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About neelam

  • Birthday 11/30/1989

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neelam's Achievements

Lone Ranger I

Lone Ranger I (10/27)



  1. what exactly is that ghost skill suppose to do?? fear skill?? or just hang around on our heads?
  2. just here to express my support to the guys who have already complained about new agro system My question is how do u expect a healer to heal the "tank" then heal him self coz boss just went mad coz you healed the tank and he comes to take 'revenge' with the healer first.. like he saying how dare you heal him you mafo XD p.s. boss of new area in map4 hit really hard how I know?? .... No comments :/
  3. Ok so as the title says this topic is about undone achievements I don't know if they are bugged or something else but these are mine two achievements which I am still unable to get them done ss attached Please comment regarding your un done achievement or suggestions through which these can be done...
  4. this is kinda off topic but can u guys fix the chat bug
  5. I was wondering that you guys held a boss drawing competition earlier and we had a winner to so will we be able to see them or that boss in this update?
  6. wew looks like u peeps been really busy. Update sounds really interesting keep it up team warspear
  7. there is a bug in DG after finishing DG I noticed my chat text gets bugged and I can't see what I type
  8. This is the real scenario of spring event right now.... Honestly the concept at beginning I felt was bit complicated but also good team work requirements where needed. Also not many knew how to start the event at the beginning :/ But later I just felt its kinda difficulty to find so many ppl with same mind set I.e. killing Dora after going through all the pain again n again.... specially in my server where many lazy ppl are filled in xd . I hope you guys understand that we ppl like farming in team but not involving such huge number of ppl in it
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