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Everything posted by marcilio2016

  1. bom dia qual o programa que voce usa para realizar o trabalho gostaria de saber pois um dia queria criar um trange agradeço se responder!
  2. bem que podiam adicionar masmorras para lvl 13 ou 14 dropar tb muitos player para no llv 14 mais o jogo nao traz evento para esse tipo de player porque? eo low lvl nao participam dos eventos?
  3. warspear does not remember the low levels? EVENTS ONLY FOR GUILDA OR LVL 24+? NO TOWER FOR LVL 14 -?
  4. what is the need for a tower of this size warspear game to 7 years and every year the event gets worse, not everyone has +10 account to make a tower of that with 1 stam
  5. Mimi ducking the warden and a class tank was made to tanka ce strip the skin of stone finished the class; surequeque ae are mcs pq stolen even and charmer !!!!!!! and the warlock nobody neither speaks ne? Another thing when they added the other warlock sturn to it and came very neg to cry what the gm said that the game was not focused on pvp then dexem warden in peace !!!
  6. mimi do caralho o warden e uma classe tank foi feito para tanka ce tira a pele de pedra acabou a classe ;certezaque a maioria ae são mcs pq roubado mesmo e charmer !!!!!!!eo warlock ninguem nem fala ne? outra coisa quando adicionaram o outro sturn do warlock ae veio muito nego chorar oque os gm falara que o jogo nao era focado em pvp entao dexem warden em paz !!!
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