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Everything posted by Shirohige

  1. будет ли тестовый сервер проинформирован на общем форуме? * использовал гугл переводчик * 😅😅
  2. n speed book ofc.. im not stacking those chest, not expecting much either 😢 but GL 😛
  3. wow.. thanks a lot cant wait for another contest
  4. have u familiar with application called "Adobe Premiere Pro" ?
  5. You are disregarding people's actual work on their videos, please just stop. i even got a pm ingame ,, he says "Zeus edited my video" ,, i was like dayum son,i will edit yours for free tho 😄 , dont disrespect anyone who did the best tho.. anywaaay,, cant wait for the next video contest i use my own old trashy laptop to do this edit..
  6. Gz my gei leader zeus elie 😜🙏 Wow thank you very much,, cant believe this simple edit could get top 3 .. Thank youuuuu 🤪🙏❤❤❤ it was submitted too early, will do better next time ..👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽.. Thankssss
  7. *cough* actually it is for russian forum but International forum kinda late XD
  8. next update in the future, will enemy's name that on area will be shown at the right side of the screen ? XD 🤔😅
  9. Hello, Trying my luck on this "Video Contest" event, im here to submit my video. I know this isnt perfect but i did my best 🥰 Im glad if yall entertained by this. Character : Shirohige ( Us -Shappire ) NB : just some fun video 🤓
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