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    • I think many here may have already heard about jujutsu kaizen and its "innovative" idea of domain expansions, so I thought, what if there was this in ws?    Well, that's my idea for today, but first of all, I should explain in detail how they would work without aggressively affecting the meta game, let's go!    OBTAINING METHOD:  For players to have access to this new type of skills, they must first participate in an internal tournament, organized by aigrind that would take place once a year, there would be 4 tournaments for each faction in the game, where players from the respective factions would participate;    Outcasts, Firstborns, Chosen, and Mountain Clan.    The aigrind would add the ability to the character's class IP, and this ability would be in the "special" classification, thus forcing him to use it.    The types of tournaments may vary depending on the aigrind, and may be a PvP or best-attire tournament, the aigrind's choice.    Obviously, the factions would not face each other, but rather they would face themselves, such as priest vs wizard and so on.    Well, with that explanation, I think it's time for the most important thing, the domains!    I will explain in detail how they will work for better understanding.    DOMAINS:  The domains will be like a "last" resource for the player to help him at the last minute, this ability will reflect the classes' permanent abilities, but with a 50% reduction in its effect!    Certain permanent abilities can have their effect modified for better performance and completion, such as changing the increase in vampirism to an increase in healing abilities, for example.    Each domain will have a different way of activation, and also, it will cause a negative effect on all enemies in the area, with the possibility of resistance.    Defensive skills such as blocking, dodging and parrying do not work against such domains.    The hold lasts for 100 seconds or until the user dies, leaves the area, or disables the permanent ability.    The domain covers the character's current location, if he leaves the location, the domain will not appear again until 1h has passed and the condition is fulfilled again.    When the mastery is activated, the permanent ability's current effect will be replaced by the mastery's effect.    Now let's get to the domain skills!   [FIRSTBORN)   Class: Guard  Ability: Fortification  Domain: FORTIFIED PROTECTION  Activation condition: Receive 10k damage within 15 seconds.  Reduces all damage done to the user and allies in the location by 15%, including members of the character's party, in addition, it causes the negative effect "fragility" to enemies in the location, this effect increases the damage they will receive by 15%.  There is no target limit.   Class: Druid  Ability: Vigorous Torrent  Domain: REINFORGANT ENVIRONMENT  Activation condition: Heal the equivalent of 10k hp in 10 seconds after entering combat, this can be from allies or party members as well.  Apply the "life-giving flow" aid to all allies on site, including party members.  The effect increases skill cooldown by 10%, restores health equivalent to 16% of the user's magic damage and restores the energy of all allies in the location by 7.  To enemies, it causes the negative effect "degenerative roots".  The effect decreases the ability cooldowns of all enemies in the location by 10% and immobilizes them every 5 seconds for 1 second.  There is no target limit.   Class: Blade Dancer  Ability: Power of Blades  Domain: FINAL DANCE  Activation Condition: Resist up to 12 control effects within 5 seconds.  Applies to the user's allies and party members the "last dance" buff effect.  This effect grants all allies in the location a 20% increase in damage from instantaneous damage abilities and a 10% increase in the duration of periodic damage abilities.  Enemies in the area receive the "vulnerability" debuff.  This effect increases the duration of negative effects used on them by 10%, excluding control effects.  There is no target limit.   Class: Ranger  Ability: Aimed Shot  Domain: GUARANTEED HIT  Activation condition: Dodge up to 5 times in a row within 5 seconds while in combat against 10 or more enemies.  Applies the "guaranteed hit" positive effect to all allies and party members in the area.  This effect increases accuracy by 6% and total damage to allies in the area by 10%.  It applies the "failure" debuff to all enemies in the location.  This effect reduces the accuracy of all enemies in the location by 1% (max 15%) every 2 seconds for 30 seconds, after which the effect is reset and with each effect resisted it causes damage to everyone in the area equivalent to 30%. of the ability user's damage.  There is no target limit.    Class: Beast Summoner  Ability: Beast Awakening  Domain: INTERNAL BEAST  Activation condition: The Moon must die at least 3 times in an interval of 120 seconds.  The Lunar Monster is collected and after that, it causes the positive "hunt" effect to all allies in the area and group members.  This effect grants a 30% increase in maximum health and a 30% increase in physical and magical defenses to all allies in the area, in addition, it increases the damage of all instant damage skills of all allies in the area by 60%.  