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Everything posted by jayrox

  1. I have 2 accounts/12 chars,thats allowed Johan pls stop using drugs. It makes you crazy. Facebook page? Wtf xD i just uploaded this screens in eu tavern. All should know what a sick person you are
  2. And i thought he left the game and that he isnt lebeau? Some ppl always will be a liar and he brag about the fact mc talk about him .. :facepalm:
  3. as Long as wolfsy isnt on alcohol or drugs he is a fine guy. when he is high and/or drunk he turns into a racist/stealer and maybe a scammer, but well, i just proofed that he is a stealer and racist. and btw johan, i dont even Play eu emerald anymore after my bd got hacked. cant even log in anymore. and i know it wasnt you,,i said it was one of legends since he transfered all the Gold i had to legends members (ask magesaver) dont know why you start Drama here johan, i didnt even talk to you. we know you are nice guy...until you take your drugs again. but well, thx to Khaleds and khalils for playing your account while you were in Hospital cause you overdosed and thx for your spam in kik, made me laugh a lot :drinks:
  4. You share accs with darkzain?
  5. again: check the date when i posted it. And yea,the time i posted it some of "legend" acted like they are "legends"
  6. check the date.maybe now they arent anymore
  7. Its so annyoing.i hunt genie and some kids come and see its full so they log theirllow level bd and use aggro to disturb. Pls devs,DO SOMETHING. It sucks
  8. What means "party level"? For example when i hunt genie ( boss level 17) with a party consots of players with level 20 and level 13 the players level 13 can get ressources?
  9. Such shit for lv 17 arena weapon -.- thought maybe catalysts. Can i even get catalysts from destroying my items?
  10. Love to kill mc while they hunt gg xD
  11. Finally a drop from solo gg
  12. Yea,u stay 14 or level up? but of course not strong enough for me xD
  13. Too many mc too many pots. No chance for me xD
  14. So many camping mcs with mobs and still i could kill one of them
  15. Since people offerd 450 k yet for my staff skin it must be special. you have them too or what? facepalm-freak.
  16. i have much more,its just a little part of my rare things
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