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Everything posted by tapyon

  1. And the question of Daria farmers? Are they going to replace the drops like they used to be? This update? This very bad the drops voices will disable the game niguem supports this att the lazy lion defend because he is very rich all acc of him + 10 but the others who do not have conditions to buy as many mc coins as they are? It's too bad you have not said anything about it until now! You should not be gm, you do not solve anything, you do not even try or answer our complaints!
  2. No one is happy here, everyone is harmed, what you're talking about is bullshit! You must be a secret GM or pull ws bag, no one agrees with you, do not you see it? I'm hating this game more and more, and more!
  3. lol i thinks gms can use 99999999999999 ilimited golds and ilimited mc coins all free
  4. amazing is you be 10 and bb +8 +7 or kill you with 3 hits! , You use your skill earthquake and he never funiconar !. Its en fight in the arena 10 fights bds not win a !. A druid use a skill that heals 3k all at once to all menbros his pt! even these are properly distant, since the shaman healing totem have this all stuck together to work healing, equanto druid press a skill so, and already healing everyone, even distant or close to different maps! heals !, why not dao tba something similar to mcs? please! shut up
  5. priests, has esculdo, bd has esculdo, paladins have shields, since the shaman made a esculdo, we can not even use on yourself! that pathetic! shaman was so hurt! , We can say that this to be the class but less! of all! the healing totem is a shame! is this close to be able to regenerate! equanto druid so squeeze a button healing the whole pt! even if they are in other maps just in this en and bum !! 3k cure all at once, it's absurd! Elves are equal to Gods in the game! , Gms applause! each update you guys worsen game imbalance! so this already becoming a burden! agent spends money and time, we are not respected! we are not heard! much inequality! much injustice !, this is already a dictatorship, if we talk, they delete such our topics, because they do not like to hear the truth! What I see is seginte, they want to force us to create comics? because it is the favorite class we have to lower our heads and say that you guys are right ?, so why not make a game just bds? for those who like!
  6. BD needs to be nerf, this very unbalanced the game. Game here for over four years, shaman was a good class had an exellent skill quake, gms reduced both the quake, now and ability already not work! 10 9 attempts fail !, and only 1 works, and yet the skill at most 5/5 the effect is not the same !, especially vs bds !. many bugs in the arenas, the area seems to be set on purpose for the ability not work, and only the elves get advantages gms say they are hand but when we call on our rights, they do not treat us with education, and this already it was to be expected because most gms play of comics! This is a lack of respect and consideration for the people playing! They hear the elves when they will ask for nerf shaman and warlock, but now we ask for help to balance the game, they close the topics! and they say they will not do anything about it !, this is right? is how are shared rights ?, that grace has to play a game that only a class and benefited? and favored. Just the fact that they are bds, the clase has to be invincible? even shaman, necro, rogue, barbarous and 10 of 10 fights the mcs do not get one! because they made immortal comics! and mcs give ridiculous skills that not work! as it should! , Do not leave or agent exposed! what we feel about it, they want to silence us in the cry! so why are gms the game has to be as they want? benefit only himself? this is fair?
  7. hello petter you know say what date for arena rewardS?
  8. I agree with Doug, and I think and play. due to these irregularities, Every day just gets worse the game, MAKING AND UNFAIR DESIGUAL! . Please do auguma thing to reverse this situation, the game needs equality FOR ALL PLAYERS, so It's impossible to keep playing!
  9. tapyon


    Tenho certeza que a jogadora vomm e vommx esta usa hakcer 5 x vezes que fui arena vs elas quando fica 1 x 1 ela derruba minha conexao isso ja aconteceu 5 vezes seguidas , nao é normal outras pessoa também se quixando e acho que deveria ser investigados assim nao da né ? nos erfoçamos pra jogar limpo , vem essas pessoa noobs e fazem hakcer , cheats o jogo perde a graça , elA usa augum progama hakcer que derruba conexao dos oponentes is É batota trapaÇAa! tem que banir! SE FOSSE EM LINE AGE JA ESTARIA BANIDAS! :blush: ADMINISTRACAO DE BOSTA! WARSPEAR ONLNE!
  11. e que disse a voce que foi so 1? :rofl: ????? 4 times i won not 1 time hahaha
  12. larga de ser mentiroso voce so me venceu uma e perde 4! you win 1 tima and lost 4 times you liar you not strong for me defeat!
  13. knox not strong for tapyon :clapping: ;D :rofl:
  14. :clapping: eu sou mais forte que spanhol sem comparacao este sendo +10 com criticos enchants usa run ou sej corre de mim porque nao aguenta ums luta cara, a cara devia fazer um torneio xd de 1 , 2 e 3 lugar com direito a premions em mc
  15. bom dia omtem a noite um jogador com nome suprememan comprou em minha mao ums staf 18 pra shaman ele pagou me 16k de mc coin, em seguida apos 3 minultos apareceu a mensagem que minha acc foi banida :bad: quero saber porque? :diablo: espero que me ajudem sou do eu-esmeralde ja mandei mensagem pro snorlax e ainda nao me veio suport nome de minha acc e tapyon shaman level 20 gosto muito de minha acc e nao acho justo o que ocorreu porque nao cometi delito augum pra ser banido acho isso uma falta de respeito es espero solucao com brevidade grato desde já Tapyon
  16. tapyon


    This is not right! we are not asking, we are demanding our rights anyway Nois spend money here both elves, as mcs have the same right if it is not so return our money phaco question if returning to delete my account, because for me this game already turned a game that sucks and unfair elves have 4% health and damage mairoes, the GM still comes, and screwed more than is already screwed? destruil the joy of the only class of mcs good: ( :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :mega_shok:
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