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Samuel Icaro

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Everything posted by Samuel Icaro

  1. The clothing fabric is made up of the remaining tatters of the destruction caused by the war. The king lost his kingdom and his relatives, from there began a journey in search of revenge, he does not make a destination between Legion and Sentinels. His only desire is to kill. This costume is important because it represents the losses that the war causes (it is noticed that the luxury left the king, but that the love also left). The dragon heads (shoulders) were added later to the king's departure. Showing evolution gives its strength. Sorry for the mistakes, I speak Portuguese and I'm using Google Translator
  2. I think everyone will read from start to finish.
  3. http://imgur.com/0RlDkZ7 Ah king who had your Kingdom smashed by war.
  4. Daria, Wold you link "Farmers memo" a topic whit bosses and lvl of players Who can drop in that? xxoo.
  5. the servers are off and the tournament is finished !! I want for my chars in guild now win prizes please be quick os servidores estão off e o torneio está acabado!! quero por meus chars na guild ora ganhar prêmios sejam rápidos por favor
  6. legalzim parabéns pelo visual da ilha, está cada vez mais parecido com Pandora kkk algo sobre novas habilidades de especialista?? xxoo
  7. hello, some bugs in BG dugeon, i send screenshot in a mail
  8. NewDarkVip BR perdeu torneio por 500gp porque em uma Dugeon cupinzero Heroic 5 membros da guild não receberam o GP por completar, oque somaria mais de 4000 pontos tornando a guild campeã. NewDarkVip BR lost tournament for 500gp because in a termite mound dugeon Heroic 5 guild members did not receive the GP for completing out, what would add more than 4000 points making the champion guild.
  9. Sorry, but you can not have your account stolen if u do not break the rules of the game, no server problemas, player problem, I felt it on my skin
  10. tem Bruno, menu > adicionar habilidade, na hora q for usar o livro selecione em cima da skill que deseja substituir,
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