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    • 4% 5 sec is perfectly fine for me, im not complaining about it. It seems just that, this 60% nerf to power surge isn’t enough for your fellow mcs.   On the “Big buff” on the prayers was just an addition to the skill to not be biased towards magical paladin only.The prayers skill isnt being upgraded by any paladins btw, waste of mana to even use the skill most of the time due to it being either dodged,blocked,parried or resisted.You need to hit a successful auto attack for it to be applied to the enemy and even then it still ends up getting resisted.Anyways, a 4k heal prayers went to a party buff that physical paladin wont ever upgrade, thats a downgrade whether you like it or not. Left branch doesn’t need more health, its mainly just for support paladins. Wouldn’t imagine support paladin with 2 hand weapon having useless tank talents like hp additions, wouldn’t make sense.
    • Oh yes they did! Remember when everyone used to cry about the “OP” prayers heal? it healed 4k or so and was reported so much that it got reworked as a weak support skill.THEN, physical paladins like me had no healing abilities other than sun seal + shield stun skill heal which gets resisted most of the time since 2 skills need to go through the enemy resistance stat to even heal the paladin.Then this is where I made a spear paladin and relied solely on ls heals and sun seal. Thats how useless paladin in physical was, which is why devs ended up buffing primarily physical paladin skills last year.   Regardless of the nerf, paladin is so versatile you could even make a spear build and end up dominating everyone. Simple, 3 branches for 3 primary paladin builds.   left branch for 2h magic weapon users   mid branch for physical paladin   right branch for shield paladin with magical dmg.   and yes I did play magical paladin, still have gears for it too.Ive mastered almost all aspects of paladin.
    • Ever seen a Magic Paladins 'crappy' basic heal especially when it crits?  ask any magic pala to demonstrate and you will regret your label of "crappy".   Also magic pala isnt just a crazy support(which gets it nerfed every update due to Russian forum complaints), its also an unkillable tank even at 0 books.I have never thought there are 0 book tanks that can survive even 3 minutes with me in a 1v1.   As a matter of fact i'm actually starting to unlock right branch just to stall parties in 5x5 and tank guilds of mcs in gvgs.A paladin with a library like mine will be unkillable. Trust me, you will see how broken magic pala with right branch is… ^^^
    • Era bom atualizar essa parte das costas do personagem  quando ele fica de lado  👀👀 Acho que ficaria legal 
    • And yet if magic pala heals you all end up saying BS like "Paladin is a primary tank , and is outhealing a PRiMaRy HeaLER oOoOoh nOoO". You cherry pick whenever you feel like paladin should or shouldn’t be a healer.😂   As for the physical paladins, you are right they cannot heal. You saw my video I showed you all as visual proof physical pala cant heal.The only think pala has is a base heal of 300 which is nothing... and now finally physical paladin has another healing ability through his assassins talent powers surge. (600-700 heals every 5 sec)  
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