, a man appeared in the middle of the stage. It was the Magician, a magician with strong supernatural powers and an evil eye. The magician announced ‘The time has come, our plan will be fulfilled! We'll reveal the real reason for this show! ’The audience was startled and an aura of panic spread. ‘This presentation of the Gran Circus of Horrors will open a magical portal, a gateway to the next world, where beings from the dead can return to this world and the world of humans will be dominated by darkness!’. Emos We'll go after the one who can close this portal, the only one who can take all evil back to the next world. The one who hides behind his pumpkin mask, the one who camouflages himself in the crowd on the 31st to wander among humans. Sam, we'll meet you, and the magic portal can never be closed again! ' Samhain, the magical being who wanders among humans disguised in his pumpkin mask on Halloween night, is the only one with magical powers who can close this portal and send the creatures of darkness back to the next world. Sam is responsible for the great Sabbat, responsible for the beginning and closing of Halloween. Will Samhain, the only one who can end the Halloween festivities, the only one with enough magical powers to close the portal to the world of the dead and send all supernatural beings back to the other side will be able to rid the world of humans from all over the evil? Will Samhain be able to defeat the great Magician, close the portal and thus end Haloween? "... Sam, we will come to you ..." Ghahahahah! Description Name: The Magician Appearance: Man dressed in purple cape and magician's hat. Red eyes on fire and a pentagon-shaped forehead scar. Skills: Panic (Necromant): Spell, casting a fear effect, making. enemies run away. Hitting them will stop. Bloody Tribute (warlock) : curses an enemy, which will be getting damage periodically. If the enemy uses a skill he will loose additional energy. The skill ends after its duration time, or after target uses any skill. Blazing ground (mage): Ground in a specified area starts blazing. All enemies inside the area suffer from constant magic damage during the time of the skill effect Descriptions of minions, assistants and servants: Creepy clowns Double headed woman Giant Character's name: Thyria lvl 6 Server: Tourmaline -TO
  17. Player info: Nickname: Fusionist Server: BR-Tourmaline Minion info: Name: Protector from Deep Sea | Type: Tank Description: A mermaid warrior armed with a sword and shield, trained by aquatic creatures to protect the secrets of deep sea from enemies. Incredibly resistant, she's able to defense any strong attack. Skills: The call of mermaid: attracts enemy’s attention and makes him attack her. The enemy loses his original target. Aggressive waves: reduces the power of all enemies within radius of ability. Well, I rly hope to win, haha. Good luck to everyone!
  18. 🌸🌺 Spring princess 🌺🌸 Spring Princess is a nature lover girl. She lives in a flowery garden surrounded by little animals and she really loves nature and try to protect it. Her dress is made by small flowers collected by her best friend Mr. Squirrel 🐿️ Mr. Squirrel 🐿️ also suggested that she put one of the flowers in her hair 🌷 Art concept This is a costume thought to be easily adaptable to Warspear Online. I used the existent pixel base to create this piece. The main idea is to show the original character's hairstyle. A flowery themed costume can be released in spring event or in any other promo since we have very few female costumes compared to male's. Original size: I hope you enjoy it !! Thyria BR-Tourmaline
  19. Today my Set of Master I won at the best birthday video contest has arrived. There is some pretty cool stuff in it! • a thermos • a hoodie • notebook • stickers • Warspear Online pin Thanks for the present! Although the hoodie is size M (and I am size S), but I'll definitely make a good use of them!
