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Everything posted by Pliskin

  1. seemed like the thing to do after elf whooped mc blocking bridge
  2. :sorry: lol you people can't handle the truth its ok
  3. Or you just made this for the ten people who always fight each other here To continue doing so
  4. Make it so MC/forsaken have even stronger skills and lower all elf chosen skills and damage sounds fair
  5. Haha its usually new people lead by the old ones
  6. Ill send you to resurrection menu if you want some more
  7. Well :unknw: looks like i have a few supporters Badges on the way kaw It seems we have a calmer war society in cave Only a few troglodytes And a balance Can we try to.keep mid clear for gladiators? Wait on the sides we don't usually fight instead
  8. Pliskin


    Look TROLL : (TROL) ;A Creature of mythical legends represented as a giant or a dwarf.(my definition from fokelore is one who hides under a bridge waiting for a traveller to cross and charging some "toll" for the troll crossing) relating to your over self-absorbed fantasy which you INCESSANTLY TROLL ON OTHERS
  9. Pliskin


    Please stop your incessant bickering You only prove you can't move on by how much u troll
  10. Pliskin


    Keep trolling along Noob everyone sees who you really are. Like I said before stop being a selfish idiot and look at the game beyond your brainless appetite
  11. Pliskin


    Nice tag very "sharkin "
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