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Everything posted by XreaperX

  1. Третьим было мое желание, которое я знаю. Но первый логичен, верно? Если у вас есть замок. И кто-то борется за это. Вы должны ждать 1 час! почему бы не сразиться или сделать что-нибудь полезное, чтобы защитить свой замок в этот час ??
  2. Игра русская, я нет. Но я разместил это предложение на русском форуме. С переводом из гугла. извиняюсь😀 Привет! Я хотел предложить некоторые улучшения в игре. Пожалуйста, обязательно дайте мне знать, что вы думаете. И всегда приводите законные аргументы, почему что-то является хорошей и плохой идеей, спасибо. 1) ЗАМКОВЫЕ ВОЙНЫ Замки потрясающие для гильдии. Боязнь потерять и бороться за это, хорошо, что это добавило военное копье. НО войны за замки действительно плохие. В день войны в замке гильдия, которая управляет замком, должна ждать 1 час для атаки в замке! А что, если никто не атакует? Это будет пустой тратой времени. Это должно измениться. Пусть члены гильдии как минимум присоединятся и защитят свою гильдию с самого начала. Способ завоевания замков должен измениться. 2) Замок Гильдии Дружелюбие Замок должен быть отличным местом для общения с членами вашей гильдии. Тот, который у нас есть, не дружелюбен к гильдии. Там должна быть телепортная стойка, куда члены гильдии могли бы телепортироваться, вместо того, чтобы пройти несколько миль, чтобы добраться до своего замка. Кроме того, добавьте ГИЛЬДИЙСКИЙ СКЛАД, например, wtf, почему его там нет ??? И сделайте классные игровые комнаты, такие как PvP-бар, как в последний Хэллоуин. Где члены гильдии могли сражаться друг с другом. Таким образом, замок более востребован, навыки и специальные горшки, которые вы можете сделать, хороши и все, но не особенные. Почему ты спрашиваешь? люди случайно попадают в гильдию с замком, получают горшки и реликвии, а затем уходят. Ничего особенного. Никто не остался бы в гильдии с замком, если бы не нуждался. Измени это. 3) Обмен Надир: Багровый Корунд Охладите валюту, которую вы получаете за эпические квесты и намного больше, выигрывая еженедельную награду. НО что вы можете купить с ним? 16 нубских доспехов в надире, несколько классных костюмов, но их нельзя продать, и несколько хороших доспехов только для 20 уровня ... ЧТО? GM действительно добавляет что-то еще, человек. Я предлагаю, так как надир - это город, где валюта малинового corendomn наиболее востребована. Люди должны иметь возможность обменивать золото из багрового корунда. ИЛИ даже больше, давайте сделаем так, чтобы можно было приобрести Империал величия, чудо-монеты с малиновым ядром и т. Д.! Это сделало бы игру более активной и играбельной. Гильдии, сражающиеся за звание топ-3, будут более эпичными, и гильдии станут более активными. ГМ, я прошу тебя открыть глаза, иди смотреть таблицы лидеров гильдии. Некоторые гильдии похожи на 100+ трофеев, в то время как второе место имеет 5 или около того трофеев. Я имею в виду, давай так неуравновешенным. Этим гильдиям 2-го ранга не нужно побеждать, потому что награда не нужна. Это все, ребята. Позвольте мне услышать ваше мнение.
  3. Hey there😀, I wanted to suggest some improvements to the game. Please make sure to let me know what u think. AND always give legit arguments why something is a good and bad idea, thanks. 1) CASTLE WARS Castles are awesome for the guild. The fear of losing and fighting for it, good thing that warspear has added it. BUT the wars for castles are really bad. At a Castle war day, a guild who controls a castle has to wait 1 hour for an attack in the castle! And what if no one is attacking? It will be a waste of time. This should change. Let members of a guild atleast join and protect their guild from the beginning. The way castles are conquered should change. 2) Castle Guild Friendliness The castle should be a cool place to hang with your guild members. The one we have is not guild friendly. There should be a teleport stand there where guild members could teleport to, instead of walking miles to get to their own castle. Next to that, add a GUILD WHAREHOUSE, like wtf why isn't one there??? And make cool play rooms like pvp-bar like the last Halloween. Where guild members could fight each other. This way the castle is more wanted, the skills and special pots u can craft are good and all, but not special. WHY u ask? people come randomly to a guild with the castle gets pots and relics and then leave. Nothing special. No one would stay in a guild with a castle if not needed. Change that. 3) Nadir Exchange: Crimson Corundum Cool a currency u get for epic quests and alot more when winning a weekly award. BUT what can you buy with it? 16 noob armour at nadir, some cool costumes but cant be sold, and some good armor for lvl 20 only... WHAT? GM really add something more man.. My suggestion is, since nadir is a city where the currency of crimson corendomn is most wanted. People should be able to exchange gold from crimson corundum. OR even more, lets make it possible to buy Impereal of greatness, miracle coins with crimson corendom etc! This would make the game more active and playable. Guilds fighting to rank top 3 would be more epic, and seeing guilds becoming more active this way. 4) Add - minigames to the GAME Seriously make mini-games where people can get CC's or Gold or Miracle coins. Like pvp Duels in Nadir and such sort. Now you can only do 3 things in this game. Quest, Dungeons and Arena. (im not counting the events thing since im boycotting it, specially weekly WARS). GM I ask u to open your eyes, go watch the guild leaderboards. Some guilds are like 100+ trophies while the 2nd place has 5 trophies or so. I mean come on so unbalanced. Those ''2nd'' rank guilds don't need to win, because the reward is not needed. That's all folks. Let me hear your opinions.
