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  1. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from RenataS in ASSUMIU QUE ME ROUBOU, MODERADOR AJUDA AE   
    vc so eh roubado se tu passa o seu id pra alguem entao ngm pode faze nada pra te ajuda  nao se banir vc e seu antigo char bani as lei do jogo ... todos os dias isso acontece sinceramente eu que nao tenho nenhum poder de nada nesse forum ja ta me estressando imagina entao qm tem q cuida disso. minha senha nem minha mae tem, o segredo eh esse.
  2. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Hazelnut in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
  3. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Morgana in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    who cares is just a game
  4. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Hazelnut in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    who cares is just a game
  5. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Itachifire in Not quitting just taking a break from the game.   
    tc  bro 

  6. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Hazelnut in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
  7. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to Hazelnut in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    A suggestion of him.

  8. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to Panchen in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    finaly amped my PRO SHIELD to +10... omg so shiny +10 !
    haturs bout to say it is paint.. pfff... haturs never change 

  9. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to Hazelnut in The Couples of Warspear !!!!   
    It's you and me
  10. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Cybernem in Birthdays!   
    today is my bday  
  11. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Hike Tyson in Situation on Sapphire:D   
    yes old warspear
  12. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to r0land in [2015.07.16] Warspear Online 5.0 “Kronus’s Labyrinth”. Release   
    We've got some cool news for you, a new client 5.0.2 is available on our website http://warspear-online.com/en/downloadand in Google Play and Windows Phone store. We've made some crucial fixes:

    - sound is back!
    - chat problem is no longer exists, chat is working ok
    - all achievements are displayed correctly now

    So you're welcome to download a new client!
    Thank you for patience and understanding.
  13. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to Peter_Munk in [2015.20.07] Momentos históricos: Crônicas de Warspear Online. Capítulo V   
    Um evento divisor de águas aconteceu em Arinar. Quando os Sentinelas e a Legião angariaram poder suficiente, eles navegaram até a costa de Ayvondil. Lá, eles descobriram que a Floresta Eterna ainda tinha vida! Elfos Negros, os descendentes dos Primogênitos, reconstruíram a capital Malíata e estabeleceram-se no centro da ilha. Para ganhar a confiança dos novos habitantes de Malíata, os heróis lutaram contra os servos das trevas que saíram do Jardim Corrompido. Ao mesmo tempo, eles descobriram a história de Adven-Tar: um Druida que cometeu traições há cinco séculos, durante a Guerra da Lança. Por causa de um amor não correspondido pela Rainha de Valaria, ele traiu seu povo e condenou os elfos à derrota. Desde então, Adven-Tar sempre teve uma ligação com o destino de Ayvondil (4.0.0 “Mistérios de Ayvondil”).

    Nadir Sard ficou vazia quando os veteranos das duas alianças viajaram para Ayvondil. Buscando a volta dos antigos clientes, os mercadores da Liga Sem-correntes construíram o magnífico Coliseu dos Campeões, em memória ao antigo coliseu. O coliseu anterior fora construído por Orin, muito antes de ele se transformar no Rei Amaldiçoado. Somente as Guildas mais poderosas podiam registrar seus membros para o combate contra monstros e gladiadores no novo Coliseu (4.1.0).

    Os heróis das duas alianças continuaram a explorar Ayvondil. Seguindo os passos do traidor Adven-Tar, eles encontraram a terra dos homens-lagarto, também conhecidos como Tlalocs. Eles praticavam sacrifícios aos Deuses, nos topos de suas pirâmides, e tinham a sabedoria dos caçadores, herboristas e astrônomos. Aventureiros ajudaram os Tlalocs na batalha contra a misteriosa tribo subterrânea dos Cupins. Ao resolver o mistério dos dois líderes dos Tlalocs e seus votos inconsequentes, os aventureiros conseguiram descobrir onde Adven-Tar escondera a Tabuleta da paz eterna que salvou a vida dele. Era uma relíquia tanto de Elfos quanto de Humanos. A Tabuleta, feita de ouro e prata, revelaria seus segredos novamente... (4.2.0).