  20. In a certain place in the vast land of ayvondil, there was a young ranger named Lightsadow that just recently had started a life as a hunter of beast and monsters for a small guild, however, right now, he was traveling through different paths where he didn't know where to go... Earlier that day he had been invited by his friends to a new section they had discovered in that area, a set of caves where it was said they lay creatures that have never seen sunlight or had even seen any light, he reject the offer but the others prepared to go without looking back, even so accompany them to the entrance as his friends ventured their fears begin. "What would happen to them if they found something so big they could not face?" Or "what if they get lost?" Undoubtedly they were obvious concerns for a newly discovery, after thinking for ten minutes he decided to enter that place without end. Having started his journey to nothing with every step he took, each meter, every centimeter he crossed that dark and gloomy abyss produced a feeling of terror inside him, the almost infinite darkness didn't help with his lonely journey in the search since in spite of being illuminated with a torch he could not see what there was from two meter beyond its location, so without direction he continued. It had been thirty minutes since its inception but there was no trace of them, monsters or animals, the only thing he could hear was the absolute silence of nothingless itself, until in the distance there were noises in that hurry step, little by little an image bacame more visible, first it was joy, then doubt and finally fear for what he saw in front of him. All of his friends lay on the ground dead and standing still in a creature that had no human form or any recognizable form, he knew it would be a tough fight but he couldn't leave then without thinking twice Light began to attack with is crossbow a flank of that monster, almost whispering pronounced: -"Powerful shot" at that moment the arrow shoots out with great speed, however, that creature manages to dodge easily, a second passed, two, thre-- the creature began to move quickly towards Light as if it were reflex, he shouted this time: -"Fire arrow!" The arrow in a matter of seconds it catches fire then it shoots out, his attacker tries to jump to avoid it but it's too late he manages to drill, then began to grunt and scream in his eyes was the thirst for blood and hatred towards the cause of his suffering. This time he charged with even more speed and agility than before, Light started fleeing that area running in other corridors avoiding his persuer however after running and hiding for about ten minutes he stopped not because fatigue but because his had begun. Exalting and shouting to get the attention of the creature: -"Point shooting!" It was all or nothing he had been preparing for ten minutes, for his victory. Without warning the creature appeared at the other end of that corridor even more furious than before, and then charged to attack him. -"Powerful shot!" , "Fire arrow!" , "Hail of arrows!" Each of those attacks failed, Light despite having failed his attacks showed no expression on his face, quickly protecting himself with is arms he throws to the ground, but this time there was something different in his expression...a small smile, the creature that was less than a meter away from Light had sealed his fate *clik* it's the last thing he heard because after that there was an explosion of the "Explosive traps" that Light had planted not long ago, this could be the end of his story but it's really just the beginning.
  21. Title : Dark Blood in the Veins. Prologue The blood is in the veins that flows infinitely like our lives that will continue on living until we ceased, but what if the blood isn’t flowing the way you knew will it change the life you are living? I am Dar Kazix(Darkazix), a blade dancer elf that lives in the land of Melvendil. The Elder of the Ilhor village raised me. I wonder how I ended up here. Did I really belong to this land? Who are my parents? Will I find the things what I have been looking for? I swear to the Gods of Arinar that I will be stronger to uncover the things that I am missing. Chapter 1: The Truth. The land of Melvendil is vast but they said that there is somewhere far that are greater for what we see in this land, a land surrounding with water, a land of an never ending night and a land in the sky. Elder: “Dar Kazix, I need to talk with you.” Dar: “I need to train more, please later.” Elder: “This is important.” The elder shows a necklace with a green stone pendant. “Darkazix” is engraved at the back of the stone. Elder: “This is with you the day we found you. I think it is time for you to go and find your true identity.” Dar: “Father, But I belonged to the village!” Suddenly a loud scream was heard. A group of wraiths are attacking the village. All the warriors fought and won but unexpectedly the Village Elder was stabbed. Dar: “Father! I’ll stop the bleeding.” Elder: “No, I won’t make it my son. You must go to the Rilhor Village… and talk to Hikki.” Dar: “Father! Father! Nooo!” A day after the Elder’s body was burned, a signed of respect to the elves death. Dar Kazix left the village wearing the green necklace. The journey is indeed long, slaying monster, entering dungeons and crypts. Dar Kazix trained his body to the point that he is ready. Dar Kazix arrived at the Rilhor village and look for Hikki. Her house was a small hut that full of holes. They said she is an alchemist, the holes was made by the explosions of making potions. Dar Kazix shows the necklace to Hikki. Hikki: “How did you get that?” Dar: “I am from Ilhor village.” Hikki: “I see. Go to the forest of dawn get me couple of black dust, and tears of the crying tree.” Dar: “What are these for?” Hikki: “You will know when you got all of it.” Dar Kazix alone go to the forest of dawn a black ghost charge towards him an agile monster that attacking using it's claws, he managed to defeat it and then the black ghost turns to a black dust. The tears of the crying tree can be harvest from a big tree that looks like a face of a lady, Dar Kazix found the tree in the middle of the forest and waited till a tear dropped. He went back to Hikki to give all the things she asked. Dar: “These are the things you asked.” Hikki: “I’ll need time to brew it, please wait outside” After hours of waiting the potion is completed. Hikki asked Darkazix to drink the potion he made. Hikki: “Drink it.” Dar Kazix drank the potion. The necklace shine brightly and he fell asleep. He dreamed about a scene where a lady elf is running with a baby, three elf with fangs and dark gray skin is pursuing her, she reached the front gates of Ilhor, using a special ink she hide the baby by turning it invisible she took the white cloth and run away from the village. In the early morning the elf scouts saw the baby in the gates of the village and called the Elder. Dar Kazix woke up and said. Dar Kazix: “Dark Elves, I need to meet them.” Hikki: “You can't find them easily brave one. Go to the moon harbor and board the ship to the land of the battles of territory - Iselnort you can start from there in order to seek the answers to your questions.” Dar: “Yes I will, and I Dar Kazix will coming for them.” End.
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