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About Andlu

  • Birthday 12/21/1995

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  1. Durante o lançamento da atualização 10.4 foi informado na publicação que as torres de castelos seriam gratuitas para membros da guilda que o possuísse, mas atualmente ainda cobra estamina para os membros do castelo. É um erro do jogo ou na tradução do post?
  2. Guild level 12 has a maximum capacity of 100 players. Based on the argument that it can use its full strength, in Castle "Forest’s Heart" all 100 players could enter. In all castles level 12 guilds should take all their players. Why is there a player limit in each castle? Why do thrones have low hp? In my opinion castles are an old idea, and when they were implemented the current reality of max level guilds no longer fit. Allowing only 30 players in Castle "Forest’s Heart", or 40 in the "Jaguar's Den" is a flawed attempt by the game to say that lower level guilds could also try. It is almost impossible to defend a castle based on the current abilities of the guilds, whether it is in Castle "Forest’s Heart" with 30 players, or in the Sea Turtle with 70 players. The certainty we have is that the current system is flawed, and needs to be changed.
  3. The open thread is a pointless discussion. I don't believe in changing the current system. I agree that the greatest achievement for a guild at max level is to conquer a castle, and that it can fight with all its might. But the current way the battles are organized doesn't make sense, the amount and level of guilds allowed. Thank you all for your attention.
  4. Imagine a scenario: Castle "Forest’s Heart" 30 players from a level 3 guild, against 30 from a level 12 guild. All with arena equipment. Can you believe that a guild with only one active skill, invisibility, can fight against Guild Blessing, Patronage, Totem, Fury, Globe? I ask again, why try? We already know the result. Why allow level 3 to 6 guilds to participate in the Castle Wars if they don't have a chance?
  5. Not evolving a guild is the worst possible option. The game is competitive, I agree that a level 12 guild can fight with all the forces it has conquered. But we come back to the same argument, what is the point of a level 3 guild signing up for a castle? The way it is now, let only level 10 and 12 guilds fight. And block all other levels.
  6. The last issue I wrote about might be interesting for a lower level guild to be able to defend itself. I agree that if a larger guild has the castle, it can defend itself with everything it has. But the main point that I want to draw attention to is, to make it meaningful for lower level guilds to go to the castle. Because currently no level 3 to 6 guilds can compete. So I have no reason to try.
  7. Currently guilds of all levels from the allowed in the castle can participate in the attack on castles. This causes a great imbalance in the confrontations. Example: A level 3 guild has no chance against a level 10 guild in the castle "Forest’s Heart", or a level 4 guild against a level 12 guild in the castle "Jaguar's Den". It doesn't make sense to enroll level 3 to 6 guilds in the castle attack, as they will not be able to take over due to lack of balance in the matchup. Besides the number of players, passive and active skills make a lot of difference. What can be changed to have balance. 1. The easiest way to equalize the confrontation is to disable the passive and active skills of guilds of higher level than allowed to enter the castle. Example: Castle "Forest’s Heart" - Level 6 passives and actives. Castle "Jaguar's Den" - Passive and active skills of level 7. Castle "Dragon Ness" - Passives and Actives of level 8. Castle "Sky Sanctuary" - Passives and Actives of level 9. Castle "Sea Turtle" - Passives and Actives of level 10. 2. Another more competitive option is to restrict the level and number of guilds allowed to participate in the raid. There are 8 camps, so only 8 guilds could go in each castle. Based on the level of the guild and its placement in the "Guild Tournament" it would earn the right to go to the castle. - Guild levels per castle - Forest’s Heart: Levels 3-6. Jaguar's Den: Levels 6-8. Dragon Ness: Levels 8-10. Sky Sanctuary: Levels 10-12. Sea Turtle: Levels 10-12. The guild that the commander defeats the "Guild Guardian" will have to match the level of the guild that has the castle. Example: If a level 8 guild is in possession of the "Dragon Ness" and the commander of a level 10 guild defeats the “Guild Guardian”, passive and active abilities would be restricted to level 8. This would be similar to what already happens in the "Mermen Trials". Thank you for your attention.
  8. Atualmente guildas de todos os níveis a partir do permitido no castelo podem participar do ataque aos castelos. Isso causa um grande desequilíbrio nos confrontos. Exemplo: Uma guilda level 3 não tem chances contra uma level guilda 10 no castelo “Coração da Floresta”, ou uma guilda level 4 contra uma guilda level 12 no castelo “Toca do Jaguar”. Não faz sentido inscrever guildas level 3 a 6 no ataque aos castelo, já que as mesmas não conseguirão tomar posse por falta de equilíbrio no confronto. Além do número de jogadores, as habilidades passivas e ativas fazem muita diferença. O que pode mudar para ter equilíbrio. 1. A forma mais fácil de igualar o confronto é desativar as habilidades passivas e ativas das guildas de nível superior ao permitido para entrar no castelo. Exemplo: Castelo “Coração da Floresta” - Passivas e Ativas de nível 6. Castelo “Toca do Jaguar” - Passivas e Ativas de nível 7. Castelo “Cume Dracônico” - Passivas e Ativas de nível 8. Castelo “Fortaleza Celeste” - Passivas e Ativas de nível 9. Castelo “Tartaruga do Mar” - Passivas e Ativas de nível 10. 2. Outra opção bem mais competitiva é restringir o nível e quantidade de guildas permitidas a participar no ataque. São 8 acampamentos, então somente 8 guildas poderiam ir em cada castelo. Com base no nível da guilda e a colocação dela no “Torneio de guilda” ela iria conquistar o direito de ir ao castelo. - Níveis de guilda por castelo - Coração da Floresta: Níveis 3-6. Toca do Jaguar: Níveis 6-8. Cume Dracônico: Níveis 8-10 Fortaleza Celeste: Níveis 10-12 Tartaruga do Mar: Níveis 10:12 A guilda que o comandante derrotar o “Guardião da Guilda” terá que se igualar ao nível da guilda que está com o castelo. Exemplo: Se uma guilda level 8 estiver de posse do “Cume Dracônico” e o comandante de uma guilda level 10 derrotar o “Guardião da Guilda”, as habilidades passivas e ativas seriam restringidas ao level 8. Isso seria similar ao que já acontece no “Teste dos Homens-Peixe”. Todas essas mudanças iriam equilibrar as disputas por castelo, e aumentaria e muito a disputa pelos mesmos. Desde já, agradeço a atenção.
  9. @Akasha As habilidades do druid foram nerfadas? No anúncio dizia que ia aumentar de 1500 para 2k valor máximo. Mas atualmente 4/4 cura somente 500hp. Não houve mudança no número de auxílios do ORVALHO também.
  10. Quais são os dados que preciso para alterar o email da minha conta? Não consigo fazer no próprio jogo.
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