    Depois das festividades da Noite Mediana, todos esperavam o Dia da Criação do mundo, mas ele não aconteceu. A Fronteira da neve estava vazia e o Ancião Branco havia sido sequestrado por sua antítese demoníaca: Sandro Perverso. Para libertar o Ancião, que estava preso no palácio de Sandro, os heróis de Arinar precisaram derrotar diversos inimigos até alcançar a Forja dos Deuses de Orin. (4.6.0 “Triunfo de Sandro Perverso").

    Com o fim das festividades, as alianças retomaram a guerra e novatos se juntaram aos frontes. Comandantes da Legião e dos Sentinelas perceberam que as regras da guerra haviam mudado: Agora era tão importante tomar as terras e os recursos dos inimigos quanto era derrotá-los. Irselnort foi completamente atingida, assolada pela maior quantidade de batalhas desde a primeira Guerra da Lança. (4.7.0 “O Nascimento da tempestade").

    No entanto, as pessoas de Arinar estavam cansadas da guerra e decidiram homenagear o Rei Primavera. Era para ser um período de felicidade entre o inverno e a primavera, mas quando o Rei apareceu, ele estava triste e preocupado. A Rainha do gelo havia sequestrado as Damas da primavera, filhas do Rei. Os heróis deveriam buscar as Damas perdidas. A primavera não começaria até que elas voltassem. (4.8.0 “A homenagem ao Rei Primavera").

    No verão, misteriosas pedras brancas caíram dos céus novamente. Sábios alertaram que era um sinal de que mananciais estavam surgindo nos Rios do tempo. Nessas nascentes, o tempo fluía ao contrário. Era uma situação incompreensível: o pêndulo balançava na direção oposta. As Pedras brancas eram portais que permitiam viajar no tempo. Centenas de corajosos aventureiros voltaram para as Festas da Noite Mediana e para o Dia da Criação do mundo para combater Sandro Perverso e Sam Hain novamente. Aqueles que queriam descobrir mais sobre os mistérios do passado viajaram centenas de anos e viram Orin antes que ele se tornasse o Rei Amaldiçoado. O Olho de Elam, um artefato que pertenceu a Berengar, chamou a atenção do Deus maligno Garaan. 
    No entanto, o poder do Olho ajudou as tropas de Orin a conquistarem a Antiga Malíata, a capital de Ayvondil no início da era da Guerra da Lança. Orin deu o Olho a Maradishu, o capitão dos mortos-vivos, para ajudá-lo a pegar uma relíquia élfica chamada Clepsidra de Gaia. A Rainha de Valaria, portadora da Clepsidra, desapareceu durante a batalha. Bem como o esquadrão que Maradishu enviou para capturar o artefato. Ninguém sabe o que aconteceu ao Olho de Elam e à Clepsidra de Gaia. Se esses artefatos forem encontrados, seriam cruciais para retirar o mundo das trevas que o ameaçam. E salvariam Arinar da destruição. Esse era o significado da mensagem encontrada nas pedras brancas (4.11.0 “Guerra dos Sete Anos”).

    E então o sétimo ano da guerra chegou ao fim.

    As crônicas do grande confronto entre os Guardiões e a Legião acabam agora, mas ainda não chegaram ao fim. Muito mais está por vir!
    Capítulo 1
    Capítulo 2
    Capítulo 3
    Capítulo 4
  14. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to r0land in [2015.07.17] Moments in history: Warspear Сhronicles. Сhapter V   
    Finally, a watershed event happened in Arinar, one that would be recorded as of extreme importance. When Sentinels and Legion accumulated enough power, they landed on the shores of Ayvondil. It was discovered that the Eternal Forest was still full of life. Dark Elves, the descendants of the Firstborn, rebuilt the ruined capital, Maliat, and settled in the center of the island. Wishing to gain the trust of the new owners of Maliat, heroes clashed with servants of Filth who spread from the Rotting garden. At the same time, they learned about Adven-Tar - a Druid that committed treasonous acts five hundred years ago, during the War for the Spear. He reasons were due to the unrequited love he had for the Queen of the Valaria. He betrayed his people, and doomed the elves to defeat. Since then Adven-Tar has appeared inextricably linked with the fate of Ayvondil (4.0.0 "Mysteries of Ayvondil").

