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Posts posted by triggeredAF

  1. 2 hours ago, Primal said:

    I don't understand why people always complain about not being able to get any gold, currently there is way too much gold in the game, everything is cheap and is easy to get.


    Imagine if you played warspear 4 years ago and buying 1 set of signs costed an entire week of farming in irselnort, when you can buy it after an hour of t4 avyondil.

    Oh yeah, that sure happens in SEA and BR servers where sign set is 20k+

  2. 24 minutes ago, Gladiator said:

    As long as it is not permanent crowd control, which is not, it is not OP in any way.

    I see you are new to this game. Well. Druids, charmers and warlocks actually do have permanent cc. Did you know that there are players winning arenas using lvl1 staffs?:blink:

    But yeah, since the game is not 1v1 it doesn't matter

  3. 1 minute ago, Urscrewed said:


    Me? Banned? i dont think gods get banned.. :angrypumpkin:

    Sorry i think auto correct kinda screwed you over, lemme help you there bud.

    Me? Banned? I dont think mcoin users get banned.. :angrypumpkin:

  4. 2 minutes ago, Urscrewed said:


    Sorry i think auto correct kinda screwed you over, lemme help you there bud.


    Why can we have fun in events? getting banned for no reason loses all fun during this time.

    You got banned for "no reason" huh. Imagine if there was a reason :christmasgrinch:

  5. 2 hours ago, nabnecro said:

    Time to start merging servers, or at least merge it for arena demands.

    That would be awesoooooooome. 

    4 hours ago, Higgings said:


    The "desperate" situation is in 3x3 only, there. Other categories are populated enough, especially on high levels. 

    Just like 2x2 before they stopped 3x3. No one demanded 2x2, everyone was on 3x3

  6. nehh Lvl14-20 on server I play is pretty active :christmasgrinch: But of course if you are still playing on "dead" servers like US/EU where sign set is around 8k it is normal you won't find many people playing actively on arena

  7. 10 minutes ago, Ocerseeker said:

    Mas o ruim e que o dog e o passaro n fica com ferocidade, ja vi charmer de maça perdendo pra charmer de staff por causa disso

    E acha isso mal? rsrs Dog e passaro não estão usando os equipes do charmer. Nao faz sentido algum eles terem ferocidade/roubo de vida

    Se ferocidade funcionasse para dog e passaro seria mais que injusto

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