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Ried van Nafie

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Everything posted by Ried van Nafie

  1. hello from asia.. daria i have question. are we all can participating on event guild quest, or just some guild that already captured castle can do quest
  2. dk was too op naw with continous stun and silence skill and naw u buff more improved.. idk how to survive anymore against them even in high amp gear
  3. How could bd is op. When bd pvp with warlock with range atk and double stuns. Bd just like pinata, stuck and cant even touch it. So think again..
  4. ya, ty i hve done one quest. but like u said, it need more friend jst to kill one boss..
  5. How easier way to get reputation friendly on nadir-sard??
  6. idk , but i think we hve no reason to join those event without received any gift or chest tho
  7. - every of hero of 18 lvl and higher will receive Wiickedora's Treasury after completion of events “King of Goblins” and “Wickedora's return” how bout player below lvl 18 who join events? r we have treasure or something??
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