    When many veterans of both Alliances sailed to Ayvondil, Nadir Sard found itself almost empty. Willing to return to old customers, merchants of the Chainless League built a majestic Champion's Coliseum - in memory of the old Coliseum. The old one was originally was built by Orin himself, long before he turned into the Cursed King. Only the greatest Guilds had the right to enter their men to battle with the monsters and gladiators in the new Coliseum (4.1.0).

    Heroes of both Alliances continued exploring Ayvondil. Following in the footsteps of betrayer Adven-Tar, they found the land of lizzardmen, or Tlalocs as they were known. Offering sacrifices to their gods at the top of the pyramids, learning the wisdom of their hunters, herbalists and stargazers. Daredevils helped Tlalocs to repel the Termites, a mysterious underground tribe. Solving the mystery of the two leaders of the Tlaloc and their careless vows, helped them to identify where Adven-Tar, hid the Tablet of Eternal Peace to save his life. It was a relic of both Elves and Men. This tablet, half gold, half silver would once again reveal its secrets ... (4.2.0).

    After the Median Night Holiday, everyone expected the traditional World Creation Day but it did not happen. It so happened that the Snow Boundary was empty and the White Elder was kidnapped by his demonic antipode - Evil Sandro. To release the Elder, trapped in Sandro's Ice Palace, the heroes of Arinar had to fight many villains from the past and see Orin's Forge of Gods. (4.6.0 "Triumph of Evil Sandro").

    After the end of the Holidays, the alliances resumed their war - newcomers rushed to join the battle. Commanders of the Legion and the Sentinels realised that the rules of war had changed. It was extremely important to not solely defeat the enemies, but also take their lands and resources. Battles for territories rocked Irselnort to its foundations – not since the first War for the Spear had Irselnort experienced such ferocious battles. (4.7.0 "The Birth of the Tempest").

    However, the ordinary people of Arinar were sick and tired of the war and were looking forward to honoring the Spring King. This is a joyful period celebrated on the cusp of winter and spring. The King appeared, but he looked both worried and saddened. The Ice Queen had kidnapped his daughters, the Spring Maidens. The heroes had to find the lost Maidens. If not found, spring would never come. (4.8.0 "The Honoring of the Spring King").

    In early summer, mysterious white stones fell from the sky again. Wise men advised that this coincided with springs splitting from the Rivers of Time. Time in these instances had started to flow backwards. It was inconceivable – the pendulum of time has swung in the opposite direction. It was found that the White Stones were portals that allowed time travel. Hundreds of the brave went back to the times of the Median Night Holiday and the Day of World Creation to fight Sam Hein and Evil Sandro again. Those who wanted to find out more about mysteries of the past, travelled hundreds of years back in time and saw Orin before he became the Cursed King. Elam's Eye, an artifact that beloned to Berengar made him an easy victim of the evil god Garaan.

    However, the power of the Eye helped Orin's troops to conquer old Maliat – the ancient capital of Ayvondil at the very beginning of the War for the Spear. Orin passed the Eye to Maradishu, the captain of the undead, to help him take Gaia's Clepsydra, an Elven Lord relic. The Queen of Valaria, the keeper of the Clepsydra, disappeared during the battle. So too did Maradisha's squad who were determined to seize it. No one knows what happened of the Eye of Elam and Gaia's Clepsydra. If these artifacts were ever found, they would be able to divert the shadow of danger ever hanging over the world. This would save Arinar from destruction. That was the meaning of the message found in white stones (4.11.0 "Seven Years of War").

    So ended the seventh year of war.