To enemies, it causes the negative "hunting" effect.  This effect decreases the movement speed of all enemies in the area by 30% and decreases the damage of automatic skills by 30%.  There is no target limit.   [SELECTED]   Class: Priest   Ability: Aura of Valor  Domain: CLOAK OF HONOR  Activation condition: 3 team members die within 30 seconds (does not need to be different players).  Increases the physical and magical power of all allies in the location by 8% and increases their resistance by 5%, in addition, it causes the negative effect "impotence" to all enemies in the location.  The effect reduces the total damage of everyone in the area by 10% and their resistance by 5%.  There is no target limit.   Class: Mage  Ability: Fire Aura  Domain: SOLAR KINGDOM  Activation condition: Deal 50k or more damage within 10 seconds.  Grants the "Divine Punishment" debuff to all enemies in the location.  This effect deals damage equivalent to 20% of the skill user's damage, the damage can only be resisted and cannot be reduced by skills or items.  There is no target limit.   Class: Paladin   Ability: Aura of Light  Domain: DIVINE CLOAK  Activation condition: Character's health is reduced to 30% of maximum 3 times within 60 seconds.  The ability inflicts the "sacred cloak" positive effect on all allies in the area and party members.  The effect increases the accuracy and power of all allies' healing abilities in the area by 15%.  The ability causes the negative effect "Divine Subjugation" to all enemies in the location.  The effect reduces the healing power of skills by 20%.  There is no target limit.   Class: Templar  Ability: Heaven's Power  Domain: EDEN ON EARTH  Activation condition: Cause control effect on up to 15 enemies within 60 seconds (does not need to be different enemies).  The ability increases maximum life by 10% and reduces all damage received by 10% to all allies and party members in the location, in addition, it causes the positive effect "repulsion" on the user of the ability, this effect moves all enemies away in a 3 meter radius from the user.  The ability inflicts the "mortal sin" negative effect on all enemies in the location.  The effect decreases the movement speed of all enemies by 30%, and also reduces skill damage by 12%.  There is no target limit.    Class: Sekker  Ability: Exacerbation  Domain: EXECUTION  Activation condition: Make more than 25 attacks within 10 seconds.  The ability grants the "execution" aid to all allies and party members in the area.  The effect increases skill damage by 10% for all allied classes in the location using one-handed weapons and increases skill damage by 15% for all classes with any equipped two-handed weapon (staves, crossbows, and bows count ).  There is no target limit.   [PROSCRIBED]   Class: Death Knight  Ability: Saturation  Domain: BLOODY TRIBUTE  Activation condition: Be in combat against 25 or more enemies for 60 seconds.  The ability grants the positive "blood tribute" effect to all allies and party members in the location.  The effect increases the healing power of skills by 20% and vampirism by 12%.  The ability reduces the healing power of enemies' abilities by 10% and reduces their vampirism to zero.  There is no target limit.   Class: Necromancer  Ability: Dark Power  Domain: DARK ARMY  Activation condition: Cause 10 or more negative effects in less than 15 seconds.  Increases the physical and magical power of all allies in the location by 10%, in addition, creates 5 skeleton soldiers in random locations in the area.  Skeletons function like normal skeletons.  There is no limit on the number of targets or skeletons summoned.   Class: Charm  Ability: Demonic Pact  Domain: CHAOTIC PACT  Activation condition: More than 10 chaos monsters created by you must die or disappear in less than 30 seconds.  The ability grants allies and party members the "chaotic pact" positive effect.  The effect increases the duration of positive effects of skills by 35%, in addition to increasing the duration of monsters summoned by the player and allies by 50%.  There is no target limit.   Class: Warlock  Ability: Power of relaxation  Domain: RELAXING CHAOS  Activation condition: Deal over 70k damage within 6 seconds.  The ability causes the "relaxing chaos" positive effect on all allies and party members in the location.  The effect increases the damage of all skills by 10% and for every 5 instant damage skills used, the next one will deal critical damage.  The ability causes the negative effect "submission to darkness" to all enemies in the location.  The effect deals damage equivalent to 5% of enemies' maximum health every 5 seconds.  There is no target limit.   Class: Reaper  Ability: Exaltation   Domain: INFERNAL EXTINCTION  Activation condition: After engaging in combat against 30 or more enemies, do not die for 30 seconds.  The ability grants the positive "stasis" effect to all allies and party members in the location.  The effect increases the penetration of all allies in the location by 15%. When the user of the skill is in demonic form, the skill increases penetration by 25%.  