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Posts posted by f4348357

  1. 7 hours ago, Jcbreff said:

    Should appear like this when you click "tech support" link that shows their email 20200817_102232.jpg


    8 hours ago, Higgings said:


    When you click on the "contact the support team" button in the game, it automatically appears the device model, accounts ID and other useful infos for the support team. 

    tys ,ill try

  2. On 8/14/2020 at 12:00 AM, Akasha said:

    Did you inform your device model and operating system for the support team? 

    nope,there is no bug report button in mobile version.and i think its no matter with OS and device.years ago there r same problem when i played with another phone

  3. 1 hour ago, Gladiator said:

    Depends on which build you have. If you have magic 2 handed then around 20% is enough, since most damage comes from Illumination and that skill doesn't miss at all. The accuracy is necessary for Banner and Harad Call though.

    If you're using 1 handed or physical damage builds, then try to get 30%+

    The crit can still be above 30% with that much accuracy. Don't worry much about penetration since there is a buff that gives you 20% pene in the underwater part of the dungeon. So focus first on getting as much accuracy as you can and then crit.

    what buff????😨

  4. my currently accurate is 19.6%. Recently i enter the sea and merman dg, and find  crit get more benefit(crit dmg deal a lot of dmg),and pene is important too(mobs and bosses high def). While mobs often miss my dmg ,i want to know how many accurate need for pala while balance crit and pene?

  5. 4 hours ago, Higgings said:


    No official formula, my apologies 😞 . It is something from my experience not physically proved by any attempt. But we can ask @Akasha right now and check it pronto. 

    i dont think they ll tell us the formula,but it do matter when we choose gear.these 2 parameters not ez understand like block and crit.

  6. 1 hour ago, TheCaster said:

    I'm not entirely sure about paladin.
    About warlock, I would say a decent 15 + accuracy should be enough; since they don't have any skills that increase attack speed like mages. The maximum attack speed you would see on a lock would be the guild passive level 10 ( +15% attack speed ). Well to be honest, lock doesn't have many damage skills to use to miss. It's supposed to a debuffer according to the descriptions.
    Arrow & sphere are the only damage skills it has that can miss. Life exhaust can be both missed and resisted.


    i saw many ppls said 15% accuracy that num,just wonder how this num come?

  7. 4 hours ago, TheCaster said:

    Direct + & - I think. 


    Accuracy required depends on your attack speed and the class you play. 


    For example, a speed hunter needs at least 30 accuracy in my opinion to not keep missing attacks. 

    The more attack speed you have, the more accu you'll need to ensure a hit in pve. 

    How about mdmg class like warlock and paladin?(mage has dragon eye to improve accuracy).

  8. On 6/8/2020 at 7:06 PM, Jolga said:


    • Purple lightning — 2 random party members except tank get this debuff. If they stay close enough a lighting will start bounce between them doing around 900dmg each bounce

    ppls say  boss didnt use this ability while pull boss near the entrance,it is true?

  9. On 6/1/2020 at 12:21 AM, cairooko said:

    So the skill description in english and in german saying the opposite. German decrease dmg and english increase dmg if another skill is activated (which is not in the german description)


    So if i would want my dog to deal more dmg i must use the agression expert did i understood that correctly? (Even though the german description does not make any sense anymore as said above)


    Because just activating the expert itseld on an enemy does not increase the dmg output of the dog nor decrease the dmg input

    aigrind translator bad,however i dont know russian

  10. i cant find English tutorial in youtube.

    my pt could reach boss,but boss so strong.i dont know what should i do in boss stage.


    how to get through bosss AOE and his lightning ball?what should i do to these polyps?

  11. Level  Recharge Block  HP

    1         5%           2%   30%

    2         7%           3%   40%

    3         10%         5%   55%

    4         15%         7%   70%

    i think this skill only useful for sheild pala in PVP.

    In PVE,as a tank,a healer couldnt help to heal a tank below 70% hp,and once ur hp above 70%,this skill useless.

                as a caster,u get no chance to make ur hp below 70%,even if u out aggro of tank,u could recover ur hp by vamp parameter.

    In PVP,as a caster,u wont want to see ur hp below 70%,enemy could 1 hit kill u even if u r full hp,so u must use heal skill.

                as a sheild user,banner and shield strike are most important skills in arena,big AOE and long Stun. And shield skill and new heal skill both important too.its seems no free skill point for                    inner force.but if u dont make it 4/4, condition of below 33% hp  and low recharge and block makes this skill very lame.


    there r some suggestion for improve this skill.

    1.make basic bonus in any hp,and additional bonus when u below %hp.Its good for all kind of pala.

    2.make 15% 7% bonus in all level and different HP condition by levels. Or make same HP condition in all levels but recharge block changes by levels.This way makes skill still for shield pala,if
    Development team aim to.

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