    Chronicles of the great confrontation between Guardians and Legion are interrupted for now, but do not end here. There will be far more to come!
    Previous chapters:
    Chapter I
    Chapter II
    Chapter III
    Chapter IV
  15. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Morgana in Well I'm back!   
    all? hmm i think not   .. 
  16. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to r0land in [2015.07.16] Warspear Online 5.0 “Kronus’s Labyrinth”. Release   
    Hey, good fellows, we're having a last server restart right now, 10-15 minutes and everyone will be able to enter Arinar realm.
    Thank you for your patience!
  17. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to Peter_Munk in [2015.07.16] Warspear Online 5.0 “Kronus’s Labyrinth”. Release   
    Warriors of Arinnar!
    Update 5.0: “Kronos’s Labyrinth” is now live! You can download a new version of the client for Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows Phone, Windows Mobile, Linux, Windows and Mac OS after game servers restart. Please note that versions for different platforms may be available at different times.
    One of the biggest updates so far! Travel to a vast mysterious Labyrinth with new monsters, a dungeon called “Kronos's Belly” and a very powerful raid boss. Immerse yourself in an epic new storyline and do battle with the gigantic dragon Kronus, You must also stand against armies of fierce Boreans, ever-dangerous bosses and opposing alliance fighters. It will be one of your toughest challenges and if you succeed, you will save Arinar from ruination and earn yourself the finest rewards ever.

    You’ll be able to earn a new set of heroic level 21 armor that resembles Dragon’s Armor. Also available is rare level 22 armor, improved level 22 weapons, rare level 21 belts, a new costume and many other things!
    We have also added a highly anticipated personal achievement system and made our maps easier to use. Full information about all the new features can be found in our recent announcement.

    Additional changes
    Icon and background
    The most significant change is a new application background and a new background in the opening menu. Hope you like them!
    Free Miracle coins
    Yes they’re back! Complete simple tasks from our partners TapJoy, Fyber and SupersonicAds and receive free Miracle coins!

    Improvement of Novice Set
    We added a third bonus – an energy increase to the rings and energy regeneration value of the amulet. These improvements are to the Novice Set of Accessories in the Miracle Shop. With the third bonus, it is significantly improved!
    Bag increase
    You can now increase the number of bag slots by 5 by sending an invitation to our game to your friends on Facebook. An easy to follow button can be found under the “Extend your bag” button. Extending only works once and only for Android and iOS devices only.

    Hot fixes
    All sound bugs were fixed and music is back again on all except Symbian devices.
    And traditional gifts! Every player, starting from level six will receive three Signs of Imperishability and five Life Scrolls. Hurry and use them, they will be removed from your inventory on the 18.07!
    That’s it for now!
  18. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from Morgana in Go animar galera ! :D   
  19. Like
    xicantwinxx reacted to Peter_Munk in [2015.07.13] Warspear Online 5.0: Kronus's Labyrinth. Preview   
    Warriors of Arinar!

    One of the most anticipated updates, Warspear Online 5.0 will be released this week! It will attract many new players of all levels to participate in the main event - Kronus's invasion. A gigantic Dragon from the cold world of Borea settled with his minions on the lowest level of the Astral Labyrinth. Warspear Online 5.0: Kronus's Labyrinth is not a new territory or a new boss, it is a new world.

    Birth of a new evil

    It was prophesized that a new Evil would appear in Arinar, worse than any that have come before. This prophesy has not come true and the whole world is under the threat. Be warned, you will need to find allies among your enemies.Forget everything you knew about bosses and dungeons in Warspear Online. You will have to deal with brand new mechanics that require completely new tactics and a superior level of teamwork. Welcome to the new world with new rules.

    Kronus's Labyrinth

    Kronus's Labyrinth is on the lowest level of the Astral Labyrinth. Only by completing the storyline can you gain access to the new location. At the end of the Astral Labyrinth, you will find portals that will take you to your Alliance territory in Kronus's Labyrinth.

