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Everything posted by Olympian

  1. Yeah whatever glitch you talking about never happened to me.
  2. Just get your self the latest and greatest Android and the game will be silky smooth.
  3. Well there could be easily no gabs...if you watch closely when he had gaps it was when he didn't even use repellant strike,which is an additional couple of seconds of stuns which will make your other 2 stuns be ready to be used.
  4. Thank you,I will try this out.
  5. Hey! I was gonna put that too nub! That kid said 60%+ cd works for perma stun but its 50%+ cd for perms stun to work.And in the desc he said he will do 100% cool down 😂.It will never be done because that means there wont be a cool down.
  6. It does work on pvp trust me I have a friend doing this to bds and they hate it. So I've concluded this is the setup.I will not get more than 150 mana because technically useless if you have 90 mana regen. http://wsdb.xyz/calc/en/93535
  7. So my friend Sage decided to start making new pvp gear and it was forcused on max cd (Cool down) so all your skills would cool down super fast.I personally think it is really smart choice,because... I believe this gear set up is even better than arena gear and probebly as good as greatness gear but for a really cheap cost.(Still pretty expensive but alot cheaper than greatness gears) http://wsdb.xyz/calc/en/93440 I believe these gears are super good in pvp as this will permanently stun any class and will give you time to do anything you want.And by that I mean you can heal up to the max while they are stunned or keep attacking and stunning.This would easily kill damager classes especially like bd because if you get the stun off first they are done.This setup has light armor but still is pretty tanky with pretty good def for magic and physical dmg.Has good auto attack.45% critical hit,55% ferocity,65% cooldown,55% phy def and 46% magical def. The only downsides to this setup is that you have a small amount o resilience(29%) and health which is about 5,600 health.If you want to have more health you can replace torso,belt or hands with sheer emptiness gear due to that there is 1 slot of cooldown which you can sacrafice for 500 hp and alot of def. What do you guys think about this setup?Dope or nope?
  8. Haha same,but I believe for a paladin with arena gear you cant get over 40% crit and same goes with greatness gear 😓😢.But you will have alot of ferocity,resilience,mana and mana regen.
  9. Also you weren't +10 equipment while most of his equipment was.And I have another question...for arena gear do I go for crit,penetration, or accuracy? I have 31% crit,18% penetration and 15% accuracy I believe.
  10. Yes but idk about the sacred shield,it is kind of weak because it just takes in pure damage and doesn't count your def.If I'm talking about the right shield.Btw how much health does Paladins prayer 4/4 heal you when your about 6.1k health?
  11. Thank you for the help my friend! Good luck!
  12. Maybe Glad would like to say something about this build and on fighting Blade Dancers.
  13. So ive been wondering if Paladins can withstand damager classes like Rogues,Rangers and especially Blade Dancers at LVL 28.I have seen paladins fight against Rogues,Rangers and Blade Dancers and easily get dropped by them.The ratios of Paladins winning to damagers like BD is about 7:3 which is pretty bad.Here I want to discuss about a Paladin with arena gear,1h arena mace and arena shield what build is best and is it possible to withstand damagers after thier first combo (Usually paladins even with tank build die from first combo of a BD for example.)I believe that this is the best skill build for a tank paladin... Skill Build: Purifying- 5/5 Fetter of Justice- 5/5 Heavenly Light- 3/5 Repellant Strike- 4/4 Paladins Prayer- 4/4 Gear: Cape:Contenders Cloak Medallion:Contenders Medallion Rings: Rings of greatness Helment,Torso,feet,and hand all from arena. Weapons: 1h mace physical damage and 2 slots with ferocity.(1h Arena mace) Shield with 2 slots of ferocity.(Arena shield) http://wsdb.xyz/calc/en/92089 I believe this would be best to withstand and possibly beat Damagers especially BD because it is the most hardest class to beat for paladin at lvl28.This is not only for damagers but overall for 1v1 pvping.
  14. There are many people incuding me that have a problem with the warspear calculator website.The Warspear calculator website isnt even on good,I connot find it.It is very important because as you already may know this,but we need it to calculate some things for our future warspear gear.I need ro know what is going on with it and weather or not it will be back online?
  15. I would say in most cases in pvp it isnt that good because a +7 rogue can take that shield off within 3 auto attacks.
  16. Yo keep on making dem vids.Good luck
  17. Nvm Ive desided to use this gear https://db.warspear.pp.ua/calc/en/52953.
  18. I tripped over this in warspear calculator https://db.warspear.pp.ua/calc/en/51980 What about this?
  19. https://db.warspear.pp.ua/calc/en/51975 Is this ight for pvp? My bad gonna show you later
  20. What are the best wepons for a paladin with physical build?All I know is its gonna be 1h wepon with a shield and probably 1h mace and arena shield from an arena supplier.
  21. Yes both builds are even.It just depends on the person your fighting.Now you said resilience armors,where do you exactly find them?And what is lvl 28 horror magic set?
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