  4. Makes no sense, ''players log in to other peoples account...'' How is that even possible? That means they were sharing accounts and that is a ban 😉 What u said is even possible without this pvp idea. "Besides, we have already said several times that pvp 1x1 is not considered in our game." - why. "Making all game classes equal in pvp is an impossible task" - nothing is impossible for those who are willing.
  5. Yes really great Idea!! Makes the economy go on in this game! and PVP battles will be more intense. Of course there should be options where players choose "Equalize Ampfing" and ""Equalize lvl" So that pvp can made fair, but it should not be a must but a pre to choose from! Love this Idea!
  6. True, im not wasting anything on that. But I know many people do, and hearing them cry in World chat kinda affect me so much that I had to made a comment about it. And lets not start about ''advantages in the gameplay'', because then ill drop the whole ''Sign of imperishability'' story. Idk if players are really waiting for the same kind of event every year, with little to no differences. --> Look I love warspear, however, there is a lot about it to criticize. And its just no secret, that the balance between: ''creating a Warspear community'' or ''Filling GM pockets'' is highly unbalanced. In the long term, this unbalance will break the community and the game wont have any loyal players left. just saying
  7. Are u new to the game? Those ''costumes'' and ''skins'' could be bought seperatly. So if u wanted costume x u could buy it. Now they put all the costumes in 1 chests in hope that u get the costume u want. This way u will have to Buy more costumes to get the costume u want. Get my point? A.K.A greedy GM
  8. 🤮only thing i liked about this event is that craft finally came up with new levels. BUT I have 3 critisim i have to give. 1. Wtf did u do with the char bar 2. Smart move GM with the chests. Now people will have to put more MC in game so they can buy chests and try to get the costume they want 🤮 And I will say it again and again, please stop MILKING people their money.. This wont let the game live on the long run.... 3. Game still lacks of creativity... 1 person DG's are good for ingame, but why keep it only for 1 a year event?? Same goes to that pvp ring. Why dont u put it in nadir or something like that in game? Those things shouldnt be so huge for an event, but should be daily used... Event should be more different than DGs and being afk during ''guild events''. I know its a bit harsh what I say, but come on guys....
  9. So after next month's event? So after this summer u say?
  10. HI I didnt knew where to ask, thus was wondering, when will new Craft lvl 28 items come :[ 🙂
  11. yes deh i will pay with gold. Wish the GM made trading guilds a lot easier, u know, alot of scammers and stuff in game.
  12. NOTE: IDK if this is legal or not xd Hey, If you are in the EU server with a lvl 2 guild but you are a bad leader or not that active im willing to buy your guild.
  13. Well there is alot to it, but lets start with the easiest example, the signs amping system. Even if you pay money to this game there is no guarantee you will get 10+, you just put more and more money to the game. But well I just gave a honest opinion.
  14. Yeahhh true that bro, if they only gave ear and did something about the sugesstion the GM gets in this forum, this game would be way more epic. But it seems they only want to earn money to the MAX. They dont care to make a fan-base of this game. The truth is in long term creating a fan-base is more profitable than milking the rich gamers in the short term.
  15. yea solve the whole button problem, toooo many skills and only 9 hotkeys... Maybe an Idea to ''save'' different settings of hotkeys. Like one for PVP one for PVE and just swiitching it with one click to make it simpler.
  16. Bro stealth isnt just a rogue thing anymore, it still awesome skill because u get also dmg bonus, but as you said it isnt same as it was before. Now there are even pots to detect the rogues in stealth when coming close. But in my opinion it isnt that bad, we can jump and make the first strike if you are fast enough. If you wait then ofcourse you will die in no time. But lets say a druid spotted u, he will stun u in 1 second. and then its all done for rogue. This skill will give the rogue 1 last chance to free him self and atleast hit the target once. Because its long cooldown, the enemy should finish him of fast. This would make the fight more interesting. So saying stealth is the only way to bring back the rogue class, is far fetched bro. Elfs need a stealth class too, and not to see your enemy is also not fun for others, it has to be fair 😛
  17. as an MC I agree, and I'm not talking about skill differences but about choosing sides... in Eu-Emerald, for example, we have lost a lot of wars against elf, not because elves are GM's favourite, no simply because MC are outnumbered by Elves.
  18. Didnt knew it was forbidden 😱
  19. I see. Anyway, anything just to get rid of that BD stun.
  20. Do you know those potions that can be made in Castle? U can use the potion to remove negative effect even if you are stunned, this new skill will be used the same way 😉
  21. Hey, As a Rogue player myself I cant stop getting irritated by the stuns we get. There is no question, every other game character have skills to find where the rogue is in stealth mode. And when we get stunned, its pretty much game over. To counter this, i would suggest a skill similar to the priest skill: ''Redemption''. However different is, that the rogue can only use it for himself (because we aint support class). The Rogue can use this skill when he is trapped/stunned to become free. The name could be: "Exemption:" meaning: freedom from responsibility 😂 The cooldown would be long of course. Like 40 second or something? There is also a castle postion who has the same effect, i forgot the name of it. The same thing with this new skill redemption.
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