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elvroarge's Achievements

Brave Squire II

Brave Squire II (8/27)



  1. in the past when the two new faction hasnt created yet, im buying one hand sword from weapon shop for my BD which i must sold again because all of firstborn class cant use it at all, only barbarian can :rofl:
  2. i agree. its kinda unfair. i already cut a lot of detail for fulfilling the rules :cray: oh, well.... even tough i dont win, but at least some enjoying reading mine. tee hee ;D anyway, congrats to all winner, and to all who participated on contest but dont win : its a success that delayed, so keep positive and leave the bad feeling of disappointment behind :yahoo: cheers to all participant :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  3. soo... whose story is this? story of NPC? a monster? or just epilogue? :unknw:
  4. nice story!! :good: i guess sometimes all evil chars need to refreshing their mind and do something different so they wont get bored doing all the evil things again, lol ;D anyway, best of luck to us all :give_rose:
  5. wow!! your story is nice! i can feel the emotion by reading it. :good: anyway, thanks for reading weird but funny story of mine XreaperX ;D best of luck to us all :give_rose:
  6. all of my FB chars bag isnt full, but i still havent received it yet. :( all of my FB chars havent received the chest too, only my MC chars got it. dunno why, probably dev only give to some of our chars in our profile game, not for all chars. cause even tough all of mine has reach more than level 3, only some received it. :unknw: anyway, congrats dev :clapping:
  7. which is include real money and only stay for couple of minutes (or so i read ;D ). since im not rich, and the prize on the market was reaally crazy for mc item, i think ill pass. :blush: anyway i just realize the date of begining of this post ( november 2012) man, this topic are really old :cray:
  8. so, winner will be announced day after tomorow huh? not sure if i can win with a lot of talent appears, so i guess ill just saying this : "best of luck to all participant!!!" :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: and thank you for whoever read my story :blush: cheers to all!! ;D
  9. perhaps they want pokemon appears on warspear. gotta catch em all, pokespear!! lol :lol:
  10. i miss that time too, (level was less cooler than rank, right? ) no scammer, no rude insulters, no perverts talk, no kiddie who doesnt want to listen command when facing the boss but now, they are unstoppable coming into the game and ruin the fun on this game. war was done fair and square, the one who doesnt want to involve can walk without fear war was for fun and socializing between friend, and no one feel offended by it. :good: man, i really miss that time :cray:
  11. lol, but i think this is a nice story, i guess you had a talent on making one. not much people can write two different story in a short of time ;D anyway, here's rose and milkshake to cheer you up :give_rose: :drinks: best luck for all of us ;D
  12. hey, thanks for reading mine ;D anyway, you are playing on emerald right? i already add Asherlex in my BD friend list but it seems that you never online when i play. i will say hi when i saw you online later ;D
  13. wow, your story was interesting!! i can feel the suspense!! :clapping: good luck buddie, and best luck to us all ;D
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