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  1. будет ли тестовый сервер проинформирован на общем форуме? * использовал гугл переводчик * 😅😅
  2. n speed book ofc.. im not stacking those chest, not expecting much either 😢 but GL 😛
  3. wow.. thanks a lot cant wait for another contest
  4. have u familiar with application called "Adobe Premiere Pro" ?
  5. You are disregarding people's actual work on their videos, please just stop. i even got a pm ingame ,, he says "Zeus edited my video" ,, i was like dayum son,i will edit yours for free tho 😄 , dont disrespect anyone who did the best tho.. anywaaay,, cant wait for the next video contest i use my own old trashy laptop to do this edit..
  6. Gz my gei leader zeus elie 😜🙏 Wow thank you very much,, cant believe this simple edit could get top 3 .. Thank youuuuu 🤪🙏❤❤❤ it was submitted too early, will do better next time ..👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽.. Thankssss
  7. *cough* actually it is for russian forum but International forum kinda late XD
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