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Everything posted by Newworldorder

  1. Hope this can be fixed asap, not only is it hitting Map 2 flag. Its area is ridiculous and when you get 2-3 druids together it causes chaos with 1 click of a button. This skill was supposedly “nerfed” after it came out, but there wasn’t much change to it. As you see here druids are spamming life scroll in map 2 war and the whole area is covered. 2-3k damage each druid/ life scroll. Please fix this thank you!
  2. mines 12/26/2013 :( Will we get these when we hit our 10 year mark, or is this only a one time thing?
  3. It’s kind of sad saying BD was buffed and you get harassed over it. Now to blatantly call someone dumb is uncalled for. Bd was buffed a lot, stop defending it because you’re worried. If you think my post is wrong. Move on, no need to name call over a forum game. The developers even said it was buffed. Move on. Hope you have a good day too.
  4. You are the only person on here that is saying BD is nerfed. Yes everyone is wrong but you. Read the post again are you absolutely nuts? The developer commentary even says it! -Flash strike= increased damage -They lost aggression skill and got another damage. -Counterattack now works more -Rush stuns 100% -Enlightenment now increases way better stats -Blades power now gives more buffs. -They can heal now 5% each auto hit I don’t know where you are seeing this, but it is obvious there is bias in your comments. Read through all theee comments, 99% of people that are talking about BD are saying it’s buffed including developers. There is no argument on your end. No need to get my eyes checked, i have common sense. Have a good day.
  5. Developer commentary: In most game situations, the Blade Dancer is used as a damage damager class, and only secondarily is it seen as a tank by players. For this reason, we decided to strengthen the popular role of this class, allowing the Blade Dancer to realize itself much more effectively both in solo battles and in mass battles, as well as resorting to the use of different equipment and skills. We think that Blade Dancer's positioning as a high-damage class will only get stronger going forward. @Raislin They were buffed. Few skills increased cooldown. This commentary tells you exactly what devs plan for bd.
  6. He is 100% right Developers are 100% clueless about the game. Buffing BD? Is this a joke? How many great skills do you need to give the elf side? 10+ years of not being balanced. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars in that span trying to make my characters full geared and booked just to match up with the classes you buff on the elf side. Nerf shaman, rogue, dk, necro are you insane? Clueless developers, you are losing more players. MC side legion is nearly dead. More are leaving right now. @Nolan @Holmes @LeeLoo @Higgings @ whoever else wants to read this. Come out with this balance patch and you will kill the game.
  7. i agree, some servers are heavy on MC and it must be difficult for the sentinels: It’s almost not fun anymore because i don’t think the US sapphire has more than 100-150 active MCs
  8. I have been playing warspear since 2012. Mainly US Legion side but started off as an elf at the beginning. It has been underpopulated for a very long time, but never this bad. Years ago they made it so you could not create an elf character at one point only MC. Between the imbalance in skills and the population of elf rising in US Sapphire the MC side will be non- existent soon. Not to mention a lot of MC got discouraged and went to elf side. It’s sad because i have spent a lot of time and money on this game for developers to not care about a lot of things. I don’t know if there’s a solution at the moment besides a massive balance update.
  9. Yes not sure how often or the cooldown on this but i think it should be more frequent. I have around 15-20 names been trying for at least 4 months, same level one char and “action not available right now” I hope one day it could be 3 months without logging and less than lvl 10 maybe.
  10. Hello! Most unique and cool names are taken by level 1’s who don’t play the game. If a character is a low level and is inactive for a period of time can the names be removed so others can take? I spent a lot of time trying to find a great character name for some of my characters, and have found about 50 names i wanted all taken by level 1’s or 2’s. I know warspear does this every so often but it’s honestly not enough. Most of these names are taken for the name to be sold or just to have so nobody can use them. Thought this would be a good idea since i’m sure there are names out there players who actually play the game would want, instead of just sitting there not being used at a level 1.
  11. @Holmes Are we going to look at some of the Elf side skills also? Sentinels are overpowered ATM and when they post things on forum/ email warspear you guys come up with a balance patch. The last “balance patch” nearly killed most MC characters. Can you give barbarian or deathknight a shield as good as the paladin? Is that normal for warden to be immortal? Should 5 templar’s be able to push an entire guild away? I know it’s hard to make everyone happy, but MC side is struggling on population/ and pretty weak compared to ELF.
  12. @Nolan You said it was forwarded to devs. Did they go to skylore and stop caring about warspear? I haven’t bought coins in 2 months and will continue to boycott until major issues are addressed. Sentinals cry about legion skills and there’s a balance patch in 2 months. What does it take to get point across?
