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Everything posted by AmericanPsycho

  1. Yeah or instead of coming all the way online and leaving a message that nobody see's, you could always just pm the person you want to fight.........or u can go go into the pvp cave and signal them..............that seems to work as well....... :sorry:
  2. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HES 10 TIMES GAYER THEN I COULD HAVE EVER EXPECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY DUDE...................................DID U SEE HIS MID 1990'S PURPLE CIVIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? # GO duck URSELF U FAT duck :mega_shok:
  3. mine are tyler and the Techno Viking.....we all must remember to bring him water..............# INVADERS MUST DIE!
  4. EXACTLY.........................LMFAO
  5. for dee, this is what bun b looks like, u are chris tucker ::)
  6. show me ur beard........................... :blush:
  7. lmao agree, "I have a pretty weird taste men :bad: "
  8. This is me when i was a kid....im the tiger being held by the retarded boy in the blue shirt.............
  9. lmao ur the queen of not smiling......................... 8)
  10. DAMN, what an itelligent and creative comeback.......how can i ever match that..........................just so much thought and creative ideas that went into that statement and damn you really justifyed yourself in your spelling mistake.........wow i should i have known that you forget the spelling of what you think are dumbass names, i mean shit, doesnt everybody u little sexy girl.....oops i mean sekksi girl :blush: .......oops it appears that i to dont know how to spell dumbass names either............awwwwwwwwwww.........lol one time when i was in elementary school a girl sayd "You have a dumb name". Such an insult at age 6 :facepalm:
  12. Whats a sticky post????? is that good? how do i do it????
  13. U fight me once, die, revive and kill me, then u go spend all your money on amps, come back, fight me once fair and BARLEY win and thing you are king and refuse to fight me again cause u know the outcome gunna be different.......keep fighting pussy......1 fight dont say shit.......leave your revive money at home.........
  14. left without telling me..................... :facepalm:
  15. Your picture is wack. :facepalm:
  16. Im sry i have to say this............but Kitty United is freakin hott......... :give_rose:
  17. LOL Blackdead the guy who wanted Patah to die..........and moonlight the ugly racist ♥♥♥♥♥ who called obama a "♥♥♥♥♥♥" and said all "niggers" should die changed my karma............................................................................................. :facepalm: MOON ur like 30 years old, in america thats duckin old, you on one here fighting with a 17 year old kid calling him a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and changing my karma.......how pathetic are you? you call me a kid?? and you change my karma?? lmao you are pathetic, you and blackdead both.......lmao you changed my karma..............wow how unbelievably tragic, how much more of a loser can you get..............both of you's :facepalm:
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