The skill causes the "hell" debuff to all enemies in the location.  The effect reduces the penetration and resistance of all enemies in the location by 25% when the user enters demonic form.  There is no target limit.   [MOUNTAIN CLAN]   Class: Chief  Ability: Cat Reflexes  Domain: FELINE INSTINCTS  Activation condition: Inflict 20 or more bleed effects on one or more enemies in less than 30 seconds.  Applies the "feline instincts" buff to all allies in the area.  The effect increases the accuracy and critical hit of all allies in the area by 15%. If the opponent dodges, parries or blocks any skill, he receives the negative "bleeding" effect for each time he does so.  Bleed damage is equivalent to 60% of the skill user's predominant physical or magical damage.  There is no limit on targets or bleeds.   Class: Barbarian  Ability: Berserker's Strength  Domain: WAR FIELD  Activation condition: Block up to 10 times in a row.  The ability grants the "art of war" aid to all allies and party members.  The effect increases the penetration rating of everyone in the location by 15% for all classes that use one-handed weapons and by 15% the power of skills for classes equipped with two-handed weapons (including staffs, crossbows and bows).  The ability causes the negative "surrender" effect to all enemies in the location.  The effect reduces penetration by 10% and the power of skills by 10%.  There is no target limit.   Class: Hunter  Skill: Combat Stance  Domain: DISCREET HUNTING  Activation condition: When in combat against 10 or more enemies, survive without dodging for 50 seconds.  Applies the "stealth hunt" buff to all allies and party members at the location.  The effect increases the power of skills by 10% and increases all defensive attributes, such as dodge and resistance, by 10%.  The skill applies the "hunt" negative effect to all enemies in the location.  The effect decreases all defensive attributes by 10%.  There is no target limit.    Class: Rogue  Ability: Furiosity  Domain: FURIOUS FRENZY  Activation condition: dodge more than 10 times in less than 8 seconds while in combat against 8 or more enemies after 10 seconds.  Applies the "raging frenzy" aid to all allies and party members at the location.  The effect increases the power of skills by 10% and for every 3 skill uses, the next skill attack will be critical.  The ability grants the negative effect "Exhaustion" to all enemies in the area.  The effect reduces the power of skills by 16% and reduces critical hits to zero.  There is no target limit.   Class: Shaman  Ability: Energy Field  Domain: ENERGY APPROPRIATION  Activation condition: Heal over 10k in 20 seconds while in combat against 20 or more enemies.  The ability grants the "broad energy" boost to all allies in the area.  The effect increases skill recharge by 20%, in addition to increasing energy regeneration by 25% and maximum energy by 100.  The skill applies the "vulnerability" effect to all enemies in the area.  This effect reduces energy regeneration by 10% and skill recharge by 25%, in addition to reducing resistance by 10%.  There is no target limit.  You might be wondering: what if someone else activates your domain too?  I will explain now.    DOMAIN DISPUTE    When another player activates their domain while a domain is already active, these two or more will be teleported to a neutral field, such as the arena field, where the two will fight to the death with the chaos effect active.  If the current domain holder wins, the domain will extend for another 50 seconds, or if there is no winner within 30 seconds.  If anyone else in the area activates their domain while a domain dispute is taking place, they will also be teleported, but with the current time of the dispute.   Well, that's it, I hope you found this idea as interesting as I did and thanks for your attention!
    • Best idea to prevent stuff like this
    • Мне кажется, что знания нельзя купить за донат исключительно из-за того, чтобы удержать в игре человека на «подольше
    • Тем более никто вас не заставляет набивать знания. Нет желания - это ваш выбор. Не прикладывая никаких усилий просто купить за донат можно все как вы заметили, даже знания (бп) но этого недостаточно, надо самому немного барахтаться , иначе как овощ извините все купить и стоять любоваться)  Мне кажется, что знания нельзя купить за донат исключительно из-за того, чтобы удержать в игре человека на «подольше»
    • Ты картошку сам выращиваешь или покупаешь?  Я состоялся как человек, у меня есть средства. Все что игра дала за донат - я сделал, спасибо ей за это. Мне не надо гриндить (как и во всех играх в принципе не надо гриндить кроме лвла, и то в некоторых играх это решается.  Почему именно аспект гринда остался на знаниях я не понимаю. Если уж так сделали, то почему везде гринд не сделать? давайте шмотки с инстов сделаем с параметром "получение", раз мы "против" доната.  Да нет же, тут каждый аспект игры пропитан донатом, но именно знания нужно гриндить, нет ни баночки, которая увеличит получение знаний (без сверхкапа), ничего. 20% с бп хоть спасибо и на этом, на 20% меньше надо гриндить.  Блин, тут кстати даже БП за донат фул сделали, даже его гриндить не надо))
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