  13. Hey there. I would like you guys to switch the merman rep option on the daily rewards for those who have 35k rep or give them 1/2 options in case they want to study something. Knowledge would be a great substitution for this!
  14. The difference is MC get pulled 10 squares away and then revive and get pushed more. had 20 locks using circle and elf can still revive and plant skill. Many locks were in the past wars and it doesn’t work. Banner should NOT hit flag period
  15. i could complain all day about skills and i’m sure you can too. Why can’t Dk curse hit flag ? Why did elves complain when it did? It’s ok for one side to complain and not the other? We weren’t losing all wars before this update. I’ve been a part of every war since update and have seen 3-4 palas spamming lifescroll and planting banner then dead. The flag hp is dropping fast. Mc and elves skills are different. Any of us revive we are pushed to the other side of town. It seemed like paladin had a near 100% success rate. I’m glad @Holmes is looking into this. I’ve never been able to use swooping on flag because the amount of templar and control skills. Look at the video @vegeta posted. Why do we have many banners going off at once? Should our guild just quit game cuz can’t win as well? like you guys did for months
  16. Zeus- If chief could spam lifescroll and use swooping and cause damage i would be doing it. I am pushed by one of the 50 templars in town to the other side of the map. I have tried using 30 life scrolls and did 0 damage one war. You use 1 Ls and do damage. The difference is you at flag can use lifescroll and plant banner without being moved and just die and repeat. There are many variables here not the skill description or damage amount in skill. The skill shouldn’t hit flag period. I’m sorry but after this is fixed war will be fun again.
  17. The banner should not be able to hit the flag and cause easy wins for the ElF side.
  18. We are asking for banner not to hit flag like DK curse got fixed. We are not talking about any other class or how strong they are. Banner damage to flag and lag is the issue Chieftain can’t get a skill off after revive. Pala can plant flag then get killed then LS- repeat. If you think this isn’t OP then why are you having 6 palas spam LS at flag and just use banner before they die?
  19. None of the legion side can survive a revive or not get stunned to use any skill, paladin can revive and plant- repeat.
  20. original post was about lag AND damage. Read
  21. Again, a chief cannot revive and use swooping. He’s killed or pushed back then killed. A pala can revive and do this. In the past year when i’ve been at flag i don’t think i was ever able to get the skill off. This topic is about war and banner being unfair to hit flag and also causing lag. Not the amount of magic a chief has. why is there 6 banners going in the top video? i
  22. You are showing me what some characters can do to a dummy in a town with nobody else. I don’t need to see what a rogue can do to a dummy, this isn’t the point of the topic. They cannot hit flag because of ELF skills moving the MC way away, all the stun and control. I waste 20 lifescrolls before even hitting the flag. The pala can revive and plant, especially with your resist set. You + 2 more palas have been taking towns flags down. Last night i watched you and a few more spam Ls and the flag dropped within 10 minutes. 3 paladin can take down a town in 15 minutes, 3 rogues can’t even take 5% of flag. There are a lot of variables here but to sum it up, elf can spam lifescroll on paladin and plant banner and rev and repeat. Which is why you have changed your war routine. if this isn’t changed elf will win every single war. No matter the Aoe we apply when using lifescroll pala banner planted 100% of time. That’s the difference. BTW my chief with 10 books/ resist pots/ scrolls/ gear cannot get any hits off after using life scroll. We both know the update was very generous to the elf, who’ve been crying for far too long. If you don’t think your banners with other palas are OP during war then you are either lying or just don’t see it. I am not going to sit and complain about how templar mage druid pala is ridiculously OP now. I just want wars to be fair and fun.
  23. Every time the pala revives it does this damage. When a rogue or chief revives it’s normally killed right away. The banner does 600 per tick 6 times and crits over 1k I can use 50 life scroll on my chief and not getting 1 shot off on flag. I can revive many times on rogue and get only a few shots off. Banner is 100% success rate and it’s taking 2-3 palas to take 1 flag in 10-15 minutes. War is now going to be won with paladin and lifescroll. You’re the first one to cry when something isn’t right on MC and you are bias to this. If MC was able to revive every time without fail and drop a banner that did damage 100% of the time i would win war solo every time. I can buy 2 mil Ls np. This isn’t about how much some skills can do. This is about using less than 10 set life scroll to win war and there’s nothing MC can do. Each banner 4-5-6-7-8k per drop with crits not crit. x 2 palas= flag taken 10-15 minute. We have seen it the past 3 wars
  24. Devs -every banner a pala throws is 8-9k damage. It took 2 palas to almost take out. 3 flags spamming life scroll. Is this how your wanted war to be intended? It’s not fun anymore. DKs curse was fixed really quick when elf complained. Banner should not be allowed to touch flag if a few elf can win war. It’s getting more and more exposed.
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