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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Oi, eu tenho uma guilda no sevidor BR, mas infelizmente n tenho skill experiencia porque eu prefiro usar pot xp 150% quando preciso upar. Se tiver interesse, deixe seu nick do seu lock/latino aqui no tópico. Aliais sobre as classes, ambas são classes fortes se souber domina-las. Lock ganhou muita vantagem devido as inúmeras expert skills que ele ganhou nas atualizações do game.
  2. Once it's the first time introduced in game, in my pov, devs would like to test this event before creating a whole map, also because the carnival itself isn't a long and world wide celebration. Fortunately it seemed to be very well accepted by players, then I suppose you may wait for something refined next year, no worries
  3. ATT: Houve uma pequena mudança no 5° estagio. Antes, o jogador tinha que estar no local por 30 segundos para receber o prêmio, agora são 15.
  4. Vamos fazer das Avenidas de Nadir lugares inesquecíveis! Desfilando com a toda a nossa elegância brasilesia contra o Rei Momo! Temos pouco tempo para aproveitar tantas coisas únicas pessoal! Que começem as Festas!
  5. Please! Please! Read the minimum of history before posting such thing. Or simply read my previous comments. Cristo Reventor, Taj Mahal or Great Wall of China are both icons of our civilization man. The thing is that the Carnival is highly associated to Rio, where Cristo is located.
  6. Yeah, I also would prefer having some hair Hopefully they will fix the female costumes (if this is a bug at all)
  7. Each of these six chests may contain a unique carnival hairstyle and a rare smiley, as well as:- common empowering relics - unique minions - elixirs and potions - ingots Completing the previous stages and killing the King Momo's Double you may get his costume from his chest(the last one). Not the previous ones.
  8. Is important to mention that this is supposed to be Cristo Redentor, one of the 7 wonders of the world. No mention to religions there
  9. Aaaaai karamba! Is it real or am I dreaming??? Oh I looove you guys!!! This is gonna be the most caliente winter that Arinar has ever seen! hahaha Bello job muchachos! *watery-eyed* *Tequila for everyone* *tim-tim*
  10. haters haters haters, I will summon my furious octopus to give them a lesson.
  11. well, let's hope the admin position, but It seems that no other iOS user faced any difficulty to log, otherwise at this time we would have another comments confirming this fail.
  12. It seems that my gamer profile has been blocked and I can't even recover because I don't recognize most of the pictires there, obviously because most of them are warspear chars. I wonder why someone would report my profile in the week of votes on Facebook after 1 year+ active.
  13. Is it working after the update?
  14. Hopefully I'll have a blue rank on my name when it happens. haha *dream away*
  15. which build is the best for Paladin physical dmg PvE
  16. Não existe a intenção de novas classes até of momento, mas o jogo está passando por muitas mudanças na sua mecânica e desenvolvimento. Você pode esperarar algumas novidades boas futuramente. Obrigado pela sugestão
  17. Did you download via website or apple store? hopefully @snorlax or other admin will help you on monday, please, be a bit patient.
  18. Akasha


    then I'm confusing the names
  19. Akasha

    Login problems

    There is an important detail about passwords in warspear, if you added a password like: "Warspear" and try to log using: "warspear". It will show that your password is incorrect, even knowing, people still make this mistake. Just pay attention when you're going to type your password or add a new one.
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