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  1. Hello everyone, i want to start a petition to change the stats of the arena spears "Accuracy" to >"Penetration" Right now beastmasters lack a penetration spear weapon in arena, forcing us that want phsycial to go for a lower dmg option in order to make up for it,nobody wants to use a 2h axe or 2x sword, so we need our spears to have penetration,ty
  2. Here's my tought: I see you guys (devs) made Templar and Chieftain to balance (and create) some problems between factions, but with this, you leave another problem: Elves and Undeads now only have 4 classes, while Humans and Mountain Clan have 5. I don't know if you're already planning the new classes. If Yes, then just ignore this post, if No, my idea is: Make a Contest. How it will work? People will make posts on Suggestions with the tag "New Classes Contest", for it to be approved, it needs: • Name • Race (Elves, Firstborns, Undeads, Forsaken, etc) • Usable Weapons and Armors • Role (Full Tank, Tank/DMG, Healer, etc) • PvP, PvE or "Neutral"? • 5 Skills* • 5 Expert Skills* • Reference Image (for the Novice Costume) OBS: Make a class related to the Faction. What is the sense of a Firstborn Demon or a Forsaken Fairy? *For the Skills to be approved, it needs: • A theme (for the name, icon, visual effects and sounds) • Description (percentages, time of buffs, debuffs, cooldown, mana cost/consumption, etc)* *Doesn't need a exact description, just don't make it overpowered XD Some time after the Contest start, the top 3 (or 5, 10, idk) suggestions with more Reactions will be announced on a Poll, and the Class with more votes IF the developers like it, will be put on the game. Q: But no one uses the forum, do you really think it will work? A: My man, it's a New Class Contest, do you really think no one will try to make or vote in a new class? Q: What the winner will win? A: I don't know, maybe... a new class? Well, they can receive a XP Pot and a Novice of the class that they did, i think it's good...? Q: Why? A: The player themselves will know what is in need on the Faction (like a Physical Damager for Forsakens, Magical Damager for Firstborns, etc). The phrase "the developers don't play this game" will not be true anymore 😉
  3. Happy new year everyone!, we already started 2022, but I think we should close the year with a survey of which was the best class of the year from the Sentinel side. The vote is free, and you must be sincere, it is not only supporting the main character that you use or only trolling. You should also vote for the class which you consider to have performed well in game events, upgrades, PvE, PvP, arenas and GvG. I think this would help a lot for new players of a future who want to start playing the game. Poll for Legion side:
  4. Happy new year everyone!, we already started 2022, but I think we should close the year with a survey of which was the best class of the year from the Legion side. The vote is free, and you must be sincere, it is not only supporting the main character that you use or only trolling. You should also vote for the class which you consider to have performed well in game events, upgrades, PvE, PvP, arenas and GvG. I think this would help a lot for new players of a future who want to start playing the game. Poll for Sentinel side:
  5. Забил ли ты да или нет, объясни причину в комментариях.
  6. BTW, i play as Charmer
  7. Have you ever played World of Warcraft? Then you probably know the "LFD" (Looking For Dungeon) system. It basically works in the same way as the arena queue here; collects people awaiting for the same level dungeon. Now. We'd need something similar in Warspear Online too. I'm personally pretty tired of searching people for dungeons by crying out in World Chat for hours. Let's develop a system, where people can see if there is someone else searching for a party for the same dungeon. Example: I want to make a party for heroic Termitary. I go to Menu>Society>Dungeons, and see if there is a request for that level dungeon. If not, then I click Menu>Create new request, where I can set that I want players for heroic TT, what level and what class players I want. I click "Send", and my request for a party will be available for anyone. Now. If there is a player who fits the requirements, can click on my request. Let's say he's a necromancer. I will be informed by system that someone wants to join me, I can decide if I want or not. If I accept, the player will join my party. Inmediately, the slot for necromancer will be marked as full, so now necromancers can see that I don't need more of 'em. If the party gets full, the request gets marked as full, but it stays among the requests until the party enters a dungeon this is for the case if one of the members leave or get kicked, so it is not necessary to re-create the request. See? It is a pretty convinient feature that makes dungeoning better and easier. I have created a little program in C++ language that simulates this. Not too diffucult method. So? What do you think?
  8. Ho ho ho, It is Christmas time soon, Gingerbread taste and cracker boom! Gift boxes hiding under the tree, Everyone's happy, and also me! Snowmen waving in the garden, Hope Santa gives to noone carbon, Which is coal, but it doesn't rhyme, Children throwing snowballs outside. School holiday, I can sleep till late, And then I can go to the breakfast table straight. Muffins, cakes and hot chocolate, Oh, too much sweet, this is my fate... What do I want for Christmas this year? I want a happy holiday with no tear, Also some books, a phone and telescope, What's your desire, you'll post it, I hope!
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