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Hi, I am sort of new here and I heard that after some update everything will reset and new classes will come. I like warspear, I play it a lot. So could it be possible that those who played the game before update receive some bonus since they spent money on stuff? Like extra gold at the begining or +1 backpack expander. Also when is the update coming out, maybe somebody knows, because I don`t want to spend more money on my character it if the update comes out like next week.



Thank you :)

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Whenever an update happens, the developers usually don't change the entire game. Just a few aspects here and there. The new update most certainly won't reset your existing character or cause you to lose your gold. Don't worry and be happy. Welcome to the Warspear Community... 8)

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Thnx, but now I have a dumb problem :D From what I understand now there will be 4 factions. But I can have only 3 charaters per account, so will they expand the character limit?

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Thnx, but now I have a dumb problem :D From what I understand now there will be 4 factions. But I can have only 3 charaters per account, so will they expand the character limit?


simply make an alt acount, dont think they will raise amount of characters as they already nerfed it from 6 to 3
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