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Everything posted by Maleshaman

  1. Replying to the second comment, the runes in the miracle shop were lifted by 10 Mc, as they used to be 29 but now they're 39.
  2. The two comments above are correct. Elusive can kill you when Last wish is active and you can bypass the activation by doing more damage than when it triggers.
  3. Greetings. Ive talked about this suggestion a while ago to some of my friends. The suggestion itself is quite simple and executing it.. well I dont know. The suggestion here is that if you want a special rare task you can pin that task so when it appears you'll get notified trough a pop up or notification on your bar. Why should this be added and why hasn't it been suggested before (used the search option for the keyword, no relative matches were shown.) Well, from my experience and im sure alot of you who actually read the forum and play might have been waiting for that one rare craft task that you've been wanting to get. But since they only reset every hour-2hour and your task doesnt show up it can become a bit annoying can it not? As for myself I'm always eager after mass advanced resources but i rarely see this task pop up in my profesion when i am online Which makes me wonder if there are millions of players by now, how come no one has suggested this before, or why wasn't it implemented. Ah well, i dont mind, lets just hope this idea is a good one and that they will put it in the game after some patch or such. Regards, Yoshiki.
  4. found a small one regarding the Garu daily quest for Bladedancers.
  5. I'll leave this here for you
  6. Two more and a third on the way!
  7. Copypaste; State 3924 Hp 101 Hp regen 120 Energy 28 Energy regen Defence 4868 Physical 4221 Magical 23.3% Dodge 2.9% Resil 2.3% Parry 17.5% Life steal Attack 882 Physical 278.3 Dps 24.5% Crit 22.6% Accuracy 7.3% Att speed 9.8% Penetration Skills 5 Strong blow 5 Roar 3 Charge 3 Defeat 4 Stone skin
  8. Greetings. Ive started making my own series on PvE challenges and more which I'd like to show to the community. More video's will follow, make sure to keep track for future content! Also, if anyone has suggestions regarding what to do, let me kno with a reply and watch your idea being done!
  9. Oh my.. Well I guess this topic isnt needed then is it
  10. Greetings. It seems like the previous topic that excisted has been locked down, reasons are unknown for me. Anyhow, I'd like to post some of my work that I've been doing and plan to continue.
  11. Anyone with a Gasai tag would be feared.
  12. Because a mod plays the game more than an everyday player. Keep telling us false info, itll make you look good.
  13. I can confirm Warcry is broken, hence why Ive removed this skill from my masters since it didnt promise what it should.
  14. So I got bored after doing some rides, decided to try and great charm some of my enchants which went quite smooth. Now on a test ride for it, the results were enjoyable considering in the past this was usually impossible to do (at least alone) I am... The one who knocks.
  15. Maleshaman


    I wouldnt even consider using retribution for pve, reason to i because you lose base stats and the only, i repeat ONLY reason get this is for pvp matters. The only "use" this effect has it making lab runs or skipping mobs in general a bit "a bit" faster. Now proof to me why it has use in PvE or remain silent
  16. Maleshaman


    It should stop taking stacks, its a sad way of breaking both skills. Theres enough dots out there to break it but they had to add this. If anything would be changed (which i doubt) the reflected damage shouldnt take stacks.
  17. Getting stalked by an old lover thanks to your post, you damn chump. But yea even barbs solo Lambert bro.
  18. delete your druids if youre not satisfied, apparently there are classes with more stuns.
  19. Got a question. Its 50% but it's the black friday offer aswell, so how does this work exactly? xd
  20. It was in the same run but indeed he dced twice during the dungeon and didnt get all the levers before we killed Wally. Thanks, now I kno the mechanism of the dungeon is poo aswell.
  21. As for the bugs, inb4allworkingnoissues ^ here you can see we did kill the boss. ^ here you can see the chest is still closed and the boss "wasnt killed"
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