    New quests

    The new Labyrinth is primarily a location for PvE-fights. Don’t worry though, you’ll find battles with players of the opposite Alliance unavoidable too.
    To complete our new storyline, you will have to defeat an army of Boreans and kill their vicious Lord, Kronus. To achieve this you will have to find your way through a tricky labyrinth, solve many riddles and even hunt down other players.

    As well as that, you’ll receive a new set of daily quests. Some of them will be available right away and others will reveal themselves when you finish the main storyline. You will receive Crimson Corrundums for completing daily quests related to boss kills. So you have the opportunity to receive untold wealth!

    New bosses

    Apart from Boreans and astral parasites, you will find creatures that are even more dangerous in Kronus's Labyrinth – these are the seven new mini-bosses.
    Six of them are found on Sentinel's and Legion's territories (three on each side) but one constantly moves and can be found anywhere. You definitely need to keep checking everywhere.

    As a reward for defeating any of these bosses, you could receive:

    - Rare level 22 armor
    - Rare level 21 belts
    - Improved level 22 weapons
    - Unity signs
    - Gold
    - Essences and Catalysts
    - Minions
    - Spheres


    Kronus is certainly the strongest boss to have ever appeared in our game. However, 2000000 health points and dangerous massive attacks aren’t the only problem you have. His health levels will dictate what new abilities he can use against you. The weaker he gets – the stronger he hits!

    One of his interesting abilities is Arson. It is a new skill and when he uses it can set his enemy on fire, inflicting DoT-damage. If there are other warriors next to him, they will be burned too. After a while the fire will die out. If you’re not careful the whole raiding party may be burned too.

    Defeating Kronus isn’t easy, but is certainly worth it. The rewards are valuable and there is an extra drop chance.

    - Costume of Kronus
    - Unity signs
    - Gold
    - Essences and catalysts
    - Minions
    - Spheres

    Kronus's Belly

    After defeating Kronus, you will open the gates to a new Dungeon “Kronus's Belly” for six hours. To get there you have to go through his throat. Don’t hesitate, just go inside – it is not the worst thing you’ll have to do. Once you pass his throat you’ll have to fight in his belly. It’s filled with parasites you have to fight before you can destroy his Heart and kill the main Enemy.

    The Parasite's behavior differs to other mobs in our game. Their leaders can cast new creatures and they start doing this when you enter their location. To go through you have to kill the leader as soon as possible and then take care of his minions. If you don’t, you will run out of power eventually.

    Once complete, you will find Kronus's Heart and then the most dangerous creature in the belly – The Basileus.

    The entrance to the dungeon will close after a period of time. To reopen it you will need to defeat Kronus again. Rewards in Kronus's Belly are:

    - Heroic level 21 armor (three types of sets for each armor type)
    - Improved level 22 weapons
    - Unity signs
    - Essences and Catalysts
    - Spheres
    - Potions

    The achievement system

    In our recent announcement, we provided a detailed description of the personal achievements system. It will be released in this update and will appear in stages. In the first stage, 90 achievements will be available. For each of which you will receive a number of Sign of Glory medals. When you’ve collected a certain number of medals, you’ll receive excellent awards:

    10 medals - Terminator Smiley
    50 medals - Champion's Haircut
    100 medals - Chunga-Changa Smileys
    150 medals - Champions' Barber Set
    200 medals - Inquisitor's Vestment/Torturer's Vestment

    You can read more about the achievement system here, There’s lots of important information there you won’t want to miss.

    Map update

    Arinar is filled with numerous dungeons, and it can be quite difficult to orient oneself in multi-level caves. Kronus's Labyrinth has improved the existing system. There are new useful maps with dungeons levels will be available for you in the new update.

    That's it for now!
    See you soon.
  20. Like
    xicantwinxx got a reaction from wtfll089 in Us-Sapphire's Top Players Of 2014   
    for me tpain best play this year .. first get lv 20 weapon +10 and set full arena .. and too bcz manys haters xD    just my opinion ...
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