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[email protected]

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Posts posted by [email protected]

  1. It's np for me with youngsters, i just hate ppl easy to getting bigger head coz of amp and buffs. Mocking low amp and talking trash.

    Yup. Most annoying thing in my opinion is world chat, people are shouting to each other "gay" all the time - pisses me off, community in warspear online is hands down most immature I have ever seen. 

  2. 5vcFnN6.jpg

    When their member said they don't need me, but their leader still begging me to join.. :D

    It been 3 years you ask me with same thing and I'm still refuse your invitation bro..

    Many kids in your guild and its annoying..

    Im pretty sure majority of guilds haves kids in them. Too bad there isnt any guild for 18+ y/o. Most of guilds (including mine) doesnt seem to care what kind of people they recruit. 

  3. I'm not sure warlock "sucks" at everything else. Experienced lock can take on 2opponents simultaneously. For example Lyzois on Eu-emerald. He literally used to go 2v1 in 2x2matches. He takes character to a party if player agrees to leave it afk for a long time (with a lot of tickets ofc). And he won a lot of times that way too. I'm astonished


    Hail almighty lyz!

  4. 1. We actually know that, you can add 2 relics to each skill and it either can be empowering + offensive or empowering + defensive.

    2. So agreeing with you

    3. Well I don't know it's alright I gues

    4. Miracle coin bonus events are ALWAYS on the weekend (no exceptions)

    5. .-. Yea whatever

    1. It seems that answer to this question is different on everywhere, which one should I believe? Or should I waste shitload of gold and mcoins and figure it out myself?


    4. when I asked on another thread when are they planning to add another mcoin bonus event, admin just said to me that make sure to follow news of the game - she could have told me that there is bonus on every weekend. I ended up buying mcoins 2 hours before weekend mcoin bonus...


  5. Has anyone else felt, that customer service is bad in warspear online? 

    its not only bad when it comes to sending ticket and waiting answer for days. Most of the time these answers are lacking information aswell or those are unclear.

    Customer service is something that warspear online devs needs to improve - alot. Here is few reason why its bad:

    1. We lack information about relics. For example how many relics I can add to certain skills or what kind of relics I can add to skills. 

    2. We lack information about skills. For example how much more your skill does damage when you upgrade it, how much more it costs mana etc...

    3. Patch notes are unclear or lacking information. 

    4. They dont tell us in advance about incoming mcoin bonus events. 

    5. They dont give us free cookies 

    EDIT: 6. We lack information about crystals and runes. For example: should I add lvl 16 crystal on lvl 16 weapon or buy crystal from mcoin shop, which one will benefit me more?

    With few small improvements they could improve game alot and make players happier. 
    Let me know what are your thoughts